Leonardo Caffo
[email protected]
Liceo Ginnasio Statale Cutelli-Salanitro Catania, 2007
University of Milano, B.A Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, 2009
University of Milano, M.A (Aesthetics) Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, 2011 University of Torino, PhD (Aesthetics and Ontology of Art) Faculty of Philosophy, 2015
Leonardo Caffo (Catania, 1988) is a philosopher, writer, and curator whose work centers around applied and theoretical topics relating to human animal studies, post-humanity, contemporary art and architecture, and identity. He has been researcher at University of Torino and professor of philosophy at Politecnico di Torino as well as curator and the director of public program at the Museum La Triennale of Milano and as Philosopher in Residency at the Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art. He is currently Professor of Philosophy of Art, Media, Fashion and Design at NABA Milano and Member of Comitato di Indirizzo at MAXXI Museum in Roma.
He also Adjunct Professor of Ecology of Fashion and Design at IULM in Milano and he writes for Corriere della Sera and he often works as a Creative Director for special projects (fashion, magazines, cinema, companies, etc.) and was the creative director of Walden Milano. He is currently director of Politi Seganfreddo Edizioni / Flash Art Books. He has written about twenty books translated into many languages. Among the latest books: A come Animale (Bompiani, 2105), An Art for the other (Lantern, 2015), La vita di ogni giorno (Einaudi, 2016), Fragile umanità (Einaudi, 2017), Vegan (Einaudi, 2018), Costruire Futuri (Bompiani, 2018), Quattro Capanne (nottetempo, 2020), Il cane e il filosofo (Mondadori, 2020), Essere Giovani (Ponte alle Grazie, 2021), La montagna di fuoco (Ponte alle Grazie, 2022), La velocità di fuga (einaudi, 2022).
Human animal studies, post-humanity, Wittgenstein, contemporary art and architecture and identity, philosophy of fashion and design, animal liberation philosophy, contemporary ecology, curatorial studies
Although IULM University takes all necessary care to ensure the publication of correct, updated and complete information, it is not responsible for the contents of the curricula published online on the Portal www.iulm.it. The holder of this curriculum vitae is the exclusive guarantor and responsible for the correctness and truthfulness of the information contained therein.
The Contemporary Posthuman, Ethics Press, Cambridge (UK) 2022.
La velocità di fuga. Sei parole per il contemporaneo, Einaudi, Torino 2022.
"Animality Now" , in Animality in Contemporary Italian Philosophy, Cimatti and Salzani (Eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, London 2020, pp. 303-322.
Quattro capanne. Della semplicità, Nottetempo, Milano 2020.
A vida de cada dia. Cinco lições de filosofia para aprender a estar no mundo, Edições Loyola, São Paulo -
SP 2019
"28 anni. O della filosofia giovanile", in H. D. Thoreau, La Disobbedienza Civile, Einaudi, Torino 2018, pp. V- XIII.
Costruire futuri. Migrazioni, città, immaginazioni, (with A. Muzzonigro), Bompiani, Milano 2018, ISBN 9788845295782.
"Anticipationism and Antropocene" , in Digimag. Journal of Digital Art, Design and Culture, 77|XII (2018), pp. 51-58.
"Postumano. Dalla metafisica alla ecologia" , in Rivista di Studi Indo-Mediterranei, VII (2018), pp. 1-12.
"Ethical New Realism" , (with S. De Sanctis), in Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, Vol 12. | 2018, pp. 51-58
Vegan. Un Manifesto filosofico, Einaudi, Torino 2018.
"I due dogmi dell'antropocentrismo", in Scienze e Ricerche, n. 46 (2017), pp. 25-31.
“Speciesism and the Ideology of Domination in the Italian Philosophical Tradition”, in A. Linzey, C. Linzey (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Practical Animal Ethics, Palgrave Macmillan, New York 2017.
Fragile Umanità. Il postumano contemporaneo, Einaudi, Torino 2017.
“La Metafisica de las Cualidades” , in Instantes y Azares: Escrituras Netzscheanas, V. 17-18 (2017), pp. 169-184.
“Logici e profeti: occidente e oriente in Wang Guangyi” , in Rivista di Estetica, n. s. 61 (2016), pp. 14 – 22 “Il camminare come pratica concettuale: un’idea di filosofia”, in H. D. Thoreau, Camminare: e altri passi scelti, Piano B, Prato 2016, pp. 5-12.
La vita di ogni giorno: cinque lezioni di filosofia per stare al mondo, Einaudi, Torino 2016.
“The philosophical problem of eternal life: reading Heidegger through Wittgenstein”, in Philosophical Readings, VIII, 1 (2016), pp. 36-39
“Il postumano e la ciabatta: ermeneutica e antropocentrismo” , in Rivista di Estetica, n.s. 60 (2016), pp. 36 – 42
“Strutture di vita, strutture di esperienza, strutture di di incomprensione”, in Giornale Critico di Storia delle Idee, 12/13 (2015), pp. 29 – 34.
“Spectres de Derrida” , in Quadranti – Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Contemporanea, Volume II, nº 2, 2015, pp. 125 – 139.
“L’ontologia sociale di Giacomo Leopardi”, in Il reale e gli spazi della politica, Fondazione Francesco Fabbri, Milano 2015, pp. 13 – 19
An Art for the Other. Animals in Art and Philosophy (with V. Sonzogni), Foreword of Steve Baker, Lantern Books, New York 2015.
A come Animale: voci per un bestiario dei sentimenti (with F. Cimatti), Bompiani, Milano 2015
Naturalism and Constructivism in Metaethics, Cambridge SP, Newcastle 2014.
“Documentality” (with M. Ferraris), special issue of The Monist: An International Quarterly Journal of General Philosophical Inquiry, 97: 2 (April 2014).
“The Anthropocentrism of Anti-realism”, in Philosophical Readings, Vol.VI, N. 2, pp. 65 – 74.
“Note sul rapporto tra azioni, verità e politica”, in La società degli individui, n. 44|2012, pp. 145 – 151
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Corso di Laurea in Moda e industrie creative