Luisa Damiano

[email protected]
Luisa Damiano (PhD) is full professor of logic and philosophy of science at the IULM University, where she directs the PhD School for Communication Studies and co-directs the research center CRiSiCo. She previously served as associate professor of logic and philosophy of science at the University of Messina (2015-2021) and at IULM University (2021-2023). Her main research areas are: Epistemology of Complex Systems; Epistemology of the Cognitive Sciences; Epistemology of the Sciences of the Artificial. Since 2007, she has been working on these topics with scientific teams (Origins of Life Group, University of Rome Three, Rome, Italy, SynthCells EU Project; Adaptive Systems Research Group, Developmental Robotics Division, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom, Felix Growing EU Project and Aliz-é EU Project; Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, Empathy and Frontier Sciences JSPS Project and Artificial Empathy JSPS Project; currently: University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, and JAMSTEC, Yokosuka, Japan, SB-AI Project; UQAM, Montreal, Canada, Artificial Empathy Project). Since 2011, she coordinates the Research Group on the Epistemology of the Sciences of the Artificial (RG-ESA).Among her publications there are many articles, the books Unità in dialogo (Bruno Mondadori, 2009) and Living with robots (with P. Dumouchel, Harvard University Press, 2017, originally published in French by Seuil, 2016, in Korean by HEEDAM, 2019, and in Italian by Raffaello Cortina, 2019; in publication in Chinese by Peking University Press) and several co-edited journal special issues (e.g., Artificial Empathy, International Journal of Social Robotics, with P. Dumouchel and H. Lehmann, 2014; What can Synthetic Biology offer to Artificial Intelligence (and vice versa)?, BioSystems, with Y. Kuruma and P. Stano, 2016; Synthetic Biology and Artificial Intelligence: Towards Cross-fertilization, Complex Systems, with Y. Kuruma and P. Stano, 2018; Experimental and Integrative Approaches to Robo-ethics,International Journal of Social Robotics, with F. Bianchini, E. Datteri and P. Graziani, 2023; Autopoiesis: Foundations of Life, Cognition, and Emergence of Self/Other, BioSystems, with P. Stano, O. Witkowski, T. Ikegami, C. Nehaniv, 2023; Biology in AI. New frontiers in hardware, software and wetware modeling of cognition, Artificial Life, with P. Stano, 2023).
Philosophy of Science and Technology:
- Complex Systems Theories, Methods and Epistemology;
- Epistemology of the Sciences of the Artificial, with a focus on the Synthetic Modelling of Life and Cognition, in particular in Cognitive, Developmental and Social Robotics, and in Synthetic Biology;
- Epistemology of the Cognitive Sciences and Philosophy of Mind, with a focus on Cognitive Extension, Minimal Cognition, Inter-subjective Cognition, Embodiment and Enaction;
- Philosophy of Biology, with a focus on Self-organization, Autopoiesis, Minimal Life, Origins of Life;
- Methods of Human-centric (Assistive) Technology Design, with a focus on Social Robot Design;
- Epistemology of (Social) Robotic Technology Design, with a focus on the contribution of Epistemology of Cognitive Sciences, Philosophy of Mind and Epistemology of the Sciences of the Artificial to the design of emerging robotic Technologies.
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Corso di Laurea in Arti, spettacolo, eventi culturali
Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione d'impresa e relazioni pubbliche
Corso di Laurea in Moda e industrie creative
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Arte, valorizzazione e mercato
Corso di Laurea in Arti, spettacolo, eventi culturali
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Arte, valorizzazione e mercato