Elisabetta Modena
[email protected]
Elisabetta Modena is an RTT researcher in contemporary art history. Her interests lie on the borders between visual arts history, media history and theory, exhibition display history and theory, digital and video game culture. In recent years he has explored the theme of art made with virtual reality, the cultural applications of this immersive technology, and immersiveness as a leitmotif of contemporaneity, which is expressed across the board in exhibitions and installations, museums and virtual environments, as well as through forms of storytelling and narrative. Alongside these studies since 2012 she has been carrying out research on the unrealized art project and, together with Marco Scotti, is the founder of MoRE. Museum of refused and unrealised art projects(www.moremuseum.org), a digital museum and archive dedicated to unrealized contemporary art projects of the 20th and 21st centuries: failures, abandonments, discards, mistakes, utopias, theoretical exercises, which usually remain unknown, but which leave traces in the artists' archives from which emerge stories, interrupted processes and alternative possibilities that, although not accomplished, contribute to redefine the boundaries of art and artistic thought.
Modena has been an RTDa researcher at the University of Pavia (2023-'24), a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Philosophy "Piero Martinetti" of the University of Milan (2020-'23), a fellow at CSAC (Center for Studies and Archives of Communication) of the University of Parma (2017-'18) and an adjunct lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia, the University of Milan and the University of Bologna.
In 2021, he was awarded the National Scientific Qualification for the position of Second-Band Professor in sector 10/B1 Art History.
He has curated exhibitions in Italy and abroad (MAMbo, Bologna; MAXXI, Rome; CSAC, Parma; MSU, Zagreb; Galleria del Premio Suzzara; Casa degli Artisti, Milan), art residencies (University of Parma, University of Milan and University of Pavia) and workshops, including the project Experience and Display, organized with Giovanna Amadasi and Andrea Pinotti at Pirelli HangarBicocca (since 2023). He has given and organized lectures and seminars in Italy and abroad.
She is an associate member of the ERC project "AN-ICON. An-Iconology: History, Theory, and Practices of Environmental Images" of the State University of Milan, a member of the "Pavia Research Group in Environmental Humanities" of the Department of Humanistic Studies of the University of Pavia, and a member of the "Network of Cultural Dream Studies," an interdisciplinary forum that aims to promote research on all cultural aspects of dreaming to which she collaborates on the artistic use of Virtual Reality.
She is the author of numerous articles and editor of scholarly journal issues, a member of the editorial boards of "S/Confine Research" and "AN-ICON. Studies in Environmental Images" (since 2021), a member of CUNSTA and SISCA.
She is the author of essays in exhibition catalogs and collective volumes and the monographs: La Triennale in mostra. Allestire ed esporre tra studio e spettacolo (1947-1954) (Scripta Edizioni, Verona 2015), Nelle storie. Art, cinema and immersive media (Carocci, Rome 2022), Immersions. Virtual Reality in the Hands of Artists (Johan & Levi, Milan 2023), Displays. Places Devices Gestures (Einaudi, Turin 2024) and curator with Valentina Rossi of the exhibition and volume Hidden Displays 1975-2020. Unrealized Projects in Bologna (MAMbo editions, Bologna, 2021).
- Contemporary art and media
- Art and immersive technologies (VR, AR, XR)
- History and theory of the exhibition display
- Art, museums and video games
- Project, failure and error in contemporary art
- Contemporary art and Environmental Humanities
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