Carmelo Dambone

Carmelo Dambone is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, family mediator, specialized in Criminology and Forensic Science.
He has also developed and acquired specific skills in the fields of developmental psychology, clinical and forensic psychology, forensic psychopathology and conflict psychology.
For several years, he has been studying the relationship between legal and psychological language in the testimony of vulnerable victims of violence.
President of the Italian Society of Forensic Clinical Psychology"association that aims to raise awareness, promote and develop the study and scientific research in the field of Forensic Clinical Psychology.
Lecturer at the IULM University of Milan where he holds a course called "Communication, mass media and crime".
Teacher of the specialization course in "Expert in hearing of minors victims of sexual abuse and ill-treatment" at various schools in Italy of specialized training in psychotherapy.
Lecturer in "Forensic Clinical Psychology" at various schools in Italy with specialist training in psychotherapy.
He was a professor at the IULM University of Milan, where he participated in the examination commissions, teaching activities and as a thesis speaker, related to the course "Crisis and Emergencies".
He has been appointed to teach "Elements of Victimology" to the course of Specialization in "Forensic Psychology: the practice of psychological intervention in the judicial field", Department of Psychology - University of Pavia.
He holds numerous workshops and training and refresher courses for operators in the psycho-social-health and legal area.
In terms of dissemination, discussion and debate, he participates as a speaker at numerous conferences, on issues related to forms of violence (sexual abuse, abuse in the family, stalking, etc..).
He is the author of several scientific and popular articles in the field of Forensic Clinical Psychology and Criminology.
Areas of scientific interest
Specifically, the most interesting scientific fields can be collected in some fundamental areas, all characterized by the fact of focusing the study and work on the different realities and criticalities that the subjects, belonging to the "Weak categories", must face when entering the circuit of Justice.
The main theme concerns the study of the victim of crime, specifically that which is the subject of serious deficiencies, mistreatment in the family and sexual abuse, to which the largest study group is dedicated. This specificity of focus on the victim, also for investigative and investigative purposes, is at the center of the reflection of the scientific research of Dr. Dambone who, for some time, studies and analyzes especially the psychological consequences regarding the victim of crime (primary victimization, secondary victimization, tertiary victimization). Nonetheless, he also examined in depth the problems related to the difficulties of coordination in the network work, support and protection of the "Weak Slings".
In sequence, the second line of interest aims to deepen the studies on mediation, starting from the family one up to the criminal one. Particular attention has been paid to the relational dynamics between the parties in conflict or the victim and the offender, in the legal and extra-legal framework.
Last but not least, one area of interest concerns the most common problems that professionals, both experienced and unskilled, face when they are working or would like to work in the world of Justice. In particular, it analyses some methodological aspects related to the dialogue between Clinical Psychology and Law, with the intention of seeking a common ground where confrontation and mutual understanding can lead to a true and effective integration.
Although IULM University takes all necessary care to ensure the publication of correct, updated and complete information, it is not responsible for the contents of the curricula published online on the Portal www.iulm.it. The holder of this curriculum vitae is the exclusive guarantor and responsible for the correctness and truthfulness of the information contained therein.
Dambone Carmelo (2019), La violenza spettacolarizzata. Il crimine e l’impatto psicologico della comunicazione, Editore FrancoAngeli, Milano;
Dambone Carmelo, Ludovica Monteleone (2019), La paura dello straniero. La percezione del fenomeno migratorio tra pregiudizi e stereotipi, Editore FrancoAngeli, Milano;
Dambone Carmelo (2017), Violenza alle donne: schemi e dinamiche nella relazione fra vittima e carnefice, in AA.VV. (a cura di), La mossa giusta. Professioni a confronto contro la violenza di genere, Edizioni Key, Vicalvi (FR);
Dambone Carmelo (2012), L’attività investigativa nei casi di minore vittima di violenza sessuale: competenze psicologiche da parte della polizia giudiziaria, in Francesco Rovetto e Sarah La Marca (a cura di), Psicologia Forense: La pratica dell’intervento psicologico in ambito giudiziario, Edizioni Print Service, Pavia;
Pur applicando tutte le necessarie diligenze volte a garantire la pubblicazione di informazioni corrette, aggiornate e complete, l’Università IULM non è responsabile dei contenuti riportati nei curricula pubblicati online sul Portale www.iulm.it.
Il titolare del presente curriculum vitae è garante e responsabile in via esclusiva della correttezza e veridicità delle informazioni in esso riportate.
Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione, media e pubblicità
- Comunicazione, mass media e crimine
Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione, media e pubblicità
- Comunicazione, mass media e crimine
Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione, media e pubblicità
Corso di Laurea in Relazioni pubbliche e comunicazione d'impresa
- Comunicazione, mass media e crimine
Corso di Laurea in Relazioni pubbliche e comunicazione d'impresa
Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione, media e pubblicità
- Comunicazione, mass media e crimine
Corso di Laurea in Relazioni pubbliche e comunicazione d'impresa
Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione, media e pubblicità
- Comunicazione, mass media e crimine
Corso di Laurea in Relazioni pubbliche e comunicazione d'impresa
Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione, media e pubblicità
- Comunicazione, mass media e crimine
Corso di Laurea in Relazioni pubbliche e comunicazione d'impresa
Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione, media e pubblicità
- Comunicazione, mass media e crimine
Corso di Laurea in Relazioni pubbliche e comunicazione d'impresa (in comune con il Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione, media e pubblicità)
- Comunicazione, mass media e crimine
Corso di Laurea in Relazioni pubbliche e comunicazione d'impresa (in comune con il Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione, media e pubblicità)
- Comunicazione, mass media e crimine
Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione, media e pubblicità
Corso di Laurea in Relazioni pubbliche e comunicazione d'impresa
- Crisi ed emergenze: identificazione, gestione e comunicazione