Admission test a.y. 2024/25 - IV session Bachelor's Degree courses
Corporate Communication and Public Relations and Fashion and Creative Industries have sold out. Enrollment for all other Bachelor's Degree Courses remains open.
Thanking you for your interest in the Degree Courses in Corporate Communication and Public Relations, we are pleased to inform you that registration for the Fourth Test Session for A.Y. 2024/25 (initially scheduled for July) has been closed.
Also closed, as announced on March 26, 2024, is the admission test registration for the Degree Course in Fashion and Creative Industries and Corporate Communication and Public Relations forA.Y. 2024/25. Full news here.
On the other hand, registration still remains open for admission tests - scheduled for July 12-18, 2024 - for the degree programs in:
- Arts and Cultural Events;
- Communication, media and advertising;
- Interpreting and Communication;
- Languages, culture and digital communication;
- Tourism, management and culture.
N.B. However, applications for candidates who will graduate from high school in a.s. 2024/25, i.e., those who will matriculate in a.y. 2025/26, remain regularly open.
At this link you can stay up-to-date on all the deadlines for the fourth testing session.
For more information you can contact our toll-free number 800 363 363 or write to [email protected]