Bando Collegio di Milano 2023/24
The Collegio di Milano, reserved for the best students of all the universities in Milan, opens the call for applications for the A.A. 2023-2024.
The Collegio di Milano is an Anglo-Saxon-style interuniversity campus, created as a joint project between the city's universities and the City of Milan, the Lombardy Region, the Chamber of Commerce, Aspen and Assolombarda; the Collegio is supported by a group of important companies (Bracco, Edison, Intesa Sanpaolo, Mediaset, Pirelli & C.) and is legally recognized and accredited by the Ministry of Education, University and Research as a College of Merit.
The Collegio di Milano offers training that complements the university curriculum, and is designed to enhance talent and provide an experience aimed at fostering personal and professional growth through:
- Cultural Activities that provide interdisciplinary tools to understand the complexity of reality, create connections with the world of work and allow the development of soft skills (e.g. seminars, workshops, project work, language courses with certification).
- Tutorship services, international relations and career service.
- A life experience in an international and multidisciplinary community composed of students with different backgrounds.
The monthly fee of € 1.200,00 includes all residential services (e.g. accommodation in single room with private bathroom, restaurant service, weekly cleaning, gym, sports fields in a park of 30.000 sqm, music room) and training activities.
The Fondazione Collegio delle Università Milanesi supports “the capable and meriting, even if lacking in means” to augment social mobility; for this reason, it has adopted a system of scholarships reducing the cost of participation. For the A.A. 2022/2023 the number of places available for resident students with entry into the College from September 1, 2022 is 30.
*** UPDATE ***
The application deadline has been postponed to July 24, 2023 for all students.
Application procedures remain unchanged and can be found here.
For more information, please consult the website www.collegiodimilano.it or contact the following contacts:
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +39 02 87397148