Master's UniversityManagement of Artistic and Cultural Resources (Rome office)
Scientific Director: Prof. Giovanni Puglisi
The Master in Management of Artistic and Cultural Resources opens the doors to a sector that has become an engine of economic development: from the classical sectors of the visual arts to the entertainment, from cultural heritage to the monumental and museum one, to cultural and creative industries and cultural tourism, in Italy the culture supply chain constitutes over 16% of the gross domestic product.
The Master aims to train qualified professionals in the management of artistic and cultural resources by providing a wide-ranging preparation, including on the humanities and social disciplines, and promoting the development of specific managerial skills.
In collaboration with Fondazione Roma. There are 30 scholarships, 20 of which will cover the total enrolment fee for the Master (€3,500 each) and 10 for partial coverage (€2,500 each), made available by Fondazione Roma.
Scholarships will be assigned by an Evaluation Committee, appointed by the Promoters, on the basis of scientific qualifications and reasons.
The program is divided into four modules: Governance and legislation; Management and Organization; Marketing and Communication; English or Spanish language
The Master provides students with the opportunity to carry out a curricular internship period, from 3 to 6 months, in some of the most important organizations of cultural heritage, publishing, entertainment and cultural communication.
Our students carried out internships, among others, at the following Italian and foreign companies and institutions:AGIS – Associazione Generale Italiana dello Spettacolo, AIE - Associazione Italiana Editori, Anci, Artissima, Bresce - Unesco Venice Office, Casa d’aste Il Ponte, Civita Firenze, Civita Milano, Civita Roma, Civita Sicilia, Direzione Generale Archeologia, Direzione Regionale Mibac Puglia, Enit, FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano, Federculture, Finarte, Fondazione Adriano Olivetti, Fondazione Cinema Per Roma, Fondazione De Gasperi, Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, Fondazione La Trienna Fondazione MAXXI, Fondazione Memmo, Fondazione Roma, Fondazione Teatro la Scala di Milano, Fundacion Picasso, Gagosian Gallery – sede di Roma, Galeria Juana de Aizpuru, Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna Roma, Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica Palazzo Barberini, Herakleidon Museum, Herity, Istituto di Cultura Italiano a Londra, Laterza Agorà, MADRE – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Donnaregina, Manchester Art Gallery, Mart, Mediaset, MIBACT– Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, MUBA – Museo dei Bambini, Musei Vaticani, Museo Egizio di Torino, Museo Nazionale Etrusco - Villa Giulia, Museo Tattile Omero, Reggia di Caserta, Saec Film, Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici Etruria Meridionale, Stella McCartney Italia, Torino Film Festival, Venaria Reale.
6 months
3/6 months