Internship Service: FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
I want to activate an internship: what should I do?
To access the internship advertisements, students/graduates must register on the AlmaLaurea platform (accessible through the Online Secretariat Desk), fill in the Curriculum Vitae and click on "look for the job/stage offer". The internship proposals are updated daily. Once you have found the desired offer, you can proceed with the sending of the application.
Can I activate an internship with a company I found on my own?
Yes, you can. The company must register on AlmaLaurea by sending an e-mail to the Internship Office (at the address: [email protected]) requesting the registration path.
What types of internships are there?
Curricular internship
Curricular internship is the activity carried out by students enrolled in Bachelor, Master and other post-graduate courses. A registered student is also defined as a trainee who already has a degree but who is currently enrolled in another degree or Master's course. For this type of internship, reimbursement of expenses is at the discretion of the company where the internship is carried out. The Curricular Internship for Bachelor and Master of Science Degrees can last from a minimum of 1 month to a maximum of 12 months. The Curricular Internship for Master of Science Degrees has a maximum duration of 6 months and must end before obtaining the Master's Degree. The Career Service office deals exclusively with administrative procedures. It is advisable to consult the various teaching regulations regarding the duration, the recognition in the study plan and possibly the periods in which it is possible to carry out an internship.
Extracurricular internship
The extracurricular internship is the post-graduate internship carried out by graduates who have completed their studies. In this case, the duration is minimum 2 months and maximum 12 months and can be activated within 12 months from the date of graduation. For this type of internship, according to current legislation, an indemnity of €500 gross monthly or €400 gross monthly with luncheon vouchers or canteen service is foreseen for the Lombardy region (with a minimum presence of 80%). In order to carry out the internship, the graduate must be registered with the employment centres and must complete the DID (Declaration of immediate availability for work) online. The company must inform the employment centre of the activation of the internship (COB). Extra-curricular internships outside the Lombardy Region are activated in partnership with an external body. The amount of internship allowances varies from region to region according to current regional legislation.
When can I start the internship?
It is possible to start the internship when the University receives the Training Project signed by the Company. At that point, the Career Service Office sends an e-mail confirming and activating the internship to the Company and the trainee.
Can I replace an optional exam with an internship?
For students enrolled in degree courses in Public Relations and Business Communication and in Communication, Media and Advertising, it is possible to request recognition of an internship of at least 2 months full time in place of a training activity of your choice of 6 CFU.
How do I get CFU recognition?
At the end of the internship, after filling in the questionnaire received by e-mail, the student can request the certificate of the end of the internship by sending an e-mail to the following address: [email protected] indicating:
— Name, surname and student registration number
— Company name
— Start and end date of the internship
After receiving the confirmation e-mail, the student can print the certificate directly from the AlmaLaurea portal.
The procedures for the recognition of CFU the student can be found in the internship/workshop regulations of their degree course.
Can I interrupt my internship before the scheduled end?
Yes, you can. You can terminate your internship early at any time. The decision is taken by the trainee in agreement with the company. The trainee must prepare a written communication to be sent to the company tutor, the university tutor and the Career Service Office. The host institution/company will then have to insert the request by accessing the page concerning the training project in the AlmaLaurea platform.
Can I suspend my internship?
The trainee is only entitled to a suspension of the apprenticeship due to illness or accident for a period of 30 days or more, or due to company closure for a minimum period of 15 days. The suspension must be requested directly by the company. Only in these cases can the days be recovered at the end of the internship.
Can I extend my internship?
Yes, you can. It is possible to extend the internship within the limits of the law. The procedure is the same as for the interruption, but the request for an extension must be placed on the AlmaLaurea platform at least one week before the deadline.
Can I make an internship-related journey?
Yes, you can. It is possible to make a transfer during the internship by notifying us by e-mail (at the address: [email protected]) indicating as much information as possible (e.g. date, time, destination, transport, escort, etc.).
How many internship offers can I apply for?
You can apply for several internship offers, even at the same time.
Can I apply for internship offers in newspapers, television and radio even if I am not enrolled in the Master in Journalism?
Students of the Bachelor and Master of Science courses will not be able to carry out internships related to editorial activities in newspapers, radio and television. This restriction is imposed by the agreement signed with the National Council of the Order of Journalists, which has allowed the IULM School of Journalism to be accredited as a suitable place to carry out the internship and the State Examination for enrollment in the Register of Professional Journalists. The restriction does not apply to students of the Master in Journalism.