Councilor Fermi on a visit to IULM

01 July 2024

Regional Councillor for University, Research and Innovation Alessandro Fermi visited our university on 11 July

The Regional Councillor for University, Research and Innovation Alessandro Fermi visited our university on 11 July. The visit was part of the tour 'A journey of excellence. Universities and the Lombardy Region meet', which has been taking the councillor to visit 15 universities in Lombardy since 25 January. Each stop includes visits to the universities' innovative facilities (laboratories, platforms and projects financed by the Lombardy Region) and meetings with lecturers, researchers and students.

Welcomed by the deputy pro-rector, Professor Valentina Garavaglia, councillor Fermi then met with the director general, Raffaella Quadri, the deans of the faculties, pro-rectors and delegates, and representatives of the university.

With a visit to the Simultaneous Translation Laboratory - Aula Pautasso, the library, the Museum of Communication - TAM TAM and the Multimedia Hall, councillor Fermi took part in an immersive journey that also led him to speak live on Radio Iulm. The visit continued to the IULM AILab, Brain Lab, IULM fitness centre and IULM Studios. Mr Fermi also stopped by the coworking spaces with the Cinema Wall, and the Contemporary Exhibition Hall.

'IULM,' said councillor Fermi, 'has always seemed to me to be a pioneering university, one that knows how to anticipate the future. Given what has been presented to me this morning, it seems to me that this university knows, concretely, and with various projects, how to give substance and maintain this predisposition that is in its DNA'.

'We need,' the councillor continued, 'to try to keep our students after university and also to continue to attract students from other regions and from all over Europe. We do this by first and foremost providing resources in the field of innovation and research to ensure that our universities are and remain attractive to all young people'.

'Precisely for this reason', he explained, 'we have therefore 'invented' a measure that can guarantee continuity for the funds arrived with the NRDP. Thus, for the first time at the Italian level, we have used a share of the ERDF funds to prepare an expression of interest with respect to projects that envisage the implementation of laboratories, study rooms, technology. In other words: we will make 40-50 million euro available. With only one constraint: that of linking these technologies that we will finance with the business world'.