IULM launches two new Master's Degree Courses

University - 16 January 2024

Starting in the academic year 2024/2025, the Master's Degree Courses in 'Fashion Communication and Luxury Strategies' and in 'Marketing, Consumer Behaviour and Communication' will make their debut.

Starting from the academic year 2024/2025, IULM's academic offer will be enriched with the introduction of two new courses.

The Master's Degree Course in Fashion Communication and Luxury Strategies* offers an advanced pathway to enter the world of fashion and luxury: two industries that are now fully global. The course aims to train fashion and luxury communication professionals, managers and business consultants, who are able to face the challenges of contemporary communication, to place them in context, to transfer products and experiences to the public with a new language, as well as to take on roles of responsibility within established or start-up companies, being able to seize all the opportunities of complex systems. The course, taught in English, will combine face-to-face teaching with seminars, workshops, meetings with professionals and 'on-the-field' experiences. The curriculum and its "humanistic" vocation will give students the autonomy and the ability to think "out of the box" that will enable them to seize the most varied professional opportunities. The English language and the intrinsically international structure of the course will also guarantee a professional horizon not limited to the Italian market.

*new course under ministerial approval for a.y. 2024/2025

Find out more information about the course here.

The Master's Degree Course in Marketing, Consumer Behaviour and Communication. "Marketing" today means being present in the mind and life of the consumer with one's brand, offering experiences and opportunities for contact with one's products in physical and digital sales networks, generating relationships and conversations online with one's customers. This course - which represents the English-language Curriculum of the Degree Course in Marketing, consumi e comunicazione already active in our University - teaches how to do all this in a modern, professional and effective way.

Students will acquire the knowledge and application skills needed to work in the field of corporate, brand and product marketing and communication. The course offers a highly practical approach and the continuous participation of representatives from the corporate world and the business community in the teaching. Graduates in Marketing, Consumer Behaviour and Communication will be able to work in the areas of marketing and communication in brand and retail companies, as well as in communication agencies and consultancy firms, in the capacity of brand, digital, product and retail manager within some of the most important companies in the world.

Find out more information about the course here.