Gianfranco Maraniello
[email protected]
Individual tutorial
Receives by appointment to be agreed by email.
Born in Naples in 1971. He lives and works between Milan and Rovereto.
Graduated in Theoretical Philosophy from the State University of Milan.
Contemporary art critic, curator and interested in philosophical, museographic and museological practices.
Main assignments in progress
Director of Mart - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto
President of AMACI - Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums
Member of the Board of Directors of the Pinacoteca di Brera
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Farnesina Collection - MAECI
Member of the Scientific Committee of MADRE - Museum of Contemporary Art Naples
Main tasks performed
1993-1999: Collaborator and editor of the Flash Art Magazine
1999-2001: Curator at the Palazzo delle Papesse in Siena
2002-2004: Curator at MACRO - Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome
2005-2015: Director of GAM - Modern Art Gallery of Bologna and (from 2013) of the entire civic system of the city called Institution Bologna Museums
from June 2015: Director of Mart - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto
Other projects
2001: Blinky Palermo Award, winner with Francesco Vezzoli, Leipzig
2004: curator at the Nuit Blanche in Paris
2006: co-curator of the Shanghai Biennale
2007: The 7th Hiroshima Art Prize, winner with Cai Guo Qiang, Hiroshima
2008: organization of the exhibition "Morandi 1890 - 1964" at the Metropolitan Museum of New York in co-production with MAMbo - Bologna
2014: Author and narrator of the CDA published by LaRepubblica/L'Espresso "POP ART. E la Società di massa diventa arte" (POP ART. And the mass society becomes art)
2013-2015: Designer and curator of the project Art City Bologna (for ArteFiera and Comune di Bologna)
2016: juror in the television contest "Pomilio Blum Prize" for Sky Arte. Magnolia Production
2017: artistic curator for the project Memory and Contemporaneity, commissioned by the Palace Museum - museum of the Forbidden City of Beijing - collateral event of the 57th. International Art Exhibition. The Venice Biennale
Main exhibitions curated
2001: Germany. The construction of an image, (with B. Steiner), Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena
2001: Espresso. Art in Italy today, Manifattura Tabacchi, Florence
2001: The Gift. Insidia Hospitality Offer, (with A. Somaini), Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena
2002: Naples Year Zero. Here and now, Castel Sant'Elmo, Naples
2003: Simon Starling, MACRO, Rome
2003: Christian Jankowski, MACRO, Rome
2005: Drive. Cars in Contemporary Art, GAM, Bologna
2006: Giovanni Anselmo, (with A. Viliani), GAM, Bologna
2007: Christopher Williams, (with A. Viliani), GAM, Bologna
2007: Vertigo. The century of off-media art, (with G. Celant), MAMbo, Bologna
2008: Ding Yi, MAMbo, Bologna
2008: Giuseppe Penone, MAMbo, Bologna
2008: Luigi Ontani, MAMbo, Bologna
2009: Bernd & Hilla Becher at Museo Morandi, Museo Morandi, Bologna
2009: Seth Price, (with A. Viliani), MAMbo, Bologna
2009: Sarah Morris, (with A. Viliani), MAMbo, Bologna
2009-2010: Gilberto Zorio, MAMbo Bologna/CGAC Santiago de Compostela
2011-12: Matthew Day Jackson Bologna, MAMbo, Bologna/Kunstmuseum Luzern/Geemente Museum, The Hague
2013: Marino Marini: the archaic, (with A. Salvadori), Civic Archaeological Museum, Bologna
2013: Giorgio de Chirico e i libri, Archiginnasio Library, Bologna
2012: Mario Ceroli, MAMbo, Bologna
2013: The Great Magic, (with Walter Guadagnini), MAMbo, Bologna
2014: Rachel Whiteread, MAMbo, Bologna
2014: Limits sem limites: desenhos e traços da Arte Povera, Fundaçao Ibere Camargo, Porto Alegre
2015: Lawrence Carroll, MAMbo, Bologna
2015: Li Song Song, MAMbo, Bologna/Staatlische Kunsthalle, Baden Baden
2016: Giuseppe Penone, Mart, Rovereto.
2016: Robert Morris, Mart, Rovereto
2017: Orhan Pamuk/Grazia Toderi, Mart, Rovereto
2017-2018: Mimmo Jodice. Mediterranean, Farnesina - Rome and touring in various Italian Cultural Institutes
2018: Carlo Alfano, Mart, Rovereto
2018: Gianfranco Baruchello, Mart, Rovereto
2018: Nathalie Djurberg - Hans Berg, (with Lena Esslig), Moderna Musset Stockholm, Mart Rovereto, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
2018: All the Isms of Armando Testa, Royal Museums, Turin
Teaching and academic lessons:
From 2001 to 2005, he was a contract professor of "Aesthetics of New Media" at the Academy of Fine Arts in Brera, where he also regularly held courses for the master's degree "Organization and Communication of Visual Arts".
From 2010 to 2013, he was a lecturer at the LUISS University in Rome for the master "Museum Curatorship", of which he is still a member of the Scientific Committee.
He has given numerous lectures at universities, academies and museums in Italy, France, Germany, Brazil, China and Japan.
In 2017, he held the lectio magistralis Museo. luogo di apparizione delle arti in the context of the Festival della Filosofia di Modena (Modena Philosophy Festival)
In 2018, he was lecturer in La Storia in Piazza/Rivoluzioni, Genova
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2000: L’immagine in sospeso, in Espresso. Arte oggi in Italia, a cura di G. Maraniello/L. Cerizza/S. Chiodi, Electa, Milano
2001: Strategie del dono, in Il Dono. Offerta, ospitalità, insidia, a cura di G. Maraniello/A. Somaini, Charta, Milano
2002: Arte in Europa 1990-2000, Skira, Milano
2002: Économie du Présent. Notes et Répétitions, in Sonic Process, a cura di Christine van Assche, Centre Pompidou, Paris
2002: Tatjana Trouvé, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
2002: Detail by Detail: Time Regained, in The needleworks of Francesco Vezzoli, a cura di Jan Winkelmann, Hatje Cantz
2003: Pittura e scultura degli anni ’80, in Arte Contemporanea, a cura di F. Poli, Electa, Milano
2004: L’arte contemporanea e i “limiti” dell’architettura, in Arti e Architettura 1900-1968, a cura di G. Celant, Skira, Milano
2006: De-sign of the Time, in Hyperdesign, Shanghai Biennale
2007: Margini di infinito. L’opera di Giovanni Anselmo: introduzione ed esodo, in Giovanni Anselmo, a cura di G. Maraniello/A. Viliani, Hopefulmonster, Torino
2007: Il soggetto dei media, in Vertigo, a cura di G. Celant/G. Maraniello, Skira, Milano
in Hyperdesign
2008: Instants and Apocalypses. The “Explosions” of Cai Guo Qiang, in Cai Guo Qiang, The Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art
2009: Prefazione agli scritti di Giuseppe Penone, in Giuseppe Penone. Scritti/Writings 1968-2008, a cura di G. Maraniello/J. Watkins, MAMbo, Bologna/IKON, Birmingham
2009: Alibi e lapsus. L’aleph di Luigi Ontani, in Luigi Ontani. Gigante3RazzEtà7ArtiCentAuro, a cura di G. Maraniello, MAMbo, Bologna
2009: Bernd & Hilla Becher at Museo Morandi, Museo Morandi, Schirmer/Mosel, Munich
2010: Due Mostre di Gilberto Zorio, in Gilberto Zorio, MAMbo Bologna/CGAC Santiago de Compostela
2011: Scriverne: appunti per una storia dell’Arte Povera, in Arte Povera 2011, a cura di G. Celant, Electa, Milano
2013: La Grande Magia. La struttura di un’indagine, in La Grande Magia, a cura di G. Maraniello/W. Guadagnini, MAMbo, Bologna
2014: Desenhos e traços da Arte Povera, in Limites sem limites, a cura di G. Maraniello, Fundaçao Ibere Camargo, Porto Alegre
2016: Giuseppe Penone: la possibilità della scultura, in Giuseppe Penone. Scultura, a cura di G. Maraniello, Electa, Milano
2017: Arte Memoria e Contemporaneità, in Memory and Contemporaneity. China Art Today, a cura di G. Maraniello/D. Rampello, The Palace Museum Beijing/57. Esposizione Internazionale di Venezia
2018: Tra i Dormiveglia di Baruchello, in Gianfranco Baruchello, a cura di G. Maraniello, Mart, Rovereto.
2018: Mimmo Rotella: gli anni Ottanta e la questione della pittura, in Mimmo Rotella Manifesto, GNAM, Roma
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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Arte, valorizzazione e mercato
Il sistema dei musei
- Comunicazione dei musei e delle istituzioni d'arte
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Arte, valorizzazione e mercato
Il sistema dei musei
- Comunicazione dei musei d'impresa e delle istituzioni d'arte
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Arte, valorizzazione e mercato
Il sistema dei musei
- Comunicazione dei musei d'impresa e delle istituzioni d'arte
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Arte, valorizzazione e mercato
-Il sistema dei musei - Comunicazione dei musei d'impresa
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Arti, patrimoni e mercati