Doctor in Visual and Media Studies

Cycle XL

Coordinator of the Teaching Board Vincenzo Trione

Doctor in Visual and Media Studies

cicloCycle XL


Admission to the PhD programs takes place following a public competition for titles and examinations. The selection is aimed at assessing the candidate's aptitude for research and is based on the evaluation of the qualifications, the research project as well as the performance of a written test and/or an oral test, according to procedures indicated in the public competition call for admissions.

The notice of admission to the XL cycle of PhD programs for the academic year 2024/2025  expires on 8th July 2024 at 12.00 noon (Italian time).

Click here to apply.

The admission examination consists of an oral test preceded by the evaluation of qualifications and publications; the result of the evaluation will be published on the University website together with the dates of the test, which will take place at IULM University in Milan.

The date and time of the interview  will be published in the section  "calls", please refer to "Avviso date prove orali"