Doctor in Visual and Media Studies
Coordinator of the Teaching Board Vincenzo Trione
Doctor in Visual and Media Studies
Admission to the PhD programs takes place following a public competition for titles and examinations. The selection is aimed at assessing the candidate's aptitude for research and is based on the evaluation of the qualifications, the research project as well as the performance of a written test and/or an oral test, according to procedures indicated in the public competition call for admissions.
The notice of admission to the XL cycle of PhD programs for the academic year 2024/2025 expires on 8th July 2024 at 12.00 noon (Italian time).
The admission examination consists of an oral test preceded by the evaluation of qualifications and publications; the result of the evaluation will be published on the University website together with the dates of the test, which will take place at IULM University in Milan.
The date and time of the interview will be published in the section "calls", please refer to "Avviso date prove orali"
Call for application XL cycle a.y. 2024-2025
Guida per la compilazione della domanda
Avviso date prove orali (published on 09/07/2024)
Decreto nomina Commissione PhD in Visual and Media Studies
Call for application XXXIX series a.y. 2023-2024 - with funds allocated by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR)
Call for Application XXXIX ciclo - PNRR
Guida per la compilazione della domanda
Decreto nomina Commissione PhD in Visual and Media Studies
Call for application XXXIX series a.y. 2023-2024
Call for Application XXXIX Ciclo
Guida per la compilazione della domanda
Avviso date prove orali (pubblicato il 26/06/2023)
Decreto nomina Commissione PhD in Visual and Media Studies
Decreto nomina Commissione PhD in Communication, Markets and Society
Call for application XXXVIII series (PNRR DM 351/2022) a.y. 2022-2023
Bando XXXVIII Ciclo a valere sui fondi stanziati dal PNRR nell’ambito della Missione 4,
Componente 1, Investimento 4.1
Call for application XXXVIII Cycle (PNRR)
Guida per la compilazione della domanda
Decreto proroga termini Bando PNRR
Decreto nomina commissione Visual and Media Studies
Decreto nomina commissione Communication, Markets and Society
Call for application XXXVIII series a.y. 2022-2023
Call for application XXXVIII Cycle
Guida per la compilazione della domanda
Decreto nomina Commissione Dottorato in Visual and Media Studies
Decreto parziale rettifica calendario prove dottorato Visual and Media Studies
Decreto nomina Commissione Dottorato in Communication, Markets and Society
Call for application XXXVII series PON DM 1061/2021) a.y 2021-2022
Guida per alla compilazione della domanda
Decreto nomina Commissione Dottorato in Visual and Media Studies
Decreto nomina Commissione Dottorato in Communication, Markets and Society
Call for application XXXVII series a.y. 2021-2022
Call for application XXXVII cycle
Decreto nomina Commissione Dottorato in Visual and Media Studies
Decreto nomina Commissione Dottorato in Communication, Markets and Society
The selection procedure consists of:
-assessment of the candidates' qualifications
-oral test
If mentioned in the call, preceded by a written test.
The Board may award 50 points in total if the selection involves only one test, as follows:
-Evaluation of qualifications 20 points (13 points min)
-Oral test 30 points (20 points min)
The oral test consist of:
-Discussion of the project presented
-Verification of the candidates’s kwoledge of English (and Italian language for candidates whose mother tongue is not )
-General questions so as to allow them to demonstrate knowledge of relevant disciplinary areas
The pass mark for the test will be no less than 20 points.
The final score is the sum of the points awarded in the assessment of the qualifications and tests.
The Rector’s decree approving the documents containing the final rankings is published in the section “Rankings”.
Phd School for Communication Studies — Contacts:
tel.: +39 02 89141 2843/2321/2844
email: [email protected]
The rankings are published immediately after assessment of all the required documentation.
For registration deadlines, follow the deadlines indicated in each ranking.
In the event of refusals, lower-ranked candidates involved will be contacted by e-mail by the PhD School Sector.
Call PNRR XL cycle a.y. 2024-2025 - deadline 10 July h 12.00
Esito valutazione titoli CMS PNRR
Regular Call XL cycle a.y. 2024-2025 - deadline 8 July h 12.00
Esito valutazione titoli VMS ordinario
Within the deadline indicated, admitted candidates must submit a fully-completed application for enrolment (sent by the Office).
For successful candidates with a foreign qualification, the diploma must be translated and legally authenticated by the competent Italian representative offices in accordance with the applicable regulations for the admission of foreign students to degree courses at Italian universities or, alternatively, a Statement of Comparability issued by CIMEA.
Non-EU citizens applying for a visa must pre-register on the Universitaly Portal https://www.universitaly.it/index.php/dashboard under the heading "international students" in order to apply for an entry visa.