Degree course in Tourism, Management and Culture
Course contact person: Ruggero Sainaghi
Corso di laurea in
Coordinatore didattico: Prof. Ruggero Sainaghi
The study programme terminates with the preparation of a paper as specified in "Rules for the procedures for discussion and awarding the degree".
The degree classification is expressed out of 110 and the grade is based on the curriculum vitae of the student's studies, the grade assigned to the final exam and further elements of assessment on the basis of a grid approved by the Faculty Council.
The degree exam consists of a brief presentation and discussion (open to the public but not ceremonial) of the Dissertation to the Preliminary Committee composed of three lecturers (not necessarily from the same Faculty nor academic area under discussion). On completion of the examination session, the Preliminary Committee communicates to all candidates only the evaluation of the dissertation attributed by the Committee (from insufficient to excellent).
The degree classification is then attributed by the Certification Committee, taking into consideration the evaluation of the final dissertation attributed by the Preliminary Committee, the candidate's grades accrued from formal examinations and other elements based on elements approved by the Faculty Council and is expressed as a mark out of 110. The Certification Commission is composed of seven lecturers from the relevant Faculty and is chaired by the Dean. Members of the Commissions are appointed by the Dean of the Faculty.
The proclamation and conferral of the degree certificate takes place during the Graduation Ceremony held at the end of the graduation session. This event is open to the public and is delivered in a ceremonial manner.
Bachelor's degree course in Tourism, Management and Culture
Recommended study plan
1st Year
Compulsory activities | CFU |
Geography, politics and culture - M-GGR/01 | 6 |
Sociology and psychology of tourism - M-PSI/06 | 6 |
Management of tourism companies - SECS-P/07 | 6 |
The economic system of tourism - SECS-P/01 | 6 |
Digital Communication for Tourism - ICAR/13 | 6 |
Marketing of tourism - SECS-P/08 | 6 |
Contemporary history and evolution of tourism - M-STO/04 | 9 |
History of tourism in Italy and Europe | |
Museums of world cultures (LAB) | |
Information and Communication Technology for Tourism - INF/01 | 6 |
Professional English I - L-LIN/12 | 6 |
2nd Year
Compulsory activities | CFU |
Right of tourism - IUS/10 | 6 |
Tourist Heritage | 15 |
Ancient World Trails - L-FIL-LET/01 | 6 |
Art courses - L-ART/03 | 9 |
Development of destinations: policies and governance | 12 |
Territorial policies and sustainable development - M-GGR/01 | 6 |
Anthropology, local development and international organisations - M-DEA/01 | 6 |
Competitive Analysis and Sustainability - SECS-P/08 | 6 |
Destination Management - SECS-P/07 | 6 |
Destination Management | |
Lab Tourist experience (LAB) | |
Professional English II L-LIN/12 | 6 |
Language and culture of the second foreign language (a choice between: French, Spanish or German) - L-LIN/04; L-LIN/07; L-LIN/14 | 6 |
Elective courses | 6 |
3rd Common Year
Compulsory activities | CFU |
Regional marketing and environmental sustainability - SECS-P/08 | 9 |
Strategies and territorial marketing | |
Economy and environmental sustainability | |
Destination Branding and Tourism Communication | |
Organisation and communication of events - SPS/08 | 6 |
Organisation and communication of events for tourism | |
Theatrical and musical tourism | |
Professional English III - L-LIN/12 | 6 |
Tourism communication curriculum
Compulsory activities | CFU |
Travel blogging | 6 |
Destination branding | 6 |
Storytelling | 6 |
Elective courses | 12 |
Management and organization for tourism curriculum
Compulsory activities | CFU |
Human Resources Management - SECS-P/10 | 6 |
Revenue management - SECS-P/08 | 6 |
Platform economy and tourism | 6 |
Elective courses | 12 |