November 25: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

University - 22 November 2024

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. IULM activates a dedicated listening channel in collaboration with the Anti-Violence Center Circles of Water.

To support women involved in situations of violence, IULM activates a dedicated listening channel in collaboration with the Anti-Violence Center Cerchi d'Acqua.

The listening channel is open to the entire IULM community (student community, teaching staff, technical-administrative staff) and aims to provide, through various services, qualified support to women involved in situations of mistreatment and abuse, sexual and psychological violence, stalking: welcome interviews to receive information and glimpse pathways out of violence, individual psychological support, psychotherapy pathways, legal information counseling, but also pathways to employment guidance and financial education.

This channel fits into the framework of initiatives already in place at the University to combat gender-based violence (Area 4 of the Gender Equality Plan), complementing awareness-raising activities on the issue with active listening.