News archive

Latest news from IULM

Regional Scholarships for A.Y. 2023/2024

Students 06 July 2023

Regional Scholarships for A.Y. 2023/2024

Online the call for applications for the award of Regional Scholarships

Enrolment renewal procedures for second and third year courses

Students 06 July 2023

Enrolment renewal procedures for second and third year courses

The following are the enrolment renewal procedures for second and third year courses

Bando Collegio di Milano 2023/24

Students 03 July 2023

Bando Collegio di Milano 2023/24

The Collegio di Milano, reserved for the best students of all the universities in Milan, opens the call for applications for the A.A. 2023-2024.

IULM formalizes Alias Careers

Students 23 June 2023

IULM formalizes Alias Careers

IULM University formalizes the "Alias Careers" regulation with the aim of ensuring that those who do not identify with the gender associated with their biological sex have the opportunity to see their gender identity recognized and live their experience at the university with serenity, while respecting personal dignity and privacy

AlmaLaurea Report 2023: the IULM data

University 16 June 2023

AlmaLaurea Report 2023: the IULM data

AlmaLaurea 2023: IULM confirms positive trend on graduates' employment status

Admission tests for Master's Degrees a.y. 2023/2024

Students 15 June 2023

Admission tests for Master's Degrees a.y. 2023/2024

Discover here the dates of the next sessions

Elections of deans of the Faculty of Communication and the Faculty of Interpreting and Translation

University 14 June 2023

Elections of deans of the Faculty of Communication and the Faculty of Interpreting and Translation

The election process related to the election of the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and the Dean of the Faculty of Interpreting and Translation for the academic three-year period 2023/2024-2025/2026 is hereby initiated

Workshop: Internships and jobs for international students

International 14 June 2023

Workshop: Internships and jobs for international students

On the 28th of June from 11.30am to 1pm, in IULM Building 1 - Room 155, a Workshop will be held in collaboration with San Martino Servizi - an agency that supports international students who are living and studying in Italy.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: the perspective of Italian companies

Communication 12 June 2023

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: the perspective of Italian companies

On June 27, 2023, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., CERC presents the results of an exploratory study on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion policies in Italian companies

Università IULM succeeds in THE Impact Rankings 2023

University 09 June 2023

Università IULM succeeds in THE Impact Rankings 2023

The results of the 2023 edition of the ranking - compiled by the international agency Times Higher Education (THE) - testify to the considerable progress Università IULM has made in all the goals in which it has participated.