Vittorio Linfante
[email protected]
Art Director and Professor of Fashion Design, Branding, Communication Design, Curating and Sustainable Fashion at several Italian and international universities and academies. PhD in Design at the Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano. Curator of the exhibition Il Nuovo Vocabolario della Moda Italiana, Triennale di Milano (November 2015 - March 2016). Author of several essays and articles on the relationship between fashion, art, marketing and communication.
Fashion / Branding / Communication / Sustainability / Design
Although IULM University takes all necessary care to ensure the publication of correct, updated and complete information, it is not responsible for the contents of the curricula published online on the Portal The holder of this curriculum vitae is the exclusive guarantor and responsible for the correctness and truthfulness of the information contained therein.
V. Linfante, M. Zanella, Italian Textile Design. Marsilio Arte, Venezia 2023
V. Linfante, M. Zanella, Textil Design aus Italien. Hatje Cantz , Berlino 2023
V. Linfante, Catwalks. Le sfilate di moda dalle Pandora al digitale Pearson, Milano 2022
P. Bertola, V. Linfante (a cura di), Il Nuovo Vocabolario della Moda Italiana. Mandragora, Firenze 2015
P. Bertola, V. Linfante, Giocattoli italiani di inizio novecento. 24 ore Cultura, Milano 2013
V. Linfante, ReFashioning: dal collezionismo al Vintage. Maggioli Editore, Bologna 2008
V. Linfante, Il guardaroba di Frida Kahlo, tra identità personale e allegoria nazionale , in D. Ferretti (a cura di), Frida Kahlo e Diego Rivera. La Collezione Gelman . Skira, Milano 2023
V. Linfante, Fashion Statements. Fashion Communication as an Expression of Artistic, Political, and Social Manifesto between Physical and Digital , in Fashion Communication. Proceedings of the FACTUM 21 Conference . Springer, Cham 2021.
V. Linfante, More Tamara than Tamara. La construccion de un icono [post-]moderno. in Mori, G., (a cura di), Tamara de Lempicka. Reina del Art Déco, Artemisia Book, 2018.
V. Linfante e C. Pompa, Space, Time and Catwalks: Fashion Shows as a Multilayered Communication Channel , in Zonemoda Journal , Vol. 11 No. 1 (2021):
V. Linfante, Fading, Mixing, Slicing, and Looping: the Deconstruction of Fashion Through the Creative Process of Music. , in Zonemoda Journal , Vol 10, No 1 (2020).
V. Linfante, “What Women Designer Want” The Female Point of View in the Fashion Creative Process , in PAD , #18 (2020).
V. Linfante, Is It ’Cause I’m Cool / Why You Dress Like Me is It / Honesty or You Just a Fool, in Zonemoda Journal, Vol 10, No 1s (2020).
V. Iannilli, V. Linfante, Nuovi percorsi della moda tra globale e locale. Dai grandi centri alla disseminazione culturale del fashion system, in Zonemoda Journal , Vol 9, No 2 (2019).
V. Linfante, KAOS(!). Moda e Cominicazione visiva. Il (non) linguaggio grafico da Moschino a Viktor&Rolf, passando per Martin Margiela e Vivienne Westwood, in Progetto Grafico n°36 - Profano (2019).
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