Scholarships for International Students

Scholarships for International Students

Scholarships for international protection holders a.a. 2023/2024

Deadline for submission of applications: 04 September 2023

    The Call for 100 scholarships for international protection holders a.a. 2023/2024 is online on, promoted by the Ministry of the Interior and CRUI, in collaboration with ANDISU.

    Applications can be completed and sent by 4 September 2023 on

Scholarships for International Students

Scholarships for international protection holders a.a. 2021/2022

Deadline for submission of applications: 30 July 2021

    From 3 July 2021 the Call for 100 scholarships for international protection holders a.a. 2021/2022 is online on, promoted by the Ministry of the Interior and CRUI, in collaboration with ANDISU.

    Applications can be completed and sent by 30 July 2021 on

Scholarships for International Students

Invest Your Talent in Italy

Università IULM takes part in the "Invest Your Talent in Italy'' program promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with Uni-Italia and ICE Agency, with the support of Unioncamere and Confindustria.

The program offers scholarshipsfee exemptionsassistance services and other benefits to selected international students, who have the opportunity to attend their Master's courses at prestigious Italian universities, as well as to live an on-the-job training experience at an Italian company. 
Scholarships are open to citizens from Azerbaijan, Brazil, People's Republic of China, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Tunisia, Turkey, Vietnam.

For further information visit the  Invest yout Talent in Italy website
Scholarships for International Students

Scholarships for international protection holders a.a. 2020/2021

Deadline for submission of applications: 30 July 2020

From 3 July 2020 the Call for 100 scholarships for international protection holders a.a. is online on 2020/21, promoted by the Ministry of the Interior and CRUI, in collaboration with ANDISU.

Applications can be completed and sent by 30 July 2020 on

Scholarships for International Students

Italian Government Scholarships for International Students

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation offers scholarships to foreign students and Italian students residing abroad for the academic year 2019-2020 with the aim of encouraging international cultural cooperation and the dissemination of knowledge of Italian language, culture and science. Scholarships are offered to carry out study, training and/or research programmes at Italian state or legally recognized institutions. Click here for more information.

Sportello Tasse/DSU
Sportello Tasse/DSU

Contribution bands and financial benefits

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