Manuela Elisa Bibiana Giolfo
+39 02 891412752
[email protected]
Individual tutorial
Individual tutorials will be held via Skype or through Microsoft Teams by appointment to be arranged in advance by e-mail.
Associate Professor of Arabic language and literature at IULM University - International University of Languages and Media (Milan), she teaches Arabic literature (BA) and Editorial translation (MA), and is Arabic Teaching coordinator.
She holds a Ph.D. in Arabic linguistics from Aix-Marseille University, and is Chercheuse associée in Arabic linguistics and sociolinguistics at the Institut de recherches et d’études sur le monde arabe et musulman (IREMAM) - CNRS - Aix-Marseille Université.
Her current research focuses on the Arabic linguistic tradition; linguistics and logic in medieval Islam; early and modern Arabic poetry; Arabic sociolinguistics; Arabic representations and linguistic policies; contemporary Arabic variation; variation-driven models for proficiency enhancement in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language.
She was the editor of the volume “Arab and Arabic Linguistics: Traditional and New Theoretical Approaches” (Journal of Semitic Studies, 34, 2014). With Manuel Sartori and Philippe Cassuto, she edited the volume “Approaches to the History and Dialectology of Arabic in Honor of Pierre Larcher” (Brill, Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics 88, 2016). With Kees Versteegh, she edited the volume “Foundations of Arabic Linguistics IV. The Evolution of Theory” (Brill, Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics 97, 2019). She is the author of the book “Les systèmes hypothétiques de l’arabe classique. Étude syntaxique et sémantique: une hypothèse modale” (Foreword by Giuliano Lancioni, Aracne Editrice, 2017) and, with Federico Salvaggio, of the book “Mastering Arabic Variation. A Common European Framework of Reference Integrated Model” (Foreword by Kassem M. Wahba, Aracne Editrice, 2018). With Kassem M. Wahba and Zeinab A. Taha, she is currently editing the volume “ Teaching and Learning Arabic Grammar: Theory, Practice and Research” (Routledge).
L-OR/12 Arabic language and literature
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Giolfo, M., Versteegh, K. (2019). “The evolution of theory in the Arabic Linguistic Tradition”. In: Manuela E.B. Giolfo and Kees Versteegh (eds.), Foundations of Arabic Linguistics IV. The Evolution of Theory (STUDIES IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS 97). LEIDEN BOSTON: Brill.
Giolfo, M., Hodges, W. (2019). “Conditionality: syntax and meaning in Sīrāfī and Ibn Sīnā”. In: Manuela E.B. Giolfo and Kees Versteegh (eds.), Foundations of Arabic Linguistics IV. The Evolution of Theory (STUDIES IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS 97). LEIDEN BOSTON: Brill.
Giolfo, M., Hodges, W. (2018). “Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics in al-Sīrāfī and Ibn Sīnā”. In: Georgine Ayoub and Kees Versteegh (eds.), Foundations of Arabic Linguistics III. The Development of a Tradition: Continuity and Change (STUDIES IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS 94). LEIDEN BOSTON: Brill.
Giolfo, M., Sinatora, F. (2018). “Orientalism and Neo-Orientalism: Arabic Representations and the Study of Arabic”. In: Tugrul Keskin (ed.), Middle East Studies after September 11: Neo-Orientalism, American Hegemony and Academia. (STUDIES IN CRITICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES 120). LEIDEN BOSTON: Brill.
Giolfo, M., Salvaggio, F. (2018). “A Digitally Assisted Model of Integration of Standard and Colloquial Arabic Based on the Common European Framework”. In: Mahmoud Al-Batal (ed.). Arabic as One Language. Integrating Dialect in the Arabic Language Curriculum. WASHINGTON, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
Giolfo, M., Salvaggio, F. (2017). “Contemporary Arabic Variation and Conditionals: Hypotheses from Arab Blogs 2014-2015”. In: Kassem M. Wahba, Zeinab A. Taha, Liz England (eds.). Handbook for Arabic Language Teaching Professionals in the 21st Century Volume II. LONDON NEW YORK: Routledge.
Giolfo, M. (2017). “I poeti arabi della riva sud del Mediterraneo: un viaggio tra molteplici sponde”. In: Le rotte della parola. Autore, editore, lettore. Per i quarant'anni delle Edizioni San Marco dei Giustiniani, Giornata di studio (Genova, 19 maggio 2016), a cura di Paolo Senna, GENOVA: Edizioni San Marco dei Giustiniani, ("I Quaderni della Fondazione", 10).
Giolfo, M., Hodges, W. (2016). “The System of the Sciences of the Arabic Language by Sakkākī: Logic as a Complement of Rhetoric”. In: Manuel Sartori, Manuela E.B. Giolfo, Philippe Cassuto (eds.). Approaches to the History and Dialectology of Arabic in Honor of Pierre Larcher (STUDIES IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS 88). LEIDEN BOSTON: Brill.
Giolfo, M. (2015). “Real and irreal conditionals in Arabic grammar: From al-ʾAstarābāḏī to Sībawayhi”. In: Amal E. Marogy and Kees Versteegh (eds.), The Foundations of Arabic Linguistics II. Kitāb Sībawayhi: Interpretation and transmission (STUDIES IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS 83). LEIDEN BOSTON: Brill.
Giolfo, M. (2014). “A modal interpretation of the Arabic apocopate: morpho-syntax and semantics”. In: Manuela E.B. Giolfo (ed.), Arab and Arabic Linguistics: Traditional and New Theoretical Approaches (JOURNAL OF SEMITIC STUDIES, Supplement 34). OXFORD: Oxford University Press.
Giolfo, M. (2014). “‘Arab Linguistics’ and ‘Arabic Linguistics’: After a Quarter of a Century”. In: Manuela E.B. Giolfo (ed.), Arab and Arabic Linguistics: Traditional and New Theoretical Approaches (JOURNAL OF SEMITIC STUDIES, Supplement 34). OXFORD: Oxford University Press.
Giolfo, M. (2014). “Adūnīs: due canti sulla donna e sull’uomo, tre sogni e tre specchi”. In: Quaderni di Palazzo Serra 26, (QUADERNI DI PALAZZO SERRA, ISSN: 1970-0571). GENOVA: Università degli Studi di Genova, Dipartimento di Lingue e Culture Moderne.
Giolfo, M. (2014). “Individualism, Holism and Self-Conscience in Arab-Muslim Society”. In: Quaderni di Palazzo Serra 25, (QUADERNI DI PALAZZO SERRA, ISSN: 1970-0571). GENOVA: Università degli Studi di Genova, Dipartimento di Lingue e Culture Moderne.
Giolfo, M., Hodges, W. (2013). “Syntax and Meaning in Sīrāfī and Ibn Sīnā”. ROMANO-ARABICA, vol. XIII.
Giolfo, M. (2012). “Grammaticalization of the Arabic negative particle mā: mā faʿala vs lam yafʿal, and mā yafʿalu vs lā yafʿalu”. In: D. Eades (ed.), Grammaticalization in Semitic (JOURNAL OF SEMITIC STUDIES, Supplement 29). OXFORD: Oxford University Press.
Giolfo, M. (2012). “yaqum vs qāma in the Conditional Context: A Relativistic Interpretation of the Frontier between the Prefixed and the Suffixed Conjugations of the Arabic language”. In: Amal E. Marogy (ed.). The Foundations of Arabic Linguistics: Sībawayhi and the Earliest Arabic Grammatical Theory (STUDIES IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS 65. LEIDEN BOSTON: Brill.
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Il titolare del presente curriculum vitae è garante e responsabile in via esclusiva della correttezza e veridicità delle informazioni in esso riportate.
Corso di Laurea in Interpretariato e Comunicazione
Cultura, letteratura e storia della lingua araba
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Traduzione specialistica e interpretariato di conferenza
Traduzione editoriale e specialistica: arabo I
Traduzione editoriale: narrativa e saggistica
Traduzione editoriale: narrativa e saggistica arabo II
Corso di Laurea in Interpretariato e Comunicazione
Cultura, letteratura e storia della lingua araba
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Traduzione specialistica e interpretariato di conferenza
Traduzione editoriale e specialistica: arabo I
Traduzione editoriale: narrativa e saggistica
Traduzione editoriale: narrativa e saggistica arabo II
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Traduzione specialistica e interpretariato di conferenza
Traduzione editoriale e specialistica: arabo I
Traduzione editoriale: narrativa e saggistica
Traduzione editoriale: narrativa e saggistica arabo II
Corso di Laurea in Interpretariato e Comunicazione
Cultura, letteratura e storia della lingua araba
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Traduzione specialistica e interpretariato di conferenza
Traduzione editoriale e specialistica: arabo I
Traduzione editoriale: narrativa e saggistica
Corso di Laurea in Interpretariato e Comunicazione
Cultura, letteratura e storia della lingua araba