SDG 10 – Reduced inequalities
IULM is committed to a comprehensive set of measures to reduce inequality in all respects. These include the following measures against discrimination:
IULM maintains an admissions policy which is entirely non-discriminatory, consistent with the university’s comprehensive policies against discrimination in all aspects of its academic and professional offerings. This comprehensive policy of non- discrimination is expressly stated in the University Statute, article 23, which establishes an Equal Opportunity Committee in order to prevent: “le discriminazioni e allo scopo di prevedere tutte le garanzie volte ad eliminare oltre che le discriminazioni legate al genere, anche ogni altra forma di discriminazione, diretta e indiretta, che possa discendere dall’età, orientamento sessuale, religioso o politico, razza, origine etnica, disabilità e lingua.”.
Throughout its entire academic activities, IULM maintains an inclusive policy of non-discrimination, from admissions to academic support at all stages of students’ university careers. With respect to admissions, IULM details specific arrangements for the registration and support of students with any disability (Art.12) and also offers scholarships and other financial support to those facing financial need or hardship.
Hence to ensure that all students have equal access to culture and education, IULM admissions policy for undergraduate programs provides that candidates with disabilities can ask for compensatory/dispensative measures with respect to their admission test. IULM's Statute underlines the university's commitment to adopting "the measures necessary to implement the right of disabled students to participate in all the university’s cultural, educational, research activities and to make full use of the University's services".
IULM is also committed to giving all deserving students the opportunity to attend the university regardless of their financial conditions. The success of IULM’s non-discriminatory and inclusive admissions policy is demonstrated by the positive achievement and graduation rates of all students regardless of gender identity, ethnic or family background, nationality, political beliefs, religion, personal abilities, disability, sexual orientation, or age.
Moreover, the university’s code of ethics explicitly condemns all forms of discrimination and commits the university to following a strict policy to this end (see article 3). The code of ethics includes specific definitions of direct and indirect discrimination and of the negative effects on the protection and promotion of human rights and dignity.
Università IULM deploys procedures to measure/track applications & admissions of underrepresented (and potentially underrepresented) groups including low income students, non-traditional students, students from first-generation higher education families, women, LGBT students, disabled students, students from developing countries and newly settled refugee students.
IULM tracks and measures the application, admission and graduation rates (i.e the academic success rates) of all the above categories of underrepresented, potentially underrepresented and disadvantaged students. These data are utilized to design and implement the university’s comprehensive package of support measures for all underrepresented and potentially underrepresented groups in order to provide inclusive learning opportunities at all stages of their university careers for all students.
Low-income students
Total number of students |
Male |
Female |
% of female |
Students paying the first rate |
870 |
174 |
696 |
80% |
Students enrolled in 2023 paying the first rate |
297 |
55 |
242 |
81% |
Graduates paying the first rate |
172 |
133 |
77% |
Students receiving financial aid |
823 |
122 |
701 |
85% |
Total number of students |
Male |
Female |
% of female |
Students |
8404 |
1925 |
6479 |
77% |
Applicants |
4910 |
1043 |
3867 |
79% |
Students starting a degree |
2301 |
467 |
1831 |
78% |
Undergraduate |
6547 |
1480 |
5067 |
77% |
Postgraduate |
1857 |
445 |
1412 |
76% |
Graduates |
2539 |
599 |
1940 |
76% |
First-generation students |
1279 |
260 |
1019 |
80% |
Disability, SLD, ADHD and Special Educational Needs
Total number of students |
Male |
Female |
Alias Career Student |
% of female |
Students with disability |
132 |
39 |
93 |
0 |
70% |
Students with SLD |
457 |
131 |
326 |
0 |
71% |
Students with Special Educational Needs |
38 |
9 |
28 |
1 |
74% |
Students with ADHD |
10 |
1 |
9 |
0 |
90% |
Total |
637 |
180 |
456 |
1 |
72% |
Refugee Students and students from developing countries
Total number of students |
Male |
Female |
% of female |
Refugee students |
18 |
6 |
12 |
67% |
Students from developing countries |
127 |
52 |
75 |
59% |
Università IULM takes planned actions to recruit students/staff/faculty from underrepresented groups.
- Refugee students/staff/faculty
Mindful of the challenging current international situation and the growing numbers of refugee outflows, IULM has adhered to the Inclusive University Manifesto, an initiative promoted by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) aiming at facilitating refugees' access to university education and research, and promoting their social integration and active participation in academic life through scholarships and dedicated educational programmes.
- Women students/staff/faculty
IULM’s consistent policy of promoting women’s applications, women’s acceptance and entry rates and women’s participation at the university is demonstrated by the following figures: 77% of IULM’s student body are women, of whom 80% are first-generation students. The policy’s success is evidenced by the consistently increasing proportion of women student participation at the university, rising from 75% overall in 2022
With respect to faculty and staff recruitment, IULM Gender Equality Plan emphasizes the need to implement gender equality in recruitment. IULM GEP has as specific targets the following: 1. “Promozione dell’equilibrio di genere nelle commissioni di valutazione per il reclutamento del personale docente e ricercatore” 2.”Supporto a progressioni di carriera contrastando gli stereotipi di genere”. Moreover IULM has put in place various policies and services to attract and facilitate women faculty and staff, such as favorable maternity policies, childcare access, etc.
- Students/staff/faculty with disability
IULM welcoming environment for students with disabilities as supported through the DiversaMENTE office constitutes a successful action to recruit students suffering from any form of disability, in fact IULM offers several scholarships (see the section “bandi”) for students with disabilities. Moreover IULM has put in place various policies and services to attract and facilitate faculty and staff with disability in accordance with relevant Italian law.
Università IULM has a strict anti-discrimination policy. As stated in the IULM Code of Ethics, IULM community must act ethically according to 3 fundamental principles: fairness & justice, respect for others, personal & professional responsibility. According to Art. 3 discrimination is the unfair treatment due to age, race, gender, disability and religion. Violence & aggressions, both physical and verbal & any form of abuse are unacceptable. IULM will not tolerate any form of harassment, violence, abuse of sexual nature. Art. 4 lists the forms of sexual harassment that include physical contact, unwanted attention, verbal harassment of a sexual nature, etc.
In addition, IULM has established the IULM Equal Opportunities Committee as a high-level university joint body representing teaching staff, technical-administrative staff & the student community, aimed at promoting & guaranteeing equal opportunities in the university community. It aims at countering all discrimination & harassment based on gender identity, ethnicity, political thought, sexual orientation, age, etc.
IULM also created the Gender Equality Plan which is specifically designed to counter any form of gender-related discrimination.
IULM has established a diversity and equality committee, office and university officers tasked by the administration to advise on and implement policies, programmes, and trainings related to diversity, equity, inclusion and human rights on campus.
IULM disposes of two diversity officers: the IULM Rector’s Proxy to to Inclusion and Disability and the IULM Rector’s Proxy to Equal Opportunities (click on the section “IULM Rector’s Proxies), a diversity and equality committee: the Equal Opportunities Committee and a diversity and equality office: the IULM DiversaMENTE Office.
The IULM Equal Opportunities Committee is a high-level university joint body representing all the Campus population, aimed at promoting and guaranteeing equal opportunities and diversity in the university community and enhancing their well-being (click on the section “aims of the equal opportunities committee” for details).
Università IULM provides mentoring/counselling/peer support programmes to support students, staff, faculty from underrepresented groups.
For example, with respect to those suffering from disability IULM has a special program called DiversaMENTE, The University's DiversaMENTE office deals with issues relating to the disabilities of students enrolled at the University to guarantee their full inclusion and participation in university life: teaching, research, access to services and facilities. The service works in close synergy with the Rector's Delegate for Inclusion and Disability. Moreover, IULM has instituted a special peer to peer students’ mentorship scheme called Peer Tutors. These are senior students who make their experience available to support other students, especially those from disadvantaged or otherwise underrepresented groups. (click on the section "Disabilità" for details).
With respect to women students, these constituted the vast majority of the student participants in the university’s counseling, mentoring, tutoring and peer support programmes provided by the university. 83% of the students availing themselves of the counseling opportunities were women; 92% of the students taking part in the peer mentoring schemes were women; 92% of the students participating in the programmes devoted to mental health issues were women.
With respect to staff and faculty, IULM indeed supplies counseling and psychological support programmes: underrepresented / potentially underrepresented groups e.g disabled, women, LGBTQ+, are amongst those taking the most frequent advantage of such programmes and services. As part of this initiative, IULM has established a partnership with CDI (Centro Diagnostico Italiano) to provide a free and optional Psychological Support Service, managed by a senior clinical psychologist registered with the Italian Order of Psychologists.
This Psychological Support Service has been available since September 1, 2021, and is designed to offer initial responses to psychological issues, assist users in identifying strategies for resolving problems, whether work-related or personal, and promote overall well-being in personal, family, and work environments. The program is provided in full compliance with privacy regulations, ensuring confidentiality. The relationship between the individual and the psychologist guarantees the privacy of the service, and no third party will be informed.
IULM is deeply committed to providing accessible facilities for people with disabilities and fostering an inclusive and accessible environment for all members of its community, ensuring that every individual can fully participate in academic and campus life. As outlined in the university’s institutional principles, IULM is dedicated to promoting equal opportunities, combating discrimination, and upholding the highest standards of respect and responsibility.
IULM takes significant measures to support people with disabilities, striving to eliminate any physical, technological, or social barriers that may affect their experience. The campus is equipped with accessible facilities, ensuring that students, staff, faculty and visitors with disabilities can navigate and enjoy the university environment with ease. IULM provides suitable accommodations, including assistive technology, learning support, and tailored examination conditions, to meet the diverse needs of the university community.
In particular, IULM’s DiversaMENTE office is dedicated to integrating and supporting students with disabilities and specific learning disorders (SLD), offering psychological and academic support programs such as peer tutoring, counseling, and diagnostic services through the Euresis Center.
The university is actively and constantly working towards the creation of a barrier-free campus, equipped with infrastructures like accessible entrances, dedicated toilets, lifts, and parking spaces. Mobility orientation courses are available for blind and visually impaired students, and special spaces have been designed for students in wheelchairs - both in classrooms and in the library - along with specially equipped accommodations. Inside the IULM Residence there are 4 units reserved for the disabled with internet connection and satellite TV: wardrobe, desk, en-suite bathroom and centralised air conditioning.
Furthermore, the IULM Equal Opportunities Committee plays a crucial role in reinforcing the university’s commitment to inclusivity by representing the interests of all students and staff. The committee promotes equal treatment and actively counters discrimination based on disability, gender identity, ethnicity, and other factors.
To highlight the impact of these efforts, IULM is proud to share a testimony from one of the university’s students who uses a wheelchair, showcasing their positive experience at IULM and in particular the provision of accessible facilities for people with disabilities (Link to the video).
This comprehensive approach ensures that IULM is a welcoming and accessible university for all, demonstrating its ongoing commitment to inclusion and support for individuals with disabilities.
Università IULM is deeply committed to providing comprehensive and personalized support services for students with disabilities, ensuring that they can fully participate in academic and campus life. The university prioritizes equal access to education and culture for all students, offering a wide range of services tailored to the specific needs of each individual. Through the DiversaMENTE office, IULM ensures that every student with a disability receives personalized support throughout their university journey, from the application process to graduation.
Students with disabilities benefit from comprehensive support by the university in all their needs and from dedicated tutors and personal assistants, who are assigned to help them navigate their academic careers. To highlight the positive impact of these personalized services, IULM is proud to share a testimony from a student in a wheelchair, showcasing his experience at IULM (Link to the video).
In particular these support services are designed to eliminate or reduce obstacles, ensuring that students with disabilities can thrive academically and socially and they consist of:
- Guidance and support
service for admissions:
- Admission tests: during the test registration procedure, candidates with disabilities and SLD can request compensatory/dispensatory measures;
- Incoming freshmen orientation: support for students in their choice of the degree course and in the initial phase of attending classes, providing them with useful information and strategies for embarking on their university journey;
- Assistance with administrative procedures: the DiversaMENTE service offers support for administrative procedures related to university careers, in collaboration with the other university offices;
- Support
for study:
- Computer and technological aids: the office provides the students with computer and technological aids when requested for exams and study sessions;
- Didactic support with Peer Tutors: the DiversaMENTE office implements support activities with peer tutors (Master's degree students) for students with disabilities and SLD to eliminate or reduce obstacles in their university career;
- Individual interviews: the DiversaMENTE office acts as didactic mediator with faculty in relation to students' needs for attending courses and passing exams;
- Digital texts for study: Information provided about accessible texts;
- Courses on study methods: the office organizes courses on study methods in the first semester of the year;
- International mobility: the Erasmus+ programme for people with disabilities or special needs allocates funds each year to support the mobility of people with special needs, giving particular attention to students and staff whose physical, mental or, more generally, health conditions are such that they cannot participate in the programme without additional funding for the extra costs incurred linked to support, accommodation and pedagogical and technical support services. The following services may be eligible, according to individual needs: specific accommodation, travel assistance, medical presence, support equipment, adaptation of learning materials, accompanying persons, etc.;
- Job
- Internship: the DiversaMENTE office, in collaboration with the Career Service office, offers assistance in finding companies suitable for carrying out the work experience required by the Degree Course, in evaluating offers, in preparing interviews and in defining the contract;
- Placement: the DiversaMENTE office constantly supports graduates in seeking specific placement opportunities for protected categories. The office also supports students who are orphans, refugees, victims of terrorism in finding placement opportunities;
- Psychological support: IULM provides its students with Counseling Services in the form of individual interviews with professional psychologists in order to prevent and manage psychological problems that may be encountered during the university career;
- Fees
and financial benefits:
- Tuition exemption: students with a disability equal to or higher than 66% can request exemption from payment of university fees by submitting an appropriate application to the DiversaMENTE office;
- Scholarships:
- 4 degree awards in memory of Antonio and Luigi Goi and Angela De Giacomi Goi and divided as follows: €2,500.00 to 1st place, €1,500.00 to 2nd place; €1,000.00 to 3rd place; €200.00 to 4th place;
- Macciachini Monti Foundation: 5 annual scholarships amounting to €9,000 each intended for deserving university students, aged up to thirty years, resident in Lombardy, who are in difficult economic conditions aggravated by a situation of disability or neurodiversity. In particular, 2 scholarships are for students with visual or hearing disabilities, 2 scholarships are for students with neurodiversity in the area of specific learning disorders, 1 scholarship is for students with neurodiversity in the area of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD);
- Fondazione Villa Mirabello Onlus: the Fondazione Villa Mirabello ONLUS intends to honor the memory of Monsignor Edoardo Gilardi by promoting a call for applications reserved for blind or visually impaired young people with the awarding of 4 scholarships worth € 2,000.00 each and 4 scholarships worth € 1,000.00 each;
- IULM’s accommodation
policy and strategy for people with disabilities:
- Mobility orientation courses for blind students: the office offers mobility orientation courses for blind students who need to memorize routes between buildings on campus to reach classrooms;
- Free-barrier campus: the university is committed to the creation of a free-barrier campus equipped with infrastructures and services dedicated to students with disabilities, such as accessible entrances, dedicated toilets, lifts, and dedicated parking spaces. Even the spaces inside the buildings have been designed with this purpose; dedicated spaces for students in wheelchairs are present both in the classrooms and in the library;
- University Residence: inside the IULM Residence there are 4 units reserved to disabled students with internet connection and satellite TV: wardrobe, desk, en-suite bathroom and centralized air conditioning.
This personalized, inclusive approach ensures that IULM remains a supportive and accessible environment for all students, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to providing the highest level of assistance and care for individuals with disabilities.
Università IULM has always promoted the culture of inclusion through the constant work of the DiversaMENTE office, which is dedicated to supporting students with disabilities, Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) throughout their university careers, starting from the application process all the way to their graduation.
In fact, IULM has among its key priorities the equal access to culture and education for all students. Exemplifying the importance attached by the university to ensuring equal opportunities, Prof. Massimo De Giuseppe - who plays a leading role in the work of the DiversaMENTE office - has been appointed as the rector’s proxy to inclusion and disability and psychological counseling.
The DiversaMENTE office is committed to supporting these students daily through the implementation of a personalized pathway based on the needs of each individual in order to maximize new applications from prospective students; and minimize the dropout rate of the enrolled students. Below are data demonstrating the growing success of this initiative:
Enrollment year |
a.a. 2019/20 |
a.a. 2020/21 |
a.a. 2021/22 |
a.a 2022/23 |
Dropout between the 1st and 2nd year |
4 |
6 |
3 |
1 |
Number of students with disabilities enrolled in the 1st year |
15 |
22 |
26 |
22 |
% |
26,7% |
27,3% |
11,5% |
4,5% |
Enrollment year |
a.a. 2019/20 |
a.a. 2020/21 |
a.a. 2021/22 |
a.a. 202/23 |
Dropout between the 1st and 2nd year |
19 |
24 |
17 |
13 |
Number of students with SLD enrolled in the 1st year |
103 |
142 |
157 |
121 |
% |
18,4% |
16,9% |
10,8% |
10,7% |
In general, the main access schemes offered by the DiversaMENTE office are:
- Guidance and support
service for admissions:
- Admission tests: during the test registration procedure, candidates with disabilities and SLD can request compensatory/dispensatory measures;
- Incoming freshmen orientation: support for students in their choice of the degree course and in the initial phase of attending classes, providing them with useful information and strategies for embarking on their university journey;
- Assistance with administrative procedures: the DiversaMENTE service offers support for administrative procedures related to university careers, in collaboration with the other university offices;
- Support
for study:
- Computer and technological aids: the office provides the students with computer and technological aids when requested for exams and study sessions;
- Didactic support with Peer Tutors: the DiversaMENTE office implements support activities with peer tutors (Master's degree students) for students with disabilities and SLD to eliminate or reduce obstacles in their university career;
- Individual interviews: the DiversaMENTE office acts as didactic mediator with faculty in relation to students' needs for attending courses and passing exams;
- Digital texts for study: Information provided about accessible texts;
- Courses on study methods: the office organizes courses on study methods in the first semester of the year;
- International mobility: the Erasmus+ programme for people with disabilities or special needs allocates funds each year to support the mobility of people with special needs, giving particular attention to students and staff whose physical, mental or, more generally, health conditions are such that they cannot participate in the programme without additional funding for the extra costs incurred linked to support, accommodation and pedagogical and technical support services. The following services may be eligible, according to individual needs: specific accommodation, travel assistance, medical presence, support equipment, adaptation of learning materials, accompanying persons, etc.;
- Job
- Internship: the DiversaMENTE office, in collaboration with the Career Service office, offers assistance in finding companies suitable for carrying out the work experience required by the Degree Course, in evaluating offers, in preparing interviews and in defining the contract;
- Placement: the DiversaMENTE office constantly supports graduates in seeking specific placement opportunities for protected categories. The office also supports students who are orphans, refugees, victims of terrorism in finding placement opportunities;
- Psychological support: IULM provides its students with Counseling Services in the form of individual interviews with professional psychologists in order to prevent and manage psychological problems that may be encountered during the university career;
- Fees
and financial benefits:
- Tuition exemption: students with a disability equal to or higher than 66% can request exemption from payment of university fees by submitting an appropriate application to the DiversaMENTE office;
- Scholarships:
- 4 degree awards in memory of Antonio and Luigi Goi and Angela De Giacomi Goi and divided as follows: €2,500.00 to 1st place, €1,500.00 to 2nd place; €1,000.00 to 3rd place; €200.00 to 4th place;
- Macciachini Monti Foundation: 5 annual scholarships amounting to €9,000 each intended for deserving university students, aged up to thirty years, resident in Lombardy, who are in difficult economic conditions aggravated by a situation of disability or neurodiversity. In particular, 2 scholarships are for students with visual or hearing disabilities, 2 scholarships are for students with neurodiversity in the area of specific learning disorders, 1 scholarship is for students with neurodiversity in the area of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD);
- Fondazione Villa Mirabello Onlus: the Fondazione Villa Mirabello ONLUS intends to honor the memory of Monsignor Edoardo Gilardi by promoting a call for applications reserved for blind or visually impaired young people with the awarding of 4 scholarships worth € 2,000.00 each and 4 scholarships worth € 1,000.00 each;
- IULM’s accommodation
policy and strategy for people with disabilities:
- Mobility orientation courses for blind students: the office offers mobility orientation courses for blind students who need to memorize routes between buildings on campus to reach classrooms;
- Free-barrier campus: the university is committed to the creation of a free-barrier campus equipped with infrastructures and services dedicated to students with disabilities, such as accessible entrances, dedicated toilets, lifts, and dedicated parking spaces. Even the spaces inside the buildings have been designed with this purpose; dedicated spaces for students in wheelchairs are present both in the classrooms and in the library;
- University Residence: inside the IULM Residence there are 4 units reserved to disabled students with internet connection and satellite TV: wardrobe, desk, en-suite bathroom and centralized air conditioning.
Università IULM is fully committed to having a reasonable accommodation policy or strategy for people with disabilities, ensuring equal access to education and fostering an inclusive environment for all members of our community. Our mission is to support students with disabilities through personalized services and targeted assistance, removing barriers to academic and campus life. The DiversaMENTE office plays a key role in this effort, providing daily support to students with disabilities, Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) from the moment they apply until they graduate.
In general, the accommodation policy of DiversaMENTE office is:
- Academic accommodation policy:
- Guidance and support service for admissions:
- Admission tests: during the test registration procedure, candidates with disabilities and SLD can request compensatory/dispensatory measures;
- Incoming freshmen orientation: support for students in their choice of the degree course and in the initial phase of attending classes, providing them with useful information and strategies for embarking on their university journey;
- Support for study:
- Computer and technological aids: the office provides the students with computer and technological aids when requested for exams and study sessions;
- Didactic support with Peer Tutors: the DiversaMENTE office implements support activities with peer tutors (Master's degree students) for students with disabilities and SLD to eliminate or reduce obstacles in their university career;
- Individual interviews: the DiversaMENTE office acts as didactic mediator with faculty in relation to students' needs for attending courses and passing exams;
- Digital texts for study: Information provided about accessible texts;
- Courses on study methods: the office organizes courses on study methods in the first semester of the year;
- International mobility: the Erasmus+ programme for people with disabilities or special needs allocates funds each year to support the mobility of people with special needs, giving particular attention to students and staff whose physical, mental or, more generally, health conditions are such that they cannot participate in the programme without additional funding for the extra costs incurred linked to support, accommodation and pedagogical and technical support services. The following services may be eligible, according to individual needs: specific accommodation, travel assistance, medical presence, support equipment, adaptation of learning materials, accompanying persons, etc.;
- Assistance with administrative procedures: the DiversaMENTE service offers support for administrative procedures related to university careers, in collaboration with the other university offices;
- Guidance and support service for admissions:
- Employment-related
accommodation policy - Job placement:
- Internship: the DiversaMENTE office, in collaboration with the Career Service office, offers assistance in finding companies suitable for carrying out the work experience required by the Degree Course, in evaluating offers, in preparing interviews and in defining the contract;
- Placement: the DiversaMENTE office constantly supports graduates in seeking specific placement opportunities for protected categories. The office also supports students who are orphans, refugees, victims of terrorism in finding placement opportunities;
- Mental and emotional
accommodation policy:
- Psychological support: IULM provides its students with Counseling Services in the form of individual interviews with professional psychologists in order to prevent and manage psychological problems that may be encountered during the university career;
- Mobility orientation courses for blind students: the office offers mobility orientation courses for blind students who need to memorize routes between buildings on campus to reach classrooms;
- Financial
accommodation policy - Fees and financial benefits:
- Tuition exemption: students with a disability equal to or higher than 66% can request exemption from payment of university fees by submitting an appropriate application to the DiversaMENTE office;
- Scholarships:
- 4 degree awards in memory of Antonio and Luigi Goi and Angela De Giacomi Goi and divided as follows: €2,500.00 to 1st place, €1,500.00 to 2nd place; €1,000.00 to 3rd place; €200.00 to 4th place;
- Macciachini Monti Foundation: 5 annual scholarships amounting to €9,000 each intended for deserving university students, aged up to thirty years, resident in Lombardy, who are in difficult economic conditions aggravated by a situation of disability or neurodiversity. In particular, 2 scholarships are for students with visual or hearing disabilities, 2 scholarships are for students with neurodiversity in the area of specific learning disorders, 1 scholarship is for students with neurodiversity in the area of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD);
- Fondazione Villa Mirabello Onlus: the Fondazione Villa Mirabello ONLUS intends to honor the memory of Monsignor Edoardo Gilardi by promoting a call for applications reserved for blind or visually impaired young people with the awarding of 4 scholarships worth € 2,000.00 each and 4 scholarships worth € 1,000.00 each;
- Physical accommodation policy:
- Free-barrier campus: the university is committed to the creation of a free-barrier campus equipped with infrastructures and services dedicated to students with disabilities, such as accessible entrances, dedicated toilets, lifts, and dedicated parking spaces. Even the spaces inside the buildings have been designed with this purpose; dedicated spaces for students in wheelchairs are present both in the classrooms and in the library;
- University Residence: inside the IULM Residence there are 4 units reserved to disabled students with internet connection and satellite TV: wardrobe, desk, en-suite bathroom and centralized air conditioning.
IULM is proud to share testimony from one of the university students who uses a wheelchair and has thrived at IULM (Link to the video).
IULM’s commitment to accessibility and reasonable accommodation ensures that all students, regardless of their disabilities, can enjoy a fulfilling and successful university experience.
Università IULM has a strict anti-harassment policy: the IULM Code of Ethics, particularly in Article 4, clearly and comprehensively bans all forms of harassment, ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all members of the university. Additionally, IULM has implemented the Gender Equality Plan, which includes a specific area (Area 4) dedicated to countering any form of harassment and gender-based violence. This demonstrates IULM's strong commitment to preventing harassment and promoting a culture of respect and equality.