IULM Communication School
IULM Communication School uses the teaching model that prepares you for the future, creating university Masters, higher education and professionalizing for the transfer of application know-how in the field of communication and relational processes aimed at the needs of the market
To meet the challenges of an ever-changing world, high-level training is the key to a successful career. ‘
'Roots in school, a look at the labour market'
IULM Communication School is the Business School of the IULM University.
Through University Masters, Masters and Executive Courses, it offers the best offer of Masters in communication management in the fields of Food, Fashion, Design, Tourism, International Relations and New Media and prepares students and professionals to measure themselves against international contexts and careers by offering field experience in the most prestigious realities in the world, through study tours in Europe and around the world and training sessions held by teachers and international experts.
IULM Communication School can boast a faculty composed, in addition to teaching staff of the University, of Visiting Professors from major international universities and, thanks to the constant relationship with major companies and partner institutions, high-level professionals who, through lectures, case studies and specific projects, reduce the distance between students and the world of work. The team of each Master is prepared to follow each student to allow the best possible profiling of his or her educational path and career.
- MADE FOR YOU - Live a unique experience and get the best from our services tailored to your needs
- INNOVATION - Design your future differently
- INTERNATIONAL - Study in Milan, meet the whole world
- IMAGINATION - Identify your potential, release your skills
- PLACEMENT - Studies in Milan, works all over the world
- MILAN - Study in the heart of Europe on a state-of-the-art campus
President of the Scientific Board
Prof. Massimiliano Bruni
Associate Professor in Corporate Strategy and Policy
Dr. Salvatore Carrubba
Member of the Board of Directors of IULM University and Contract holder for official course
Scientific Board
Prof. Gian Battista Canova
Rector of IULM University and Full Professor of History of Cinema and Filmology
Prof. Vincenzo Trione
Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Tourism and Markets
Prof. Valentina Garavaglia
Full Professor of Performing Arts and Pro-rector of Educational Affairs
Prof. Mauro Ferraresi
Associate Professor of Sociology of Cultural Communicative Process
Prof. Vincenzo Russo
Associate Professor of Organisational and Labour Psychology
Dott. Luca Quaratino
Researcher of Business Organisation
IULM Communication School: Come and live your future!
IULM University's post-graduate training offer focuses on excellence training through close links with the world of work and professions, on an exceptional faculty and on innovative teaching methods to train students and professionals capable of occupying prestigious positions in major international organizations, companies and academies in Italy and worldwide.
- University Master's Degree
- Specialist Master's Degree
- Master's Executive
- Executive Course
- University Master's Degree
- Beauty and Wellness Management and Communication
- Communication for International Relations (MICRI)
- Food and Wine Communication
- International Tourism and Hospitality (MITH)
- Journalism (Two Years)
- Management of Artistic and Cultural Resources (Rome office)
- Management of Made in Italy. Consumption and communication of fashion, design and luxury
- Oriental Languages and Cultures (Rome office)
- Publishing and Music Production
- Retail Brand & Customer Experience Management
- Sports Marketing and Communication
- The Art of Storytelling: Literature, Cinema, Television
- Master's Executive
- Behavioral Economics e Nudging. Scienze Comportamentali, architettura delle scelte e change management
- Cinema, series and shows on audiovisual platforms: production, communication and programming
- Corporate Public Relations (MARPI)
- Dubbing, Adaptation and Translation of Cinematographic Works
- Information Architecture and User Experience Design
- Neuromarketing, Consumer Neuroscience and Market Research
- Social Media Marketing & Digital Communication
Nessun master