Marco Carone

[email protected]
Individual tutorial
Upon reservation to be agreed with the teacher by e-mail.
In charge for lecturing Brand Law in his capacity as adjunct professor.
- The London School of Economics & Political Sciences (Londra, UK)
Master of Science (MSc) in Law and Accounting
Final dissertation: “The Exit Right Granted to Minority Shareholders: a Legal and Accounting Conundrum” (relatore Prof. Paul Davies)
Major: Corporate Accountability
- Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Degree in Law
- Università Commerciale L. Bocconi (Milano)
Degree in Law & Business Administration
Academic teachings
He lectures Brand Law at IULM and Comparative Business & European Law at Bocconi University, where he has been teaching from the academic year 2004-2005 to date.
He has been awarded with the “Teaching Award – excellence award for teaching” at Bocconi University.
Professional and research activities
He practices business law and corporate governance; his practice area and lines of research include the generational handover of family businesses and brand-owners (legal and tax profiles); legal aspects of sustainability in building the brand reputation (corporate goverance and ESG; unfair competition and green-washing practices); protection of the brand-reputation; corporate heritage protection through trusts and foundations.
He has been representing directors and auditors in several litigation cases (in Court and arbitration) and is regularly appointed by Italian Courts as arbitrator.
Business law; generational handover of family businesses and brand-owners (legal and tax profiles); corporate governance; legal aspects of sustainability in building the brand reputation (corporate goverance and ESG; unfair competition and green-washing practices); protection of the brand-reputation; corporate heritage protection through trusts and foundations.
Although IULM University takes all necessary care to ensure the publication of correct, updated and complete information, it is not responsible for the contents of the curricula published online on the Portal www.iulm.it. The holder of this curriculum vitae is the exclusive guarantor and responsible for the correctness and truthfulness of the information contained therein.
- l trust di partecipazioni sociali, in A. De Nicola (a cura di), Contratti d’impresa, Gruppo24Ore, 2020
- Il trust di partecipazioni sociali quale ente commerciale e le conseguenze tributarie, in Strumenti finanziari e fiscalità, n. 43/2019;
- La società semplice e l’organizzazione dei patrimoni familiari – profili civilistici e tributari (con M. Piscetta), Giuffré, 2019;
- Il trustee-socio e l’affidatario fiduciario di azioni nella vita giuridica: il conflitto endemico tra interesse sociale e tutela dell’affidamento, in M. LUPOI (a cura di), Studi sul trust, Quaderni “Trusts & Attività Fiduciarie – Rivista di Dottrina e di Giurisprudenza” n. 13, Milano, 2018;
- Italian Company Law (con A. De Nicola), EGEA, 2014;
- Le operazioni di merger leveraged cash-out: il labile confine tra rischio ed illegittimità, in Le Società, Vol. 2, 2011;
- Italian Business Law (con A. De Nicola), EGEA, 2008;
- The Exit Right Granted to Minority Shareholders in English, Italian and Chinese Law: Path-Dependence Resistance to Global-Convergence, in Corporate Ownership & Control, Vol. 4, Issue 4, Summer 2007.
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Il titolare del presente curriculum vitae è garante e responsabile in via esclusiva della correttezza e veridicità delle informazioni in esso riportate.