Towards a Global Literature
Towards a Global Literature: translation and its reception, images of otherness and cultural politics, is a special research project devised by the Institute of Arts, Culture and Comparative Literatures at IULM University, Milan, Italy.
The question this project intends to address is: how does the rapid internationalization of the market for literature and the growing perception that the writer is addressing a global rather than a national community affect the content and style of what gets written and the conditions in which the translator works? Are novelists adapting their styles to make translation easier? Are they becoming more aware of what is culture-specific in their work? How do conditions and perceptions vary from one culture to another? Would it be possible to hazard a morphology of the successful 'global' novel? And is there really a 'global' readership or are we just speaking of a transnational, liberal, book-reading elite? What is the role of the cultural press in forming and informing this readership?
The project aims to answer the following questions: how do the rapid internationalisation of the literary market and the feeling that the writer is increasingly turning to a global rather than a national community affect the content, style and working conditions of the translator? Are novelists progressively adapting their style to make translation easier? Are they becoming more aware of the cultural specificities present in their works? How do these conditions and their individual perceptions vary from one culture to another? Is it possible to hazard a morphology of the successful "global" novel? And is there really a "global" readership, or can we just talk about an elite of transnational and liberal readers? What role do the cultural pages of the big newspapers play in forming and informing such a readership? For the full description of the project, click here. To participate in the discussion of the project on Facebook, click here. |