Giolfo, M., Versteegh, K. (2019). “The evolution of theory in the Arabic Linguistic Tradition”. In: Manuela E.B. Giolfo and Kees Versteegh (eds.), Foundations of Arabic Linguistics IV. The Evolution of Theory (STUDIES IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS 97). LEIDEN BOSTON: Brill.
Giolfo, M., Hodges, W. (2019). “Conditionality: syntax and meaning in Sīrāfī and Ibn Sīnā”. In: Manuela E.B. Giolfo and Kees Versteegh (eds.), Foundations of Arabic Linguistics IV. The Evolution of Theory (STUDIES IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS 97). LEIDEN BOSTON: Brill.
Giolfo, M., Hodges, W. (2018). “Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics in al-Sīrāfī and Ibn Sīnā”. In: Georgine Ayoub and Kees Versteegh (eds.), Foundations of Arabic Linguistics III. The Development of a Tradition: Continuity and Change (STUDIES IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS 94). LEIDEN BOSTON: Brill.
Giolfo, M., Sinatora, F. (2018). “Orientalism and Neo-Orientalism: Arabic Representations and the Study of Arabic”. In: Tugrul Keskin (ed.), Middle East Studies after September 11: Neo-Orientalism, American Hegemony and Academia. (STUDIES IN CRITICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES 120). LEIDEN BOSTON: Brill.
Giolfo, M., Salvaggio, F. (2018). “A Digitally Assisted Model of Integration of Standard and Colloquial Arabic Based on the Common European Framework”. In: Mahmoud Al-Batal (ed.). Arabic as One Language. Integrating Dialect in the Arabic Language Curriculum. WASHINGTON, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
Giolfo, M., Salvaggio, F. (2017). “Contemporary Arabic Variation and Conditionals: Hypotheses from Arab Blogs 2014-2015”. In: Kassem M. Wahba, Zeinab A. Taha, Liz England (eds.). Handbook for Arabic Language Teaching Professionals in the 21st Century Volume II. LONDON NEW YORK: Routledge.
Giolfo, M. (2017). “I poeti arabi della riva sud del Mediterraneo: un viaggio tra molteplici sponde”. In: Le rotte della parola. Autore, editore, lettore. Per i quarant'anni delle Edizioni San Marco dei Giustiniani, Giornata di studio (Genova, 19 maggio 2016), a cura di Paolo Senna, GENOVA: Edizioni San Marco dei Giustiniani, ("I Quaderni della Fondazione", 10).
Giolfo, M., Hodges, W. (2016). “The System of the Sciences of the Arabic Language by Sakkākī: Logic as a Complement of Rhetoric”. In: Manuel Sartori, Manuela E.B. Giolfo, Philippe Cassuto (eds.). Approaches to the History and Dialectology of Arabic in Honor of Pierre Larcher (STUDIES IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS 88). LEIDEN BOSTON: Brill.
Giolfo, M. (2015). “Real and irreal conditionals in Arabic grammar: From al-ʾAstarābāḏī to Sībawayhi”. In: Amal E. Marogy and Kees Versteegh (eds.), The Foundations of Arabic Linguistics II. Kitāb Sībawayhi: Interpretation and transmission (STUDIES IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS 83). LEIDEN BOSTON: Brill.
Giolfo, M. (2014). “A modal interpretation of the Arabic apocopate: morpho-syntax and semantics”. In: Manuela E.B. Giolfo (ed.), Arab and Arabic Linguistics: Traditional and New Theoretical Approaches (JOURNAL OF SEMITIC STUDIES, Supplement 34). OXFORD: Oxford University Press.
Giolfo, M. (2014). “‘Arab Linguistics’ and ‘Arabic Linguistics’: After a Quarter of a Century”. In: Manuela E.B. Giolfo (ed.), Arab and Arabic Linguistics: Traditional and New Theoretical Approaches (JOURNAL OF SEMITIC STUDIES, Supplement 34). OXFORD: Oxford University Press.
Giolfo, M. (2014). “Adūnīs: due canti sulla donna e sull’uomo, tre sogni e tre specchi”. In: Quaderni di Palazzo Serra 26, (QUADERNI DI PALAZZO SERRA, ISSN: 1970-0571). GENOVA: Università degli Studi di Genova, Dipartimento di Lingue e Culture Moderne.
Giolfo, M. (2014). “Individualism, Holism and Self-Conscience in Arab-Muslim Society”. In: Quaderni di Palazzo Serra 25, (QUADERNI DI PALAZZO SERRA, ISSN: 1970-0571). GENOVA: Università degli Studi di Genova, Dipartimento di Lingue e Culture Moderne.
Giolfo, M., Hodges, W. (2013). “Syntax and Meaning in Sīrāfī and Ibn Sīnā”. ROMANO-ARABICA, vol. XIII.
Giolfo, M. (2012). “Grammaticalization of the Arabic negative particle mā: mā faʿala vs lam yafʿal, and mā yafʿalu vs lā yafʿalu”. In: D. Eades (ed.), Grammaticalization in Semitic (JOURNAL OF SEMITIC STUDIES, Supplement 29). OXFORD: Oxford University Press.
Giolfo, M. (2012). “yaqum vs qāma in the Conditional Context: A Relativistic Interpretation of the Frontier between the Prefixed and the Suffixed Conjugations of the Arabic language”. In: Amal E. Marogy (ed.). The Foundations of Arabic Linguistics: Sībawayhi and the Earliest Arabic Grammatical Theory (STUDIES IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS 65. LEIDEN BOSTON: Brill.
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