Metaphor in communication: a conference

University - 02 August 2022

September 30, 2022 a day of study in our University

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The extensive use of metaphors in communication of Covid 19 and the broad and heated debate among linguists and discourse analysts that ensued contributed to a rekindling of interest in the use of this trope in public communication and the media. Within this context, special emphasis has been placed on the framing effect of metaphor, which is often re/lied on to promote the selection of particular elements and interpretative schemes among the many potentially available, in the representation, interpretation and (re)construction of facts, discoveries, events. This is the rationale underlying recourse to metaphor in all areas of journalism and public communication — politics, health, scientific and medical dissemination, advertising — where it has often been used strategically, for manipulative, persuasive or ideological purposes. A further aspect that has emerged in the recent debate on recourse to metaphors in public communication and in the media is the cultural situatedness of many metaphors in contrast with the more universal character of others, a factor that has important implications for translation and intercultural communication.

This workshop intends to explore the use of metaphor in different media, in political and institutional discourses and in all forms of communication addressed to the general public, including multimodal contexts and audiovisual communication (films, documentaries, corporate videos, public service announcements, but also posters, adverts, etc.).

The keynote speakers are linguists Zoltán Kövecses and Michele Prandi.

Metaphor in contemporary communication: linguistic, semiotic and translation perspectives
Milan, Aula Seminari al VI piano, IULM 1

September 30, 2022

Follow the streaming here

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Participation is free and open to the public but it will be necessary to register to this form

The Workshop is open to IULM students but they are kindly requested to previously communicate their intention to participate by emailing to [email protected]

The Conference is organised within the framework of the Project Metaphor in Contemporary Communication: Linguistic, Semiotic and Translational Perspectives, coordinated by Giuliana Elena Garzone and financed by the Department of Humanities, Università IULM, Milan, for 2022.

Conference Chair

Giuliana Garzone [email protected]

Scientific and organizing committee
Giovanna Rocca
Giuliana Garzone
Elena Liverani
Mara Logaldo
Giacomo Archibald
Zoltán Kövecses
Michele Prandi

Cesare Pecora [email protected]