Green Pass for students and lecturers
Green Pass mandatory for students, lecturers and university employees as of 1 September 2021. Consult this page to download the Rector's Decree with all the useful information.
To all students.
As is now known, following the latest Prime Ministerial Decree of 5 August 2021, the Green Pass is also expected to become mandatory for students, lecturers and university employees as of 1 September 2021.
Download here the Rector's Decree to consult all the new rules related to the introduction of the Green Pass.
In the meantime, the Lombardy Region invites IULM and all other universities in Lombardy to communicate that from 16 August on the platform prenotazionevaccinicovid.regione.lombardia.it there is a specific icon - a digital "button" – for university students who wish to have priority access to vaccination. Access to booking is also guaranteed to students from other regions and international students who do not have a health card (“tessera sanitaria”) but have a tax code (“codice fiscale”) or other identification code. The initiative also involves researchers, doctoral students and contracted professors.
The main vaccination centre for IULM students and staff is the Palazzo delle Scintille in Piazza Sei Febbraio.