Individual tutorial
IN THE SECOND TERM 2018/19: Monday at 18.00, room Mike Buongiorno
Graduated with top marks in Marketing and Corporate Communication (Economics and Commerce, Bari AA 1999/2000), he began to take his first steps in entertainment and advertising in 1997, the year in which he joined the team of Dirotta su Cuba and brought to the Italian discography the first experiment in community building made with a mobile phone.
In 2001, he established a partnership between Hooverphonic and the emerging clothing brand Meltin'Pot; in 2000, he was also a consultant to Sony Music for the international repertoire.
In 2004, he opened the Show Reel and produced the hit "Anvedi come balla Nando", a catchphrase track launched by Teo Mammucari that became the most downloaded ringtone of the year.
In 2007, he invented Giastar, the first format (entirely Italian) of branded entertainment for the Heineken Jammin Festival and produced for the portal "Ti Voglio Conoscere", the first web reality with the dynamics of a social network.
Since 2008, he has been working on special projects for Tim and Telecom (including Street Academy, Street Museum, Tech Lovers, Italiani 2.0, We Tube, Twittastorie).
In 2011, he brought to Radio DeeJay and to the general public Willwoosh, the first Italian Youtuber to become a professional in the show business (he realized several initiatives, including the successful book "10 rules to make people fall in love"), in the same year he launched Freaks!, a generational phenomenon, and the following year he produced the second season (12 pt of 24') creating the first professional web series.
These were the years in which he launched the Youtuber phenomenon (among others Dry Dog, Daniele doesn't Matter, Nonapritequestotubo, Alice Like Audrey, H-matt, The Show) and launched the documentary project Youtber4Airc.
In 2011-2012, he was marketing and communication consultant for the Giffoni Film Festival (which soon became one of the five film festivals in the world most present on social networks). In these years, he began his professional association with Marco Bianchi (research chef of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation).
In 2013, in partnership with Ballandi Entertainment and ROSA Production, he created the live streaming of Fiorello's newsstand (which, broadcast by the main digital newspapers and the most influential bloggers, reaches over three million users); again in 2013, he began to collaborate with the newly created digital division of RAI1 (Lorenzo negli Stadi, Ballando con le Stelle, Sanremo 2014).
Main areas of scientific interest:
Sociology of New Media, Entertainment and Advertising, Newsmaking, Branded Entertainment, Native Advertising, community building and management, leadership.
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