Research projects
Alongside a line of development based on offering services to the wider community through research on behalf of third parties, IULM University has identified, in competitive research, not only important sources of support but also the opportunity to work in networked contexts and methodological comparison with other universities on the international scene. The University has also acknowledged the importance of giving greater financial autonomy to research and has therefore established a policy of investment of resources based on the annual provision of funding for departmental research at the beginning of each year.
Departmental Projects
Prospective migrants: policies, representations, practices
Department of Humanities
Departmental Projects
Book Therapy: reading as a tool for prevention and treatment
Department of Communication, Arts and Media
Departmental Projects
Phenomenology of Grand Theft Auto
Department of Communication, Arts and Media
Year 2019
Third party and competitive
2nd International Conference on Crisis Communication at the Beginning of 21st Century
Stefania Romenti and Grazia Murtarelli of the IULM University were honoured at the 2nd International Conference on Crisis Communication at the Beginning of 21st Century
Third party and competitive
Academic Highly Commended Paper Award
Award given to Prof. Alessandra Mazzei and Silvia Ravazzani, event organized by Corporate Communication International
Third party and competitive
6th Workshop on Family Firms Management Research
Pietro Mazzola and Salvatore Sciascia of the IULM University honoured at the 6th Workshop on Family Firms Management Research
Third party and competitive
2014 Academy of Management Meeting
An article by Salvatore Sciascia and Pietro Mazzola of the IULM University included in the "Best Paper Proceedings"
Third party and competitive
Sciascia earns accolade as "Excellent Reviewer" of the Journal of Family Business Strategy
For the year 2013, Salvatore Sciascia, IULM researcher, has been recognised as "Excellent Reviewer" by Elsevier, publishing house of the Journal of Family Business Strategy.
Third party and competitive
Family Business Review and IFERA, awards for Professor Sciascia
Salvatore Sciascia, Associate Professor of Business Strategy and Performance at IULM, was awarded the "Excellent Reviewer" of the Family Business Review magazine for the year 2014 and by the International Family Entrerprise Research Academy as one of the "Best Reviewers" of the conference held in July 2015