Michele Bergonzi
[email protected]
Graduated in Philosophy of Mind, Person, City and History at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele (2008), specialized in public communication with the Master in Management of Social, Political and Institutional Communication (MASPI) at IULM (2010), he obtained an Executive MBA in Management Engineering at the School of Management of MiP, Politecnico di Milano (2021).
At IULM since 2010 he is member of the teaching team of Professor Stefano Rolando, lecturer in the courses of Theory and Techniques of Public Communication, Public and Political Communication and Public Branging. He has been Coordinator of the MASPI Master for three editions (2015-2018).
He collaborates with the Observatory on Public Communication, Public Branding and Digital Transformation and with the Podcast Observatory.
He is member of the Advisory board of the Digital Agenda Observatory Award of MiP Politecnico di Milano, and member of the Scientific Committee of the National Observatory on PAsocial Digital Communication.
He has collaborated with the Department of Computer Science of the University of Milan, in the course Social Interactions on the Web and Digital Citizenship, with the Laboratory of Civic Informatics of the University of Milan, and with the Civic Network Foundation of Milan.
In parallel with the theoretical and applied study of digital communication and its organizational and systemic impacts, he has deepened the statistical, quantitative and qualitative research, becoming Project research manager in international researches for IntelliGO, covering the role of analyst and consultant for multinational companies (Ford, Nissan, FCA, Hyundai, Mercedes, Triumph Motorcycles, Universal Music) and public administrations (City of Milan, Lombardy Region, Lombardy Regional Council).
Passionate about collaborative methodology and participatory processes, he has been facilitator in multi-stakeholder listening and engagement processes for the Municipality of Milan in the public debate on the reopening of the Navigli, and with Avventura Urbana for Mipaaf and Mibact in the Factor Ympresa Turismo project.
He is carrying on his research interconnecting different fields: systems thinking, media ecology, cybernetics, the study of communicative and relational patterns, the evolution of media and technology, in particular social networks, algorithms and AI, and their impacts on cognitive, communicative, relational and decision-making forms of man and society.
In 2020 he founded an innovative startup that won the Award of the Municipality of Milan “Smart City 2020”: Bridged, a collaborative funding and social network platform designed to facilitate the emergence of collaborative relationships between companies and associations, oriented to co-design and implementation and reporting of urban regeneration projects and public utilities with social and environmental impact, based on the 17 SDGs, the Goals for Sustainability of the 2030 Agenda.
Media ecology
Media studies
Systems theory
Systems dynamics
Deep ecology
Mechanism design
Information Theory
Complexity Theory
Non linear dynamics
Design thinking
Philosophy of technology
Philosophy of science
Although IULM University takes all necessary care to ensure the publication of correct, updated and complete information, it is not responsible for the contents of the curricula published online on the Portal www.iulm.it. The holder of this curriculum vitae is the exclusive guarantor and responsible for the correctness and truthfulness of the information contained therein.
• L’impatto ambivalente della pandemia da Covid-19 sulla comunicazione pubblica digitale, in L’Italia che comunica in digitale, Bonanno Editore, 2021.
• Lo sguardo dell’università sulla comunicazione pubblica digitale alla sfida della pandemia, di Michele Bergonzi, Gea Ducci, Alessandro Lovari e Letizia Materassi, edizioni Farehneit 451, 2021.
• L'Università e lo studio della comunicazione Digitale, in L'Italia che comunica in digitale, La comunicazione digitale nella vita del Paese, con Gea Ducci, Alessandro Lovari e Letizia Materassi, Bonanno Editore, 2019.
• Milano digital e online, in Brand Milano, Atlante della nuova narrativa identitaria, Edizioni Mimesis, 2017.
• La trasformazione tecnologica, in Comunicazione, poteri e cittadini, tra propaganda e partecipazione, Stefano Rolando, Edizioni Egea, collana: C&S, 2014.
• @giulianopisapia, in La rivoluzione gentile. La campagna X Pisapia sindaco di Milano, a cura di Emanuele Gabardi, Edizioni Franco Angeli, collana: Casi di Comunicazione, 2012.
• Basi culturali della disciplina, in Teoria e tecniche della comunicazione pubblica, a cura di Stefano Rolando, Rizzoli Etas, terza edizione, 2011.
• Report sul convegno nazionale dell’innovazione: retorica o nuove prospettive?, in Rivista italiana di comunicazione pubblica, n° 41, Franco Angeli, 2010.
• Innovatori in fiera ForumPA 2010, intervista con Carlo Mochi Sismondi (Direttore Generale di ForumPA), in Rivista italiana di comunicazione pubblica, n° 41, Franco Angeli, 2010.
• La libertà di informazione e comunicazione, in La comunicazione pubblica per una grande società. Ragioni e regole per un miglior dibattito pubblico. A cura di Stefano Rolando, Etas, 2010.
Pur applicando tutte le necessarie diligenze volte a garantire la pubblicazione di informazioni corrette, aggiornate e complete, l’Università IULM non è responsabile dei contenuti riportati nei curricula pubblicati online sul Portale www.iulm.it.
Il titolare del presente curriculum vitae è garante e responsabile in via esclusiva della correttezza e veridicità delle informazioni in esso riportate.
Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione d'impresa e relazioni pubbliche