Election of student representatives biennium 2023/2024-2024/2025

Students - 02 October 2023

Elections are called for the following student representatives for the 2023/2024- 2024/2025 biennium

Elections are called for the following student representatives for the two-year period 2023/2024- 2024/2025 (from the date of the Decree proclaiming those elected to October 31, 2025):

  • one student representative on the Board of Directors, with deliberative voting rights if elected by a quorum of participants not less than one-fourth of the registered students. Otherwise, the student representative will have only an advisory vote and will concur the quorum only if present. This representative will also be called upon to serve as the student representative for the Right to Study in relations with the Lombardy Region;
  • one student representative in the Academic Senate;
  • three student representatives in each of the following Faculty Councils of which one is enrolled in a master's degree program:
    • Faculty of Communication
    • Faculty of Interpreting and Translation
    • Faculty of Arts and Tourism
      (The above representatives will also serve ex officio on the Joint Committees established in each Faculty);
  • one student representative in the Evaluation Board as an adjunct member;
  • one student representative in the Quality Presidium.

Voting operations will be conducted electronically on November 22, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and November 23, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. through the Cineca "U-Vote Online" platform. Each student by logging in with their institutional credentials (@studenti.iulm.it) will cast their vote - remotely - using: pc, tablet or smartphone. In the event of a turnout of less than 30% of the active electorate due exclusively to force majeure, the Rector may, by his own Decree, authorize the continuation of the elections on the morning of the following day.

Submission of lists and acceptance of candidacy. To apply for the admission of a list to the electoral competition, the list representative (student who enjoys the active electorate) must create the list, by accessing the link: https://servizionline.iulm.it/Home.do, and associate it with all the indicated Bodies. He or she must also invite candidates to the list and, only after receiving their acceptance of candidacy, may officially submit the list so that it falls within the subscription process.

To be admitted to the electoral competition, each candidate must confirm his or her candidacy by accessing the restricted area https://servizionline.iulm.it/Home.do. After all candidates have confirmed their candidacy, the representative proceeds to close the list, thus making the list final and subscribable.

List Subscription. Subscription is the stage of collecting signatures in support of the list. Eligible voters can subscribe at the link: https://servizionline.iulm.it/Home.do one list from those submitted. Each list must be signed by a minimum number of 20 students. When the minimum number of signatures is reached, the list is complete and can be transmitted by the list representative to the voting system.

The deadlines for the submission of lists, acceptance of candidacy by candidates and the signing of the lists run from October 2, 2023, and end without fail at 11:59 p.m. on October 20, 2023.

Download the Rectoral Decree calling the elections for the 2023/2025 biennium