Thanks to the consolidated interlinguistic and intercultural skills and the flexibility acquired in the use of different interpreting techniques, the graduate will be able to work in international and supra-national organizations, such as the UN, UNESCO, FAO and the European Union, or work as a freelancer in conferences, cultural events, international negotiations, or even enter the language services industry, the international activities of private companies, institutions and public bodies.
The graduate will work in those areas where high language skills are combined with skills in digital communication and multimedia in an intercultural perspective. The graduate will be able to master different languages and languages and will be able to be placed in publishing, cultural, museum, media centers and newsrooms for the production, translation and management of content (both in traditional and digital forms). In addition, he or she will be able to be employed in companies that develop digital strategies for professionals and businesses, in public and private entities at the national and international levels, and in cultural organizations, with tasks of planning and supervision, for the entire chain, of digital communication.
The graduate will acquire highly specialized skills to take on job functions in publishing, within national and international institutions (e.g., the European Union), and within organizations and facilities working in the language industry, teaching, and research. Otherwise, he or she may pursue a freelance career, working privately for multiple clients and mastering the skills to work in collaborative projects.