IULM ON STAGE, IULM's University Theatre Center goes on stage!

Teatro - 16 May 2024

On Monday, June 3 (8:00 p.m.), at the Teatro Lirico - Giorgio Gaber, the IULM University Theater Center Company will be on stage with two shows that will close the A.A. 2023/24 theatrical activities schedule

IULM University presents the 2nd edition of. IULM ON STAGE, an evening dedicated to two shows produced by the IULM University Theatre Center Company:The Brothers of Argos, a free adaptation from Euripides' Electra by J.P. Sartre and H. von Hofmannsthal, and Shakespeare, or the adventure of passions, based on The Tempest, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello and A Midsummer Night's Dream.

An opportunity to tell through the voices of our students about their passion for theater, creativity and relationships on stage.

The event is part of the initiatives dedicated to the Word of the Year 2024 Adventure and is realized thanks to the valuable collaboration of Stage Entertaiment.

Download here  the poster.
Fill out the form to register for the event.

Below is the program for the evening

8 p.m

Act One

"The Brothers of Argos"
free adaptation from Euripides' Electra, J.P. Sartre and H. von Hofmannsthal

On stage students:
Francesca Maria Abate, Silvia Bartoli, Marta Bonatti, Agnese Bruschi, Giuseppe Bucca, Giuliana Cafagna, Carlotta Cilento, Alessia Deda, Massimo Di Domenico, Nora Emiliani, Laura Gualandi, Raffaella Lubelli, Camilla Massucco, Gaia Mintrone, Nicolò Monni ,Barberina Rodino, Flavia Maria Sgobbi, Anna Silvestri, Nicolò Vascotto

Act Two

"Shakespeare, or the adventure of passions"
from The Tempest, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello andA Midsummer Night's Dream

On stage students:
Francesco Erberto Angotta, Erica Barbieri, Gaia Buggemi, Alessandro Capovilla, Chiara Casalini, Emma Maria Cereda, Annalou Cisini, Ilaria Carlotta Crippa, Lorenzo Crivelli, Marianna Crudo, Filippo Debernardis, Simone Della Mercede, Chiara Lipari, Simone Longo, Ilaria Marzocchi, Emanuele Montresor, Ginevra Morini, Chiara Munaro, Giada Navarini, Kristhian Papasodaro, Daniel Filippo Pappalardo, Martina Perrone, Viola Maria Pulvirenti, Angelica Regalia, Martina Rizzi, Aurora Spinello, Luca Stradella, Virginia Tarantino

Staging coordination: Lara Franceschetti and Annina Pedrini

In addition, IULM's CUT Company will debut Saturday, May 25, at the Greek Theater in Palazzolo Acreide for the International Youth Classical Theater Festival.