Masterclass with Marco D'Amore

University - 18 January 2024

On the occasion of the upcoming theatrical release of his film "Caracas," actor, director and screenwriter Marco D'Amore will be a guest at IULM on February 6 for a Masterclass.

Marco D'Amore, among the protagonists of Gomorra - one of the most successful Italian TV series in the world - will be a guest at IULM on Tuesday, February 6, at 6 p.m., in the Auditorium, for a Masterclass on "Caracas - From Page to Screen. The three creative stages of filmmaking." The actor and film director from Caserta will in fact soon be in theatres with his new work, based on a novel by Ermanno Rea, which tells the story of the relationship between the Neapolitan writer Giordano (Toni Servillo) and Caracas (Marco D'Amore), a man of the extreme right and close to conversion to Islam. For the occasion, D'Amore will dialogue with Rector Prof. Gianni Canova.

After graduating from the Paolo Grassi School of Dramatic Art in Milan, Toni Servillo himself chose him for a role in Le avventure di Pinocchio, a show of his company Teatri Uniti, directed by Andrea Renzi. Together with Servillo, he also works in the play La trilogia della villeggiatura and in Claudio Cupellini's film Una vita tranquilla.

Television fame arrived in 2012, with the series Benvenuti a tavola - Nord vs Sud, while in 2014 the great success of Gomorra and his character - the magnetic Ciro Di Marzio - made him one of the best-known faces on the Italian acting scene. In 2016 he returned to his first home, the theater, directing and starring in David Mamet's play American Buffalo (in Luca Barbareschi's translation), and then presenting it on a tour that continued into 2017 and 2018.

In cinema we saw him again in Brutti e cattivi (2017), the debut feature by Cosimo Gomez, and in the dual role of actor and director in the two films L'immortale (2019) and Napoli Magica (2022). He also collaborated as narrator in the production of Le Metamorfosi (2019) by Giuseppe Carrieri, an IULM lecturer.

The event is open to all students and the public. To participate, register here.

The Masterclass is part of the Badge of Honour activities.
The participation of students from all Degree Courses in the entire duration of the event will correspond to the completion of 1 of the 4 or 6 activities (the former for master's degrees, the latter for bachelor's degrees), for the purpose of earning the Badge of Honour.