Rankings 2022/2023

Rankings 2022/2023

On this page you can consult the rankings relating to the calls published in the academic year 2022/2023.

Regional Scholarships

Final rankings Regional scholarship a.y. 2022/2023

The final rankings for the assignment of the regional scholarship a.y. 2022/2023 were published on 21 November 2022. The results are available through the SportelloTasse - DSU (ranking results - a.y. 2022/2023). The payment of the first rate benefit will take place, by crediting the Ateneo Più Card, by 31/12/2022.


Ufficio per il Diritto allo Studio
Edificio IULM 1, 4° piano
[email protected]
Tel 02/891412851
Fax: 02/891416990

Orari di apertura al pubblico:

9.30/12.30 14.00/16.30

Presentazione delle domande

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