Ilaria Bernardi

[email protected]
Ilaria Bernardi has a PhD in art history and is a curator.
Her previous collaborations include working with Germano Celant and, at the Castello di Rivoli Museod’Arte Contemporanea, with Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev.
Specialising in Italian art from the 1960s to the present day, while paying attention to international artistic research, she has curated exhibitions for public institutions such as the MAECI-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and for important exhibition spaces in Italy and abroad, including: the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Palazzo delle Esposizioni and Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome; Villa and Collezione Panza, Varese; Museo del Novecento e del Contemporaneo di Palazzo Fabroni, Pistoia; Magazzino Italian Art, Cold Spring, NY; IIC New York; IIC Madrid; Keyes Art Mile, Johannesburg; 6 Spin Street, Cape Town.
Since 2021 she is the curator of Progetto Genesi. Art and Human Rights, a travelling exhibition and educational project, promoted by Associazione Genesi and sponsored by MiC- Ministry of Culture, Italian National Commission for UNESCO, Rai Per il Sociale, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore e FAI-Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano.
Parallel to her work as a curator, she deals with artists’ archives as a whole (sorting, organizing, managing and curating of the general or raisonné catalog) and for specific projects. Among the assignments related to artists’ archives with which she has collaborated, special mention should be made of her work of archiving and cataloguing the entire corpus of works on paper by Giulio Paolini.
She is the author of several publications mainly focused on the artistic research that developed in Italy in the 1960s and 1970s, to which she has devoted several publications, including the monographs Opere e Archivi. Mara Coccia e Daniela Ferraria (SilvanaEditoriale, Milan 2020), La Tartaruga. Storia di una galleria (Postmediabooks, Milan 2018); Giulio Paolini. Opere su carta (Prinp – Editoria d’Arte 2.0, Turin 2017); Arte e Impresa. Omaggio a Marco Rivetti (Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Rivoli - Turin 2017); Vincenzo Agnetti. Testimonianza (Gli Ori, Pistoia 2015); Teatro delle mostre. Roma, maggio 1968 (Scalpendi editore, Milan 2014).
She has also published several essays in exhibition catalogs, as well as articles in trade journals, and has given talks on art and important Italian artists at conferences in Italy and abroad.
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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Arte, valorizzazione e mercato