International students
Study opportunities for those who choose to live a IULM experience from all over the world
Enrolment of International students
Incoming Students
Video Incoming students' experience at IULM
Click here to download the official Factsheet for the academic year 2025-2026.
IULM University has Erasmus+ and Exchange agreements with numerous international universities worldwide. To spend one or two semesters at IULM, students from partner universities must first be nominated (Nomination process) by their home university coordinator/contact person through a Nomination Form sent to partner universities by email. After the nomination, students will receive instructions by email to complete the application (Application process).
The official teaching language in IULM is Italian, therefore most of courses and exams are given in Italian. IULM University also offers a wide interdisciplinary selection of courses in English. To be admitted and attend courses held in Italian and/or in English, an official certification attesting the actual language level possessed by the student is required:
- B2 is the minimum level required for the English language, in order to be admitted to and be able to attend courses taught in English;
- B2 is the minimum level required for the Italian language, in order to be admitted to and be able to attend courses taught in Italian.
The following certificates are accepted:
- International language certifications
- Official declarations signed by a home university language teacher
Please note that they must explicitly certify the exact level possessed by the student (B2 or higher).
Students may have both language certifications (English and Italian) or just one of them, depending on the courses they plan to attend in IULM.
The language certification must be uploaded during the student's nomination process. If the student wishes to attend courses in both languages, both certificates must be uploaded.
Partner universities must fill out our Nomination Form in the periods indicated below:
- (Fall) First-semester/Full-year students: April 14th, 2025 (9:00 a.m. CET) – May 9th, 2025 (5:00 p.m. CET)
- (Spring) Second-semester students: September 15th, 2025 (9:00 a.m. CET) – October 10th, 2025 (5:00 p.m. CET)
Students nominated by their home university must complete their application by following the instructions received by email after nomination, during the periods indicated below:
- (Fall) First-semester/Full-year students: May 12th, 2025 (9:00 a.m. CET) – May 30th, 2025 (5:00 p.m. CET)
- (Spring) Second-semester students: October 13th, 2025 (9:00 a.m. CET) – October 31st, 2025 (5:00 p.m. CET)
Before starting filling in the Application form, students will have to prepare and then upload the following documents:
- Jpeg photo (ID/Passport format)
- PDF of Passport (for non-EU students) or ID card (for EU students); please document front and back in one page
- PDF of Academic records in English (Official Transcript of Records) with all the exams passed until now
- PDF of European Health Card (for EU students) or a private health insurance (for non-EU students, to stipulate before arriving in Italy)
AGREEMENT WITH AON: Students who do not have private insurance, upon arrival in Italy can contact the insurance company AON with which IULM has a special agreement.
For further information, please write to: [email protected].
The Visiting Student Program is dedicated to students from international universities, with whom there is no bilateral agreement, intending to spend a semester or a full academic year at IULM University. In addition, partner universities wishing to send more students than the number agreed on in our bilateral agreements can send them as visiting students.
IULM University accepts a limited number of applications per semester; students who apply for the second semester (February-July) are more likely to be admitted. For the academic year 2025/2026, the enrollment in the program costs €1,800 per semester and € 3,400 for the entire academic year. The student must submit the payment after receiving the confirmation of acceptance to the program and before the beginning of the semester, following the instructions received from the Study Abroad Office.
The official teaching language in IULM is Italian, therefore most of courses and exams are given in Italian. IULM University also offers a wide interdisciplinary selection of courses in English. To be admitted and attend courses held in Italian and/or in English, an official certification attesting the actual language level possessed by the student is required:
- B2 is the minimum level required for the English language, in order to be admitted to and be able to attend courses taught in English;
- B2 is the minimum level required for the Italian language, in order to be admitted to and be able to attend courses taught in Italian.
The following certificates are accepted:
- International language certifications
- Official declarations signed by a home university language teacher
Please note that they must explicitly certify the exact level possessed by the student (B2 or higher).
Students may have both language certifications (English and Italian) or just one of them, depending on the courses they plan to attend in IULM.
Interested students can contact us by email at [email protected] to request information and receive the Pre-Application Form. After receiving the completed and signed document, we will send instructions on how to complete the payment.
Once we receive the payment receipt, students will be able to complete the Application Form on our online portal by following the instructions we will send by email, during the periods indicated below:
- (Fall) First-semester/Full-year students: May 12th, 2025 (9:00 a.m. CET) – May 30th, 2025 (5:00 p.m. CET)
- (Spring) Second-semester students: October 13th, 2024 (9:00 a.m. CET) – October 31th, 2025 (5:00 p.m. CET)
Before starting filling in the Application form, students will have to prepare and then upload the following documents:
- Jpeg photo (ID/Passport format)
- PDF of Passport (for non-EU students) or ID card (for EU students); please document front and back in one page
- PDF of Academic records in English (Official Transcript of Records) with all the exams passed until now
- PDF of European Health Card (for EU students) or a private health insurance (for non-EU students, to stipulate before arriving in Italy)
AGREEMENT WITH AON: Students who do not have private insurance, upon arrival in Italy can contact the insurance company AON with which IULM has a special agreement.
For further information, please write to: [email protected].
1st / Fall semester — fullyear
Welcome Day
Winter exam session
September 19th, 2025
September 22nd — December 19th, 2025
January 8th — February 14th, 2026
2nd / Spring semester
Welcome Day
Summer exam session
February 13th, 2026
February 16th — May 23rd, 2026 |
May 25th — July 2nd, 2026
Incoming students can select courses from different degrees and different years of study, according to the language certification they possess, their semester of mobility and restrictions listed below. Students can attend courses for up to 30 credits per semester.
- To attend some specific 2-year Master's degree courses, capped courses (with limited places available) or courses with special prerequisites, students need first a confirmation from the Study Abroad Office.
- Undergraduate incoming students are admitted to Master’s courses only upon acceptance by the Study Abroad Office, except for 1-year courses from English-taught Master's degrees.
- The language laboratories from the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees of the Faculty of Interpreting and Translation can be selected only by students attending a degree course in foreign languages and translation in their home university.
Language courses taught by the International Language Center (ILC) follow specific rules. For more information on these courses and corresponding requirements, please email [email protected].
The Course Catalogue 2024-25 is available at this link. Course programs may be found through the links available within the catalogue.
The Course Catalogue 2025-2026 will be published once available.
Please filter the file by semester of mobility and teaching language, and then pay attention to the column "Restrictions".
All incoming students will need to fill out our Course Registration Form, in order to officially select and enrol to IULM courses they want to attend to during the semester. Modalities and instructions will be provided before the start of the semester, during the online webinars.
At the end of the study period all students will receive the Transcript of Records attesting the exams taken and the relative credits acquired.
Here you can download the Statement of Italian Grading System.
Useful information
All students must have a TAX CODE, an official identification number that is used to open bank accounts, have an Italian telephone card, sign a rental contract, etc..
How to get the Tax Code:
- Before arriving in Italy and after receiving our acceptance letter - students can request the Tax Code at the consular authority in the country of residence (recommended!).
- After arriving in Italy - you can refer to YESMILANO, the official guide of the city of Milan, which offers support to obtain the Tax Code.
- CLICK HERE to book an appointment with the Revenue Agency's offices in presence, on the phone, or through video call, and obtain the tax code immediately on the same day of the appointment.
The Italian Revenue Agency branches are operating in back office and can be reached through e-mail. Many operations can be made online through simplified procedures.
Normally, the tax code can only be requested once you arrive in Italy, at the nearest Revenue Agency office. The Italian Revenue Agency / Agenzia Delle Entrate has several territorial offices / “uffici territoriali” to deal with citizens and and businesses, located in various areas of the City and its metro area.
Please note: Application for tax code at the Revenue Agency office can be done only if you are already in the city, NOT if you are still in your home country where the competent authority is the Consular office of your local Italian Embassy or consulate.
Students not in possession of European citizenship must apply for an entry visa for study purposes at the Italian Embassy or Consulate of their own country. It may take about a month to complete all visa applications, so we recommend that you start the procedure as soon as possible.
The Mobility Office will send a letter of invitation to all students from non-European countries.
Within 8 days from arrival in Italy, students from outside Europe must apply for a residence permit at one of the authorized post offices. This document will allow you to stay in Italy for study purposes for a period of more than 90 days.
For more information on how to request the Permit of Stay and all the procedures, click here.
Students from an EU country do not need a residence permit to stay in Italy.
Moving, however temporarily, to a new city is never easy; there are many administrative procedures involved and one can easily get lost among the different steps.
YESMILANO offers guidance and support to inform and help international students navigate their way through the bureaucratic paperwork. Click here to see an overview of mandatory and suggested documents for incoming students from abroad.
Students can always email [email protected] or book a One Stop Shop appointment with the YesMilano team.
As an example of global architecture, the IULM University building adds further value to the excellence of its teaching. Following the model of the American campuses, the Athenaeum is a very modern complex, technologically advanced and equipped with structures and spaces designed to give space to study, research, but also to moments of socialization.
In addition to the curricular and extra-curricular cultural activities that IULM promotes for the development of leadership skills of young people on an international scale, you can participate in all student sports initiatives, coordinated by CUS Milan (University Sports Centre). IULM recognizes the educational value of sport and its relevance in the personal and professional development of individuals.
Located in a constantly evolving area, just five minutes from the Design District and the Navigli area, the campus of IULM University has become a reference point for modernity and dynamism, as well as one of the best connected universities in the city thanks to the IULM stop of the M2 metro line.
Among the services and facilities available on campus, you can find:
- a bank Banca Popolare di Sondrio
- the Libraccio book shop
- the university library
- the IULM Store
- many food spots
- the gym IULM Fitness Center
- the Radio IULM
- the University Theater Center - CUT
Studying in IULM also means living in one of the most vibrant and multicultural cities in Europe.
With 39 universities scattered throughout the region, Milan has established itself as a city for students. The strong presence of international students combined with the concentration of multinational companies makes it a multicultural center of great interest. Economic and financial capital of Italy, rich in cultural centers, events and shows of international importance, it is also a strategic point from which to visit all major European and world cities.
Milan and Lombardy
Culture and Events
In order to help the students settle in Milan, IULM organizes an intensive Italian Language Course that takes place in September and January/February before the beginning of each semester.
The course is intended for students having a beginner level (A0/A1) of Italian proficiency. The course requires compulsory attendance (at least 80%) as an essential condition for learning success.
After passing the final exam, students will get 6 credits and a certificate of attendance. This certificate is not eligible to request any Visa for Study and so any Permit of Stay.
The cost of the course is € 200.
Interested students should indicate it in their Application Form while filling out the questionnaire. Payment for the course must be made in accordance with the terms that will be communicated to interested students.
The course is also open to foreign students not enrolled at IULM University with a fee of € 250, but it still is not eligible to apply for any Study Visa and therefore no Residence Permit.
The start and end dates of the course will be communicated via email to participants. The course lasts about 2/3 weeks.
For further information: [email protected].
Starting from A.Y. 2025-2026, incoming students can apply for a place in our university Residence Santander, which consists of 20-m2 double rooms with private bathroom.
All rooms are equipped with 2 single beds, 2 wardrobes, 2 desks, a shelf and satellite TV. On their arrival, students will receive sheets and blankets.
In the common areas of the Residence there are a TV room, a computer room with Internet connection, a coin-operated laundry.
The monthly rent is € 470 per person, to be paid by the 10th of each month, plus a € 500 cautionary deposit to secure the booking. Deposit will be refunded back after departure.
Places are very limited and we usually have a huge number of requests, so getting a room is quite difficult.
- Nominated students will receive by email all the instructions to complete the Application Form for their mobility and to apply also for a place in the Residence Santander.
- The residence Application Form will be open as follows:
- 1st / Fall semester = from May 12th to 30th, 2025
- 2nd / Spring semester = from October 13th to 31st, 2025
- Students’ applications will be accepted only if the mobility Application Form will be completed correctly. Residence assignees will receive an email from the Study Abroad Office including payment deadlines to confirm their assigned place.
Furthermore, students can also click on the following link to find useful websites for accommodation in Milan: iulm.it/en/vivere-in-iulm/vivere-a-milano/Trovare-alloggio
The Study Abroad Office does not provide support for looking for accommodation on the private market. Students are invited to contact tenants directly.