Appointment of the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Appointment of the Dean of the Faculty of Interpreting and Translation
Professors Barbarito and Rocca are the new Deans
Notice is hereby given that by Rectoral Decree No. 20351 of October 2, 2023, Prof. Luca Barbarito has been appointed Dean of the Faculty of Communication for the three-year academic period 2023/2024-2025/2026, effective November 1, 2023 through October 31, 2026.
Download the Rectoral Decree of appointment
Notice is hereby given that by Rectoral Decree No. 20352 dated October 2, 2023, Prof Giovanna Rocca has been appointed Dean of the Faculty of Interpreting and Translation for the academic three-year period 2023/2024-2025/2026, effective November 1, 2023 through October 31, 2026.
Download the Rectoral Decree of appointment