After the degree in Semiotics Studies at Modern Literature Faculty in Turin University, for ten years she worked in Advertising Agencies belonging to international network. In 1999 she started to teach in Master of First Level at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan and even now she is teaching in the same course; since 2002, she also teaches Brand Communication in COMeS - Communication and Society, in Politics Studies Faculty. Since 2010 she teaches different subjects in the same area: Fashion Semiology, History of fashion photography e Creating Communication in some Master Courses of the international school of fashion and design Istituto Marangoni. She contribuites to research projects with Centro ModaCult - Università Cattolica S.C. and with FaCe - Centro di Ricerca per la moda - Università IULM.
Brand communication
Brand as a sign
Luxury market
Images language in fashion market
Fashion films
Communication strategy on digital media
Brand Narrative
Virtual influencers' phenomenon
Although IULM University takes all necessary care to ensure the publication of correct, updated and complete information, it is not responsible for the contents of the curricula published online on the Portal The holder of this curriculum vitae is the exclusive guarantor and responsible for the correctness and truthfulness of the information contained therein.
• Leggere la marca per comunicare valore, (Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, 2007)
• Modalità espressive del fashion advertising (Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, 2010)
• Fashion films and net-aesthetics (David Publishing, New York, 2016)
• Brand Narration and Fashion Films (David Publishing, New York, 2017)
• Body in fashion films: The new net-aesthetic era, in SComS Studies in Communication Sciences, Volume Issue 18.2 (USI, Switzerland, 2019)
• Narrative Structures in fashion film: generating engagement, in Fashion communication in the Digital Age (a cura di Kalbaska N. - Sadaba, T. - Cominelli, F. - Cantoni, L. (Springer, Switzerland, 2019)
• Nuovi linguaggi per nuovi media: fashion film, fra cinema e moda in Pubblicità e cinema a cura di Federico, M. - Ragonese, R. (Carocci Editore, Roma, 2020)
• I Virtual influencer e le nuove narrazioni di marca in L'influenza digitale: youtuber, blogger, influencer e altre figure della rete (titolo provvisorio) a cura di Polesana, M.A. - Vagni, T. (Guerini, Collana Culturologica, Milano, in uscita)
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