Imaginaries of technoscience: an interuniversity conference
From October 15 to 19, IULM and Università dell'Insubria will be the venues for the conference
From October 15 to 19, 2024, Università IULM and Università dell'Insubria will host the International Conference Imaginaries of Technoscience. Narratives, Power Society, organized by the Centro Insubre di Studi Politici (CISP) of the University of Insubria and the Departimenti di Studi Umanistici and Comunicazione, Arti e Media of Università IULM , in collaboration with the Centre de Recherches Internationales sur l'Imaginaire (Cri2i).
The conference, which will be held in three languages (Italian, French, English), aims to promote a critical reflection on the evolution of the human-machine relationship through a conscious modeling of cognitive and social technologies. Its sociocultural and political influences will be analyzed, fostering an ethical interaction between man and machine that aims to overcome technophilic and technophobic narratives.
The appointment is for Tuesday, October 15, at 9.30 a.m. in Aula Seminari of IULM for the Emerging Scholars section, which will continue on Wednesday, October 16 at the Meeting Room of the Dipartimento di scienze umane e dell'innovazione per il territorio of Università dell'Insubria in Como.
The conference will continue on Thursday, October 17 and Friday, October 18, also at the Como venue. The conclusion of the proceedings is scheduled for Saturday 19 at 4 p.m. in IULM at Room 146.
Where and when:
15/10, 9.30am-4.20pm, Aula Seminari , IULM, via Carlo Bo 1, Milan
16-18/10, 9.00am-6.30pm, Sala Riunioni, Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, via M. E. Bossi 5, Como
19/10, 9.00am-4.30pm, Aula 612 and Sala dei 146, IULM, via Carlo Bo 1, Milan
Download here the programme