Oltre la storia dell'arte. Eugenio Battisti nel centenario della sua nascita
December 11 and 12 an international conference
On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the historian of art and culture Eugenio Battisti (1924-2024), the International Conference organized by the Department of Communication, Arts & Media - curated by Tommaso Casini, Anna Luigia De Simone and Claudio Gamba - intends to celebrate and study one of the most eminent figures of art-historical studies in Italy and the world. The Conference, the result of a two-year research program, in collaboration and under the patronage of the Scuola Normale Superiore, where the Battisti Archive is preserved, is marked by the broadest interdisciplinarity.
The initiative is in line with Battisti's broad and culturally and globally interrelated interests, in consideration and respect of his biography, which led him to teach in the United States, and as a visiting professor on numerous academic and non-academic occasions in Europe, as well as in Italian universities: Genoa, Arcavacata Reggio Calabria, Milan Polytechnic, Tor Vergata in Rome. Eugenio Battisti's interests cover a range of topics from the history of architecture to the history of art (ancient, medieval and modern, up to the contemporary one of the 20th century), to visual languages in general, without spatial-temporal or technical bias; from the history of ideas to philosophy and semiotics; from the history of art criticism to industrial archaeology and the sociology of art; from theater to music; devoting one of the most influential studies of critical thought of the 20th century with the volume L'Antirinascimento (Feltrinelli 1962 - Garzanti 1989 - Aragno 2005).
Oltre la storia dell'arte. Eugenio Battisti nel centenario della sua nascita
(Beyond Art History. Eugenio Battisti in the centenary of his birth)
Sala dei 146 (IULM 6)
December 11 15:00-19:00
December 12 9:30-13:00/14:00-18:00
Download here the conference program
Download here the poster