News archive
Latest news from IULM
University 05 June 2023
Prof. Mauro Ceruti is the new Vice Pro-Rector
As of July 1, Professor Mauro Ceruti is the new Vice Pro-rector. Professor Massimiliano Bruni, on the other hand, is the new Pro-rector for relations with Enterprises.
Students 05 June 2023
Open Day Master and Executive Program in Rome
June 14 at IULM's Rome campus the Open Day Master and Executive Program
Students 05 June 2023
Open Day Bachelor's Degrees
On June 29, come learn about IULM's Bachelor's Degrees programs
Doctorate 05 June 2023
Call for Admission PhD Courses - XXXIX cycle
The Call for Admission is online
Students 26 May 2023
Admission test registration deadline Master's degree courses a.y. 2023/24
June 5 is the deadline to register for the 3rd session of admission tests
University 24 May 2023
IULM and Chapman University to promote student mobility and international collaboration
IULM signs exchange agreement with Chapman University to promote student mobility and international collaboration
University 19 May 2023
Peer Tutor Announcements 2023
Do you want to become a Peer Tutor and help other IULM students in their university journey? Participate in the call for applications!
Ricerca- 15 May 2023
Call for papers: Gendered Cultures in Platform Economies
On Monday, November 20 and Tuesday, November 21, 2023, the conference "Gendered Cultures in Platform Economies: entertainment, expertise and online selfhood" will be held at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. IULM University is launching a call for papers on the topic, which will close on June 9. The conference is organized as part of the EUMEPLAT project - European Media Platforms: assessing positive and negative externalities for European platforms, funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 program, project. N. 101004488.
International 11 May 2023
Cacao: a virtual summer school
Four meetings between June 13 and July 4 to talk about cocoa and sustainability
Students 11 May 2023
Call for accomodation 2023-2024
Call for applications for lodging places at IULM University Residences published