Site Map

About us
History and mission
Governing bodies
Control bodies
Quality Assurance
Subsidiary Bodies
Administrative organization
General Director
Statutes and regulations
University teaching regulations
Privacy, Code of Ethics and Form 231
Teaching staff
Mission and Strategic plan
Quality policy
Evaluation Board
The offices of IULM University
IULM for the Equal Opportunities
IULM for sustainable development
IULM and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
SDG 2 - Defeating hunger
SDG 5 - Gender Equality
SDG 3 - Health and well-being
SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth
SDG 4 – Quality Education
SDG 10 - Reduce inequalities
SDG 16- Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17 - Partnership for the goals
SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production
SDG 14 – Life below water
SDG 13 – Climate action
SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 6 – Clean water and sanitation
SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 15 – Life on land
SDG 1 - No Poverty
SDG 10 - Reduce inequalities
Faculty of Communication
Faculty of Interpreting and Translation
Faculty of Arts and Tourism
Department of Business, Law, Economics and Consumer Behaviour "Carlo A. Ricciardi"
Third Mission
Department of Communication, Arts and Media "Giampaolo Fabris"
Terza Missione
Department of Humanities
Terza Missione
Teachers and other academic staff
IULM Communication School
Rome University Headquarters
IULM Network
MondoIULM Association
Honorary degrees
Teachers awards
Students awards
Honorary Master's degree
Recruitment teaching staff
Research grants
National Scientific Qualification
Academic Programmes
Bachelor programmes
Communication, Media and Advertising
Study Programme
Career Opportunities
Teaching Staff
Quality Contol Policies
Corporate Communication and Public Relations
Study Programme
Career Opportunities
Teaching Staff
Quality Control Policies
Interpreting and Communication
Study Programme
Career Opportunities
Teaching Staff
Quality Control Policies
Languages, Culture and Digital Communication
Study programme
Career opportunities
Teaching staff
Quality Control Policies
Tourism, Management and Culture
Study Programme
Career Opportunities
Teaching Staff
Quality Control Policies
Arts and Cultural Events
Study programme
Career Opportunities
Teaching Staff
Quality Control Policies
Fashion and creative industries
Study Programme
Career opportunities
Teaching Staff
Quality Control Policies
Master's Degree Courses
Specialised Translation and Conference Interpreting
Study programme
Career opportunities
Teaching staff
Quality control policy
Marketing, Consumer Behaviour and Communication
Career opportunities
Study programme
Teaching staff
Quality control policy
Art, Valorization Strategies and the Markets - Dual Degree
Study programme
Career opportunities
Teaching staff
Quality control policy
Television, Cinema and New Media
Study programme
Career opportunities
Teaching staff
Quality control policy
Strategic Communication
Study programme
Career opportunities
Teaching staff
Quality control policy
Hospitality and Tourism Management - Dual Degree
Study programme
Career opportunities
Teaching Staff
Quality control policy
Artificial Intelligence for Business and Society
Study programme
Career opportunities
Quality Control Policies
Fashion Communication and Luxury Strategies
Study programme
Career opportunities
Quality control policies
Master & executive education
University Master's Degree
The Art of Storytelling: Literature, Cinema, Television
tuition fee
Communication for International Relations (MICRI)
Cost and enrolment
Publishing and Music Production
Tuition Fees
Food and Wine Communication (in collaboration with Gambero Rosso)
Tuition Fees
Food Design and Innovation (with Scuola Politecnica di Design)
Tuition Fees
Game Design
Cost and enrolment
Journalism (Two Years)
Tuition Fees
International Communication (MIC)
Cost and enrolment
International Tourism and Hospitality (MITH)
Cost and enrolment
Master Experience
Oriental Languages and Cultures (Rome office)
Tuition Fees
Management of Made in Italy. Consumption and communication of fashion, design and luxury
Tuition Fees
Management of Artistic and Cultural Resources (Rome office)
Tuition Fees
Beauty and Wellness Management and Communication
Tuition fees
Sports Marketing and Communication
Tuition Fees
Master.Lab Design Direction: Communication & Management. Art as a matrix of contemporary enterprise
Costs and enrolments
Retail Brand & Customer Experience Management
Master Experience
Costs and enrolments
Made in Italy Behind the Scenes
Cost and enrolment
Master Experience
Fashion Heritage: dall’archivio allo storytelling
Tuition Fees
Marketing e sostenibilita dell'agroalimentare
Specialist Master's Degree
Art Market Management
Costs and enrolments
Copywriting and advertising communication
Tuition Fees
International Marketing & Sales Communication
Costs and enrolments
Event Management and Communication
Tuition Fees
Masterbook, Master in specialization in publishing professions
Tuition Fees
Museology New Media and Museum Communication (On Line)
Costs and enrolments
Cinema and series on audiovisual platforms: production, communication and programming
Tuition Fees
Marketing e Comunicazione della Sostenibilità
Tuition Fees
Live Entertainment. Come gestire e comunicare uno spettacolo dal vivo
Master Experience
Tuition Fees
Global Security and Cooperation
Cost and Enrolment
Master Experience
Tuition Fees
Dubbing, Adaptation and Translation of Cinematographic Works
Tuition Fees
Master's Executive
Information Architecture and User Experience Design
Tuition Fees
Communication & Human Resources
Tuition Fees
Communication of Territorial Identities. Narration, Valorization, Planning
Costs and enrolments
Data Analysis for Marketing
Tuition Fees
Governance for Results
Behavioral Economics e Nudging. Scienze Comportamentali, architettura delle scelte e change management
Tuition Fees
Corporate Public Relations (MARPI)
Tuition Fees
Retail Innovation & Omnichannel Management
Social Media Marketing & Digital Communication
Tuition Fees
Diplomacy, Leadership and Global Challenges
Costs and enrolments
Digital Communication for Sustainable Luxury and Fashion
Costs and enrolments
Neuromarketing, Consumer Neuroscience and Market Research
Master Experience
Cost and enrolment
Digital Media Advertising
Tuition Fees
Executive courses and other courses
Content Creation & Curation
Revenue Management
Cruise Management
Luxury Marketing & Client Experience
Web& Social Media ADV
Listening, intelligence and analytics of web and social environments
Design a digital marketing strategy
Marketing with digital and social media
Communication, engagement and social media
Economics and personnel budget
Attraction, Development and Retention RU
Labour law and industrial relations
Strategy and organization
Art law and taxation
Management and enhancement of collections
Philanthropy for arts and culture
Art market and wealth management
Marketing fundamentals and network companies
Public Affairs and Institutional Communication
Creative Leadership and Critical Thinking
Research doctorates
Visual and Media Studies
Literature and Media: narrativity and languages
Communication and markets: Economy, Marketing and Creativity
Comparative Literature
Communication, Markets and Society
Human interactions: consumption psychology, behaviour and communication
Communication and new technologies
Economics Management and Communication for Creativity
Linguistic history of the ancient Mediterranean
Corporate communication
Economics, marketing and corporate communication
Comparative literature: literature, cultures and Europe: history, writing and translation
Aegean languages and cultures
Educational laboratories
Orientation and Enrolments
Open Day
IULM for future students
Digital Welcome Kit
Junior Winter School
Junior Summer School
IULM for Schools and Teachers
Student support services
Enrolment on Undergraduate Programmes
New students
Enrolment in Master's Degree courses
New students
Enrolment for International students
Fees, contributions and financial aid opportunities
Enrolments for Master's programmes
Individual Courses
Fees and contributions
Notices and communications
Contribution band for students from particularly poor countries
Financial benefits and scholarships
Financial Benefits
Archives: calls for application
Calls for applications 2024/2025
Calls for applications 2020/2021
Calls for applications 2019/2020
Calls for applications 2021/2022
Calls for applications 2022/2023
Calls for applications 2023/2024
Rankings 2020/2021
Rankings 2019/2020
Rankings 2021/2022
Rankings 2022/2023
Rankings 2023/2024
Rankings 2024/2025
Notices and communications
Life in IULM
Opportunities for students
Badge of Honour
Student Associations
Student support services
Students with disabilities and SLD
Buildings, lecture rooms and laboratories
IULM Fitness Center
IULM Food Academy
IULM Printing
Residence Santander and Cascina Moncucco
Residence Santander
Cascina Moncucco
IULM Store
Holy Mass
Offices and services
Student bodies
Curricular and extra-curricular activities
Collaborate with the University
Call for applications 150 hours
Peer to peer tutoring
Living in Milan
Find accommodation
Conventions for IULM students
Why studying in Milan
Career Service
Internship Italy
Curricular internship
Extracurricular internship
Internship abroad
Curricular internship
Extracurricular internship
End of Internship Reports
Internship/workshop regulations
Career Service
Events and opportunities
Research centres
Behavior & Brain Lab
Euresis Center for Diagnosis, Intervention, DSA Research
Centre for Employee Relations & Communication
Centre for Employee Relations & Communication
Human Lab
Retail Brand Communication Monitoring Centre
Public Communication, Public Branding and Digital Transformation Monitoring Centre
IULM Wine Institute (IWI)
Centre for Employee Relations & Communication - CERC
Center for International Marketing & Sales Communication (CIMASC)
Research projects
Prospective migrants: policies, representations, practices
Translator-writers and European literary culture: comparative approaches to canon, practices and interferences
PIRANDELLO 150: an author looking for a character
Theatre Training Society
New Galeotto Theatre
The mediatised item
Orality in poetry, in music, in performance
Audiovisual education
AiR Oak 2018
Game over. For a critique of the videogame reason
The role of university incubators in the development of innovative start-ups in culture and tourism
Intellectuals in the Italian Cultural Industry after the Second World War. The case of Mino Guerrini
New ontology and epistemology for human and non-human, natural and artificial
Accompanying short texts: captions, subtitles, tags - linguistics and semiotics
Communication Observatory: the recorded music, books and cinema sectors
Interartes: mimetic hypertextuality between rewrites and allographed continuations
Digital transformation in the relationship between institutions and citizens
SoS -Social on Social
Information System Ethical Attitudes: A Cultural Comparison of the United States, Italy Spain, and Portugal (ISEA)
Dissemination of knowledge, ethics and ideology in specialist communication: linguistic and discursive perspectives
Variation and norms in the translation from printed paper to oral form: theory, practice, profession
Glass Ceiling in STEM-AI
The city and distant spaces. Cultural memories, between recovery of the past and reconstruction of the future
Culture of Mediterraneans. Is there a Mediterranean culture industry?
Social media, integration and conflict: the case of the Mediterranean diasporic communities
Post-crisis journalism in post-crisis Libya: a bottom-up approach to the development of a cross-media journalism master program
Hypermedia Encyclopedia of the Human Voice
Graduate training and business needs
Experiences of didactic collaboration between universities and companies
Work engagement factors: the case of job hoppers
The visual fortune of Leonardo and Michelangelo: The Last Supper and Sistine Chapel from photography to cinema
The Gentle Art of Fake: About Copies, Fakes and Appropriations in Contemporary Art
Lo-fi politics: hi-tech societies, populism and low-fidelity communication
Creativity and tourism: economics, communication and marketing
Small Villages - Great Culture
Non-profit, music, growth
Communication Observatory: the classical media sectors
Communication Observatory: the classical media sectors
If on a winter's night a traveller: forty years later
Milan and memory: destruction, reconstruction, recovery
Baia (Pozzuoli) - Geo-archaeological underwater surveys east of the Castle of Baia.
Tourism and attractiveness: directions for Milan from a competitive European set
Analysis of the development potential of the Valpolicella area and guidelines for the development and communication of tourist-experience offers
Digital Customer Centricity in Hospitality
Analysis of new skills and professional profiles in the tourism sector
Research on training in tourism in Italy
The effects of personalisation of service in the hospitality sector
Genesis and development of organizational capabilities in the tourism sector
Customer centricity, customer service perception in hospitality
Micro-funding of a product development capability at the tourism district level
Similarity of strategic orientations, investments and performance in customer-supplier relations
Amateur practices and actors of vision. History and forms of the technologies of the look.
MMCPI -Modi, Memorie e Culture della Produzione cinematografica italiana 1949-1976
Telling the story and making Italian cinema
Teaching European History through Cinema (TEHC).
Working Group Employee Communication @CERC
Participation in consumer co-operatives
Communication and internal relations in the digital enterprise
Employee listening survey
Report on internal communication in Italian companies. Communication and organisational relations for competitive advantage
The history of writing in the Aegean, Near East and Egypt between the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC: cultural exchanges and models of acculturation.
Naples - Underwater geo-archaeological surveys at Castel dell'Ovo
"From the Tablet to the Tablet". Imaging surveys for applications to epigraphy and cultural heritage
Greening the Visual: an Environmental Atlas of Italian Landscapes
Monitoring of internal communication activities
The recruitment of the Millenials: a challenge for Manageritalia. The dual analysis that shortens distances
Communication of corporate social responsibility
A Data-Inspired Digital Communication project: GEODIS Freight Forwarding
Return on exhibits: the development of a synthetic index
The level of maturity of models for measuring the results of business communication in Italy
National edition of the Works of Aldo Moro. Critical and commented edition of volume IV, part I: At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in opposition within in the party (June 1968-June 1973)
National edition of the Works of Aldo Moro. Critical and commented edition of volume II, part I: The Constituent Period, Dossetti's Experience and the First Legislature (June 1946-June 1953)
Italy and the "Shock of the Global" during the Seventies: perceptions, interpretations, reactions
The effects of artificial intelligence on the consumption experience
Themes and plots of marketing and communication in cultural promotion institutions
Proposal for a report on business communication at IULM University
Searching: Digital platforms and everyday life
Fashion Centre (FaCe)
The genre of review in modern and contemporary publishing
The crafts of art in international cinema
Lost in History: Women in Literature and Philosophy
Neuroscience applied to selling: neuroselling for an innovative perspective of research and application for companies
Humanities and complex systems: towards a new trans-disciplinary paradigm
The right to the city and artistic practices in public space: two versions of heterotopia
Promotion of tourist itineraries in Tuscany
Reading: linguistic analysis, psychodiagnostic evaluation and intervention
Reading, understanding and pragmatic skills: comparative investigation of the behaviour of normolectors and readers with SLD
Theory and practice of record cataloguing
The identity between mind and object - Towards an overcoming of psychophysical dualism
Navigating through Byzantine Italy: an online catalogue for the knowledge and enhancement of a submerged artistic heritage
(Un)crossing borders. Ideas, policies, practices, imagery and representations in motion in the age of globalization
Transits: processes of globalization, places and frontiers between the XX and XXI centuries: concepts, forms, changes, interpretations
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Ontology between Literary Visions, Technological Perspectives and Legal Challenges
The university system
Measurement of the economic impact that cultural events and cinemas have on the economy of its area
Canon and anti-canon, contradiction and system in law and literature
From sestertium to Bitcoin. The size of money
Collaborative translation: approaches and perspectives
Third-party and competitive research
Greening the Visual: an Environmental Atlas of Italian Landscapes
Navigating through Byzantine Italy: an online catalogue for the knowledge and enhancement of a submerged artistic heritage
Lexicon of Classicism
Dissemination of knowledge, ethics and idelogy in specialist communication: linguistic and discursive perspectives
European PAgES project
Family Business Review and IFERA, awards for Professor Sciascia
Sciascia earns accolade as "Excellent Reviewer" of the Journal of Family Business Strategy
2014 Academy of Management Meeting
6th Workshop on Family Firms Management Research
Academic Highly Commended Paper Award
2nd International Conference on Crisis Communication at the Beginning of 21st Century
Special Projects of the University
Towards a Global Literature
Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Periodicals: Between the Avant-Gardes and Postmodernism
Authors-Translators and European Literary Culture: Comparative approaches to canon, practices and interference
Interartes: mimetic hypertextuality between rewrites and allographed continuations
The genre of the review in the history of publishing
International Projects
FA-ST - Promote Female Startups in STEM
YAW - Youth Acrobata World
International training offer
IULM International Week 2024
International students
Enrolment of International students
Incoming Students
Useful information
Study abroad
Other mobility programmes
Internship abroad
Teacher and staff mobility
Global Engagement
Global Projects
Italy-France Monitoring Center
KIC - Knowledge Innovation Community
Youman Platform
FAO - Cooperation Agreement
UNHCR - Inclusive University Manifesto
Decade of the Sea Manifesto
FISU Healthy Campus | International university network
Moleskine Foundation
International Schools
News and events
News and Events