Faculty of Interpreting and Translation

Dean: Giovanna Rocca
Giovanna  Rocca
Rocca, Giovanna

Dean of the Faculty of Interpreting and translation
Pro-Rector for Research
Academic Senate
Board member

Further information

Telefono +39 02 891412247

[email protected]

Elena Maria Liverani
Liverani, Elena Maria

Direttore del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Further information

Telefono +39 02 891412623

[email protected]

Thirty lessons in different scientific fields to meet one need: to build a basic culture and solid language training, the fundamental support for any activity of interpretation and translation.

The Faculty of Interpreting, Translation and Linguistic and Cultural Studies is aimed at all those who have a strong interest in the study of foreign languages and are oriented towards building a professionalism in this field. A road that passes from the knowledge and control of specific methodologies in the field of linguistic mediation, both oral (conference interpretation) and written (specialist translation).

The language training is completed with a cultural preparation related to the foreign languages studied, as well as the ethical aspects of the profession, economics, law, history and dynamics of communication processes in international relations.

We are proud of the experience of excellence in the training of interpreters and translators rooted in the history of the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Carlo Bo, partner of IULM University in this training project. In addition to awareness of the past, we pay special attention to the present and the future, taking care of and promoting scientific research and teaching methodology, in specific sectors as well as in more interdisciplinary perspectives, both nationally and internationally.

Our commitment in the field of translation and our quality standards in related training activities are certified by our participation as a member of the EMT (European Master in Translation) network, the quality assurance for second-level translation training established by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Translation.

And at the end of the student's studies? The constant attention to the cultural and working needs of the local, regional and national community allows us to orientate, as far as possible, not only the educational content, but also the activities of internships and internships. With a view to a real and lasting job placement.