Trails of Peace between history, memory and communication

International - 02 December 2021

On December 10th at IULM an International Conference about Peace entitled "Trails of Peace between history, memory and communication".

The international conference, organized by the IULM University (Department of Humanities and the Euresis Research Centre) with the Politecnico di Milano, together with the Italian Network of Universities for Peace (Runipace), promoted by the Conference of Rectors (CRUI), with the International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP) and the Red Internacional de Universidades Lectoras (RIUL), will be held in Milan at the IULM University on 10 December 2021, the anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights, with an advance on 9, at the Mantua campus of the Politecnico di Milano.

The international meeting, following a path that goes from Solferino to the Great War, from Guernica to Hiroshima, up to the post-bipolar scenarios, aims to help reflect on the meaning of museums of peace, on the role of cities, universities, the world of communication and art in the protection of human rights and forms of narration of the peace-war theme, from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century.

Furthermore, attention will be paid to the relationship between impact on territories and construction of transnational networks, with attention to the Italian experience in global scenarios.
The event will be mixed, in presence and in streaming, and each speaker will speak in his or her language of origin and will be translated into English for the appropriate zoom channel

Participation in attendance at the event is free after mandatory registration at this form

The entrance in the Auditorium is allowed only to those who are in possession of Super Green pass

Click here to download the program


December 9th, 15 h.
At Politecnico di Milano (Mantova Campus)

Greetings: Kazuyo Yamane (INMP), Federico Bucci (Vice-rector of the Mantova Campus)

Key note speech: Philippe Prost, From War to Peace

Roundtable: The Italian museums for Peace

  • Museo-laboratorio di Pace, Collegno (Lucetta Sanguinetti)
  • International Peace Poster Documentation Centre, Bologna (Vittorio Pallotti)
  • Gorla Museum project (Piera Caramellino)
  • International Museum of Red Cross MICR, Castiglione delle Stiviere (Michele Romeo Jasinski)
  • Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino, Trento (Sara Zanatta)
  • Fondazione Fossoli, Carpi (Andrea Luccaroni)
  • Centro Studi Sereno Regis (Angela Dogliotti, Elena Camino)

Chair and Conclusion: Elena Montanari (Politecnico di Milano)

December 10th
IULM Auditorium Open Space

Institutional greetingsGianni Canova (Rector of Università IULM), Enza Pellecchia (Runipace Coordinator), Akihiko Kimijima (INMP World Coordinator)


Massimo De Giuseppe (Università IULM) - The museums of peace between history, memory and communication

Memory (Peace Museums)
10.00-1.00 p.m

  • Thomas Schneider (Erich Marie Remarque Center, Germany) 
  • Iratxe Momoitio (Guernica Museum, Spain)
  • Junko Kanekiyo (Kyoto Museum for World Peace/Ritsumeikan University, Japan) 
  • Kim Yeonghwan (The Museum of Japanese Colonial History in Korea) 
  • Clive Barrett (Chair of Trustees, The Peace Museum, Bradford, UK) 
  • Munuve Mutisya (Community Peace Museum, Kenya) 
  • Jesper Magnusson (Fredens Hus Museum, Uppsala, Sweden) 
  • Kevin Kelly (Dayton Peace Museum, USA) 

Chair and Conclusions: Roy Tamashiro (Webster University, USA)

2.30-4.30 p.m
Greetings: Giovanna Rocca (Pro-Rector of Research Università IULM )

  • Makiko Takemoto (Hiroshima City University Peace Institute): Japan, Germany and peace 
  • Renato Moro (Romatre University): Pacifism in Contemporary Italy 
  • Enrico Palumbo (Università IULM ): Peace in the Meddle East, The Refugee Issue
  • Angela Santese (University of Bologna): Pacifisms after the Cold War

Chair and conclusion: Guido Formigoni (Università IULM)

5.00-7.00 pm

  • Gianni Canova (Rector of Università IULM): War & Peace in Cinema
  • Savina Tarsitano (European Cultural Parlament): Photography for Peace
  • Francesca Corrao (Fondazione Orestiadi di Gibellina): The Museum and the Theater as tools of education for peace: the Orestiadi Foundation
  • Ítaca Palmer Campos (Universidad de Granada): Peace Lectures and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
  • Anne Noonan, Nina Burridge (The Australian Peace Network) From Pandemic to Peace building - creating cultures of peace as the new normal
  • Anna Castelli (Università IULM):  Indigenous artists for peace. A tribute to Jimmie Durham
  • Satoko Norimatsu (Director of Peace Philosophy Center, Canada): Critical Thinking, Peace and Memorializations

Chair and conclusion: Mauro Ceruti (Università IULM)

Scientific direction: Massimo De Giuseppe, Giovanna Rocca, Federico Bucci, Elena Montanari

Secretary: Cesare Pecora