[email protected]
Elisa Gambaro obtained her PhD in History of Italian Language and Literature in 2007 at the University of Milan. She spent a year of research and teaching at New York University. Between 2007 and 2008 she collaborated in the Laboratory of Creative Writing held by Prof. Paolo Giovannetti at IULM.
Between 2008 and 2013 he was awarded research grants at the Centro Apice of the University of Milan and at the Department of Literary, Philological and Linguistic Studies of the same University: in these years he has been responsible for the digital cataloguing of the Futurist journals preserved at Apice, also dealing with bibliographic collections, and has ordered and catalogued the archive of the poet Giovanni Giudici. In the two-year period 2019-2020 she collaborated as a researcher with the "Elvira Badaracco Foundation. Studies and documentation of women" (coordinator Prof.ssa Marina Zancan).
From 2004 to 2018 she worked for years as a tutor and integrative didactics, first as a collaborator of the Chair of Contemporary Italian Literature at the University of Milan (Prof.ssa Giovanna Rosa), then as owner of Interpretation and text analysis laboratories. For seven academic years she was a contract lecturer at the University of Milan: co-owner and holder of the courses of Literature and Culture in Contemporary Italy and Italian Culture for Foreigners at the CdL Mediazione linguistica e culturale; holder of the course of Contemporary Italian Literature at the Faculty of Humanistic Studies. In the latter role, between 2014 and 2020 she was speaker of more than sixty three-year and master's theses. She has held professional writing and Italian literature workshops at the University of Milan Bicocca. At the University of Milan she took part in projects of teaching Italian literature of the twentieth century (coordinator Prof. Bruno Falcetto). Since 2019 he has been contract lecturer in the course Laboratory of Storytelling and argumentative writing at IULM.
She has participated as organizer and speaker at numerous conferences in Italy and abroad. She is the author of two monographs; she has signed two curates and more than thirty articles on authors, authors, genres and problems of 20th century Italian literary modernity and contemporaneity. She has long collaborated in the "Tirature" yearbook, founded and directed by Vittorio Spinazzola; she is part of the Editorial Board of "Enthymema. Rivista open access di studi letterari" (Prof.ssa Stefania Sini).
In 2013 she was the winner of the competition for the teaching of literary subjects in lower and upper secondary school. In 2018 she obtained the national scientific qualification for the second category in the s.c. 10/F2 Contemporary Italian Literature, with unanimity of the members of the commission.
As a freelance professional, she has collaborated with the publishing houses Bompiani, Garzanti, Zanichelli, Mondadori and Feltrinelli with editorial, editorial reading and editing assignments; she has held refresher courses on 20th century literature for secondary school teachers; she carries out cultural divulgation activities for private companies.
1.Writing, reading and publishing circulation of 20th century and contemporary writers, also in a transnational perspective (Sibilla Aleramo, Paola Masino, Alba de Cèspedes, Elsa Morante, Natalia Ginzburg, Giovanna Zangrandi, Clara Sereni, Margaret Mazzantini, Elena Ferrante)
2. Professional activity and poetic production of Vittorio Sereni, Giovanni Giudici, Elio Pagliarani and Franco Fortini in Milan during the Sixties
3. Para- and extra-literary morphologies (comics, soap opera, TV series), transmediality.
Although IULM University takes all necessary care to ensure the publication of correct, updated and complete information, it is not responsible for the contents of the curricula published online on the Portal The holder of this curriculum vitae is the exclusive guarantor and responsible for the correctness and truthfulness of the information contained therein.
GAMBARO E. (2010) The female protagonism in the work of Ada Negri, Milan, Led - Il Filarete 2010, 252 pp., ISBN 9788879164573
[Premio Internazionale “Sulle orme di Ada Negri”, sez. critica, 2012]
GAMBARO E. (2018) Become an author. Aleramo Morante Ginzburg de Céspedes Zangrandi Sereni, Milan, Unicopli 2018, 276 pp., ISBN 9788840020020
["La Repubblica", 23 September 2018; "Allegoria", n. 79, 2019; "Leggendaria", 2019]
Treat them:
Poetry on file. Author projects and editorial processes, I quaderni di Apice. 1, edited by ELISA GAMBARO and STEFANO GHIDINELLI, Milan, Unicopli, 2019, 131 pp., ISBN 9788840020884
PAOLA MASINO, Birth and death of the housewife, edited by ELISA GAMBARO, Introduction by NADIA FUSINI, Milan, Feltrinelli 2019 ISBN 9788807033674
["Il Venerdì di Repubblica", 8 November 2018; "Il Fatto Quotidiano", 15 November 2019; "La Stampa Tuttolibri", 7 December 2019]
Essays and articles (selection):
GAMBARO E. (2020) My brilliant friend: screen shaping Ferrante's storytelling for a wider audience, "Modern language notes", forthcoming
GAMBARO E. (2019) Note to the text; Biographical note, in PAOLA MASINO, Birth and death of the housewife, edited by ELISA GAMBARO, Introduction by NADIA FUSINI, Milan, Feltrinelli 2019, pp. 225-237
GAMBARO E. (2019) "On the reverse side of summer". Sereni's work in "Un posto di vacanza", in La poesia in archivio. Author projects and editorial processes, edited by ELISA GAMBARO and STEFANO GHIDINELLI, Milan, Unicopli 2019, pp. 33-57
GAMBARO E. (2019) News from the blogosphere, in '19 circulations. Tuttestorie di donne, edited by VITTORIO SPINAZZOLA, Milan, Il Saggiatore - Fondazione Mondadori 2019, pp. 181-187
GAMBARO E. (2017) Effective and engaging fiction novels, in Print runs '17. From one series to another, edited by
GAMBARO E. (2016) Splendori e miserie di una duplice affabulazione, "Allegoria" 73, 2016, pp. 154-165, ISSN 11221887
GAMBARO E. (2016) Fortini poet, in "Come ci siamo allontanati". Ragionamenti su Franco Fortini, edited by LUIGI CAROSSO and PAOLO MASSARI, Milano, Arcipelago, 2016, pp. 111-117, ISBN 9788876955310
GAMBARO E. (2016) A literary project for the years of the miracle: the difficult synthesis of "This and more", "Literature and Literatures" 10, 2016, pp. 53-69, ISSN 1971906X
GAMBARO E. (2015) Fifties bourgeois interior: Forbidden Notebook of Alba de Céspedes at the crossroads of romance genres, "Enthymema" 13, 2015, pp. 228-241, ISSN 20272426
GAMBARO E. (2015) The lying down and the intellectual in crisis, in Print runs '15. Gli intellettuali che fanno opinione, edited by VITTORIO SPINAZZOLA, Milan, Il Saggiatore - Fondazione Mondadori, 2015, pp. 15-20, ISBN 9788865764190
GAMBARO E. (2014) The fascination of regress. Notes on Elena Ferrante's brilliant friend, "Enthymema" 11, 2014, pp. 168-181, ISSN 20272426
GAMBARO E. (2014) Life in verses in the unpublished diaries of the Sixties, in Metti in versi la vita. La figura e l'opera di Giovanni Giudici, edited by ALBERTO CADIOLI, Rome, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2014, pp. 121-136, ISBN 9788863726435
GAMBARO E. (2013) "From the heart of the miracle". Poetry and poetics by Giovanni Giudici in the sixties, in Per Giudici, Avellino, Edizioni di Sinestesie, 2013, pp. 45-60, ISBN 9788898169207
GAMBARO E. (2013) It is a question of communicating through the essentials. Some unpublished notes by Giovanni Giudici, "La modernità letteraria", 6, 2013, pp. 151-157, ISSN 1971906X
GAMBARO E. (2011) The first editions of the '900 Sergio Reggi Collection: a canon of Italian prose between the two wars, in Collezionismo librario e biblioteche d'autore. Viaggio negli archivi culturali, edited by LODOVICA BRAIDA and ALBERTO CADIOLI, Milan, Skira, 2011, pp. 58-67, ISBN 8857213307
GAMBARO E. (2006) Strategies of Affabulation in Diario 1938, in STEFANIA LUCAMANTE E SHARON WOOD (eds.), Under Arturo's Star: The Cultural Legacies of Elsa Morante, West Lafayette, Purdue University Press, 2005, pp. 21-44, ISBN 139781557534071
Although IULM University takes all necessary care to ensure the publication of correct, updated and complete information, it is not responsible for the contents of the curricula published online on the Portal The holder of this curriculum vitae is the exclusive guarantor and responsible for the correctness and truthfulness of the information contained therein.