IULM Radio wins the Speaker Challenge of the 2024 University Radio Festival

Students - 22 May 2024

Radio IULM participates in the 2024 University Radio Festival, winning the title of Best Speaker and earning the hosting of the next event in Foggia.

From May 16 to 18, Radio IULM participated in the 2024 University Radio Festival, hosted by La Sapienza University in Rome. Three intense days, full of panels with professionals, shared live broadcasts and exciting challenges, saw Charlotte Ferrari, Alice Cantù, Lorenzo Tafuro and Benedetta Amabile proudly represent our station. The team was coordinated by lecturer Gaia Varon, Editorial Manager, and tutors Massimo Lo Nigro, Claudio Pavese and Marco Mammì.

Benedetta Amabile, host of "Echo - current affairs that resonates," won the title of Best Speaker of the University Radios enrolled in Raduni, successfully passing four elimination stages judged by industry experts. A victory that assigns Radio IULM to host the next FRU 2025, which will be held at the University of Foggia.

The live broadcasts of "Audience - the TV you listen to," hosted by Charlotte Ferrari, and "Wanderlust - the journey starts from here," broadcast by Alice Cantù, along with the directing support of Lorenzo Tafuro, helped make this Festival memorable. It was a weekend of hard work, passion and commitment, where all the guys from Radio IULM proved their worth.

The Festival was also an opportunity for growth, with lectures, workshops and panel discussions that offered valuable advice and comparisons with many professionals in the field. Returning to our University, participants bring with them a new wealth of experiences and awareness to share with the entire Radio IULM team, ready to continue shining in the world of university radio.