The Legacy of Prometheus

13 May 2024

Conference of Italian Universities and Design Academies on Artificial Intelligence, in collaboration with IULM AI LAB

After the States General "Wassily's Paradigm," held in 2022 in Milan with the participation of twenty-one institutions of higher university education, BIG 2024, Biennale Internazionale della Grafica, calls Universities and Schools of Visual Communication to confront each other at IULM on the impact of Artificial Intelligence in the training of visual designers of the future.

How will the teachings, cultures and theoretical and practical knowledge, professional perspectives, and more generally the role and influence of visual designers in the complex system of contemporary communication have to change? How will the accelerated penetration of Artificial Intelligence into human activities twist the cultural, theoretical and technical background of designers operating in the society of the near future? Preparing for the impact.

With the participation of the most important universities of education in Visual Communication in Italy.

Guests: Massimo Pitis, creative director of Wired Italia, Ben Ditto, creative director and visual designer (from London), and Cerapersavisualdesign (Bologna).

The event will be held on Friday, May 24, 2024 in Room 146 (IULM 6) at 9:30 am.