CECOMS, located in the Department of Business, Law, Economics & Consumer Behaviour of IULM University, is Research Partner of EUPRERA (European Public Relations Education and Research Association) and of the European Communication Monitor, a research that annually assesses the state of the art of communication in Europe and in Italy.
The mission of CECOMS is to increase scientific knowledge in the field of public relations and strategic communication, by facilitating collaboration between the academic world in Italy and abroad, with private and public companies and communication agencies. The results of CECOMS research, conducted in close collaboration with small, medium and large companies operating in B2B and B2C, show that communication is a strategic resource for every organization.
The main research areas of the CECOMS Centre belong to the following areas:
- strategic communication planning and design;
- measurement of communication activities (KPIs definition, measurement dashboard);
- communication in support of sales and sales transformation processes;
- marketing communication in support of branding activities;
- integration of online and offline communication;
- management and measurement of corporate reputation;
- corporate social responsibility and sustainability communication;
- digital positioning plans and digital assessment for companies