IULM hosts a conference on Luchino Visconti

Cinema - 03 May 2023

In IULM a conference dedicated to one of the most important figures of 20th century Italian and international cinema: Luchino Visconti: May 10, 10:15 a.m., Room 146.

It was the year 1943, and in Italy the world of cinema was dominated by Italian-style comedy and lavish melodramas. But something was about to change. In those same theaters,Ossessione, the debut work of a young director named Luchino Visconti, had just been released. No one could have predicted that that film would mark the beginning of an unprecedented filmic revolution. Based on the novel The Postman Always Rings Twice by James M. Cain, the film introduced the realism and rawness of everyday life into Italian cinema. For the first time, cinema stopped being fiction and became a mirror of reality. Neorealism was born.

On May 10, IULM will pay tribute to Luchino Visconti with a conference dedicated to his works and art, not only in film but also in opera and theater. After initial greetings by the Rector, Prof. Gianni Canova, the speeches will be moderated by director and screenwriter Nina di Majo.

During the conference, there will also be a screening of the documentary Gli angeli nascosti di Visconti by Silvia Giulietti.

The conference, which will be held on May 10 at 10:15 a.m. in Room 146 (IULM 6), is open to all IULM students and the public by registering at the followin gform.


10:15 a.m.
Greeting by the Rector, Prof. Gianni Canova.

Moderator Nina di Majo, director and screenwriter.

10.30 am:

  • Massimo Zivelli, President Accademia Ischia Arte "Luchino Visconti" - "Homage to Luchino Visconti, between Memory and Innovation - An opportunity for future generations."
  • Alberto Corrado "Dinner with Luchino Visconti, through his films and with special attention to the role of food".

11.00 a.m:

  • Piero Maranghi and Paolo Gavazzeni - "Visconti and Classical Music."

11:30 am:

  • Luchino Gastel, grandson of Luchino Visconti, "My connection with Luchino Visconti."

12:30 p.m.: Lunch break.

1:30 pm:

  • Marco Pistoia, University of Salerno "Visconti and set design in Mario Garbuglia."

2:15 pm:

  • Alessia Patrignani, actress, reads excerpts from Death in Venice..

2: 30 p.m.:

  • Nina di Majo "Proust and Visconti, the ghost project."

3 p.m.:

  • Alberto Saibene, "Visconti and the history of Republican Italy."

3:30 pm:

  • screening of the documentary  Gli angeli nascosti di Visconti  by Silvia Giulietti

5:00 p.m. Closing remarks