International Non-governmental and Governmental Organizations
Merit Scholarships and Awards
Courses Taught
Selected Conference Presentations
Organised and co-organised Conferences
Doctoral boards for the award of doctoral degrees
LL.B. (Hons) Italy; LL.B. Spain; LL.M. (Spain); PhD (Italy); Post-PhD (Italy); Bar Admission (Milan 2005), Madrid (2005)
- AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property), Member of the Programme Committee, 2010
- AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property), Member of the Special Committee Q166 on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, 2010
- AIPPI, Italian National Group Representative for the Working Committee on Exceptions to Copyright Protection and the Permitted Uses of Copyright Works in the Hi-Tech and Digital Sectors, Paris, 2010
- AIPPI: official Moderator for Forum Workshop IV, "How to reconicle indigenous rights with the protection of intellectual property rights" at the 2011 AIPPI Forum & ExCo in Hyderabad, India
- American Society of Comparative Law, Italian National Co-reporter to the Questionnaire on Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in Matters of Intellectual Property, Washington, 2010
- European Max-Planck-Group for Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property (CLIP): Member of the group of experts called by the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law and by the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law to actively participate at the presentation on "The Draft Principles on Conflict of Law in Intellectual Property" October 2010
- EPO (European Patent Office): Research funding for the topics of Immunity from Jurisdiction of States and Intellectual Property (2007); Exclusive Jurisdiction and Intellectual Property (2009)
- International Law Association, member of the German and Italian branches.
- UNESCO, Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, Member of the Italian Delegation, Nairobi 15-20 November, 2010
- (0) WIPO: Lecturer for the LL.M. Master of Law in Intellectual Property jointly offered by the WIPO and the University of Turin, for the academic years 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/2012
- 1) WIPO: official AIPPI Representative for the nineteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore.
- 2) UNESCO, Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, Member of the Italian Delegation Representing the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bali, 22-29 November, 2011
- La capacità delle persone fisiche nel diritto internazionale privato, in the Series of Books of the Review of Private and Procedural International Law, directed by professor Fausto Pocar, Cedam, Padua, 2006, p. 421.
Book reviews
- by Professor Fernández Rozas for Anuario español de derecho internacional privado 2006, pp. 1392-1394
- by professor Mario Oyarzábal for the Anuario argentino de derecho internacional privado 2007, pp. 233-234
- by professor Patricia Orejudo Prieto for the Review española de derecho internacional 2007, pp. 916-919
- by professor Fabrizio Maimeri for Banca, Borsa e Titoli di credito 2008,pp. 798-800
- by professor Peter Kindler for RabelsZeitschrift 2008
- The Rome I Regulation on the law applicable to contractual obligations, in Italy and international legal life. Series of Books directed by Professor Fausto Pocar, Giuffré, Milan, 2008, p. 207.
Book reviews
- by doctor Ilaria Pretelli, pupil of professor Luigi Mari, for Anuario español de derecho internacional privado 2007, pp. 1396-1399
- by professor Villani for Studies on European Integration 2009, pp. 284-286
- by professor Didier Boden for critique de droit international privé, 2008, pp. 994-997
- Exclusive Jurisdiction in Intellectual Property, in "Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht". Series of Books of the Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, directed by Professor Jürgen Basedow, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, forthcoming, p. 400.
Co-edited books
- Ubertazzi B. and Muñiz Espada E., Le indicazioni di qualità degli alimenti. International and European law, in Italy and international legal life. Series of Books directed by Professor Fausto Pocar, Milan, Giuffrè, 2009, pp. 404
Contributions of:
- Italy, professors: Appiano Mario, Borghi Paolo, Cian Marco, Contaldi Gianluca, Coscia Giuseppe, Lupone Angela Maria Giovanna, Rossi Giuseppe, Sarti Davide, Sgarbanti Giulio, Sironi Giulio
- Spain, professors: Amat Pablo, Bercovitz Álvarez Germán, De La Cuesta Sàenz José Maria, De Miguel Asensio Pedro Alberto, Herrero de la Fuente Alberto, Martinez Feliz, Otero García Castrillón Carmen, Sanchez Angel
- Switzerland, Professor: Simon Jürg
- Japan, Professor: Kono Toshiyuki
- Australia, Professor: Voon Tania
- Scovazzi T, Ubertazzi B. and Zagato L, The intangible cultural heritage. Series of Books of the University Bicocca of Milan, Giuffrè, Milan, forthcoming
Refereed Journal Articles in Italy
- The end of the Czech Republic: legal profiles, in Il diritto dell'Unione Europea 2004, pp. 393-426 - result of a research financed by the University of Padua
- The Trust in Italian and Spanish Private International Law, in Trusts and Trust Activities 2006, pp. 531-544
- La capacità processuale nel diritto internazionale privato, in Il Corriere giuridico, Int'l Lis 2006, pp. 143-145
- Capacity relating to real estate and agricultural land in Italian and Spanish private Community and international law, in Rivista di diritto agrario 2006, pp. 301-310
- 0) Credit instruments and trading capacity, in Bank, Stock exchange and credit instruments 2007, pp. 73-92
- 1) State immunity from jurisdiction and intellectual property, in Communications studies, 2007, pp. 89-138
- 2) The Capacity of Natural Persons Relating to Trusts in Private International Law, in Trusts and Trust Activities, 2008, pp. 25-35
- 3) The law applicable to technology transfer contracts, in Riv. dir. ind. 2008, I, pp. 118-150
- 4) The Community regulation on evidence and the description of the infringement, in Riv. dir. int. priv. proc. 2008, pp. 689-712
- 5) Licensing of Intellectual Property Rights (IP) and the EU Jurisdiction Regulation, European Integration Studies 2009, pp.735-758
- 6) Environment and UNESCO Convention on the Intangible Cultural Heritage, in Environmental Law Rev., 2011, 315-325.
- 7) On some problematic aspects of the Convention for the Protection of the Intangible
Heritage, in Rivista di diritto internazionale 2011, pp. 777-798.
Refereed Journal Articles outside Italy
- 8) On Avello and other Judgments: a new Point of Departure in the Conflict of Laws, written with prof. Tito Ballarino and published in Yearbook of Private International Law 2004, pp. 85-128,whose paragraphs 1 and 8 are written by prof. Ballarino and paragraphs 2-7 are written by Benedetta Ubertazzi
- 9) The End of the ECSC, in 8 European Integration online Papers 2004, n.20
- 0) El trust en el Derecho internacional privado italiano y español, in V Anuario español de Derecho internacional privado 2005, pp. 199-219;
- 1) Trust in Italian and Spanish International Law. Part I, in Trusts and Trustees 2006, pp.14-19; Part II, in Trusts and Trustees 2007, pp. 7-13
- La no aplicabilidad del criterio de la nacionalidad a la capacidad negocial relativa al comercio internacional, in VI Anuario español de Derecho internacional privado 2006, pp. 345-378
- 3) La ley aplicable a los contracos de transferencia de tecnología, in Actas de derecho industrial, 2006-2007, pp. 447-471
- El reglamento CE sobre las pruebas y la descripción de la violación de los derechos de propiedad intelectual, in Anuario español de Derecho internacional privado, 2007, pp. 421-445
- 5) The law applicable in Italy to the capacity of natural persons in relation to trusts, in Trusts & trustees 2008, pp. 111-119
- 6) The EC Council Regulation on Evidences and the "description" of goods infringing IP rights, in [2008] European Legal Forum, I-80-90
- (7) Die EG-Beweisaufnahmeverordnung und die 'Beschreibung' einer Verletzung des geistigen Eigentums, in GRUR Int. , 2008, pp.807-816
- Immunidad jurisdiccional del estado y propiedad intelectual en la convencion de Nueva York de 2004, in Actas de derecho industrial y derecho de autor 2007-2008, pp.475-502
- 9) The Inapplicability of the Connecting Factorof Nationality to the Negotiating Capacity in International Commerce, in Yearbook Private Int. Law 2008, 711-736
- La ley reguladora de la subjetividad del nasciturus, in Anuario derecho civil 2008, 1361-1387
- 1) Licence Agreements Relating to IP Rights and the EC Regulation on Jurisdiction, in IIC 2009, pp. 912-939
- Intellectual Property and State Immunity from Jurisdiction in the New York Convention of 2004, in Yearbook of Private International Law 2009, pp. 599-625
- 3) IP-Lizenzvertr äge und die EG-Zuständigkeitsverordnung , in GRUR Int. 2010, pp. 103-115
- 4) Boschiero N. and Ubertazzi B., Italian Report to the Questionnaire on Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in Matters of Intellectual Property, 18th Congress on Comparative Law, Washington 2010, in 16 Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin 2010, 1-53
- Licencias de derechos de propiedad intelectual y Reglamento comunitario sobre la competencia judicial, in Anuario español de Derecho internacional privado, in Anuario español de Derecho internacional privado, 2009, pp.327-353
- 6) Intellectual Property Rights and Exclusive (Subject-Matter) Jurisdiction, in Grur. Int. 2010, 199-212
- 7) Territorial and Universal Protection Of Intangible Cultural Heritage From Misappropriation, in 8New Zealand Yearbook of International Law 2010, 69-106.
- Intellectual Property Rights and Exclusive (Subject-Matter) Jurisdiction: Between Private and Public International Law, in Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review 2011, 357-448.
Book Chapters
- El trust en el Derecho internacional privado, in Nasarre Aznar S. and Garrido Melero M. (Eds.), Los patrimonios fiduciarios y el trust, Marcial Pons, Barcelona, 2006, 135-154
- (0) La capacidad relativa a bienes inmuebles y terrenos agrícolas en los derechos comunitario e internacional privado italiano y español, in Amat Llombart, P. (ed.) in Derecho Agrario Español , Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2007, pp. 437-448
- 1) The law applicable to contractual obligations in the "Rome I" Regulation, in Bonomi A. (eds.), Private international law and judicial cooperation in civil matters, in Treaty Ajani-Benacchio, Giappichelli, Turin, 2009, 345-408
- 2) Introduction and factsheets, in Ubertazzi B. and Muñiz Espada E., Le indicazioni di qualità degli alimenti. International and European law, in Italy and international legal life. Series of Books directed by Professor Fausto Pocar, Milan, Giuffrè, 2009, pp. 1-10 and pp. 393-403
- 3) Kur, Ubertazzi (B.), The ALI Principles and the CLIP Project - a Comparison, in Bariatti S. (ed.), Litigating Intellectual Property Rights Disputes Cross-Border: EU Regulations, ALI Principles, CLIP Project, Padua, 2010, pp. 89-147, the paragraphs I, III.1, III.2 and III.3 have been written by Annette Kur, and the paragraphs II.1, II.2 and II.3 have been written by Benedetta Ubertazzi
- Boschiero N. and Ubertazzi B., Italian Report to the Questionnaire on Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in Matters of Intellectual Property, 18th Congress on Comparative Law, Washington 2010, in Kono T. (Ed.), Intellectual Property and Private International Law, forthcoming with the Martinus Nijhof publisher.
Non-Refereed Articles (including book reviews, notes and editorials)
see the list at
in Italy: IULM University of Milan, University of Foggia, University of Florence, Award AIPPI Sordelli/Mathely 2009
outside Italy: European Patent Office (Germany); Munich Intellectual Property Law Center; Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, Munich (Germany); Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany).
- European Union Law
- Private International Law and Trust issues
- Private International Law and Family issues
- International Tourism Law
- International Intellectual Property Law
- UNESCO and Intangible Cultural Heritage
- Italian Topics and Legal language (co-lecturer) together with Professor Peter Kindler, Chair of International Private Law, University of Augsburg, Germany
At the following Universities:
in Italy: Catholic University Milan, IULM University (Milan and Feltre), University of Florence, University of Macerata (Jesi), University of Urbino, University of Bologna, University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Politecnico University of Milan, University of Turin
outside Italy: Universidad de Valladolid (Spain); Unidersidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain); University Rovina i Virgili, Tarragona, (Spain); University of Stockholm (Sweden), University of Augsburg, (Germany).
- "El trust en el Derecho Internacional Privado Español", Master on International Business Law, University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, October 18, 2005
- "El trust y el Derecho internacional privado italiano y español, III Congress on Catalan Civil Law, University of Tarragona, Tarragona, Spain, October 20-21, 2005
- "La capacidad para adquirir bienes inmuebles en el Derecho Internacional Privado", Course on Derechos Reales, University of Valladolid, Valladolid Spain, October 24, 2005
- "Trust y patrimonios fiduciarios", Course on Derechos Reales, University of Valladolid, Valladolid Spain, October 25, 2005
- "El Trust y el Derecho Internacional Privado", University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, November 21, 2005
- "La capacidad negocial en el comercio internacional", Master on International Business Law, University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, April 2006
- "El estatuto personal y los criterios de conexion en el panorama mundial", II meeting of Civil Law of Castilla y Leon, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain, April 6-7, 2006
- "La capacidad relativa a bienes inmuebles y terrenos agrícolas en los Derechos comunitario e internacional privado italiano y español", XI Spanish Congress and I International Congress on Agricultural Law, University of Valencia, June 22-23, 2006, Valencia, Spain
- "Trust as an instrument to protect incapable persons in Italian and Spanish Private International Law, 5th Annual International Trusts Conference, London (UK), December 4-7, 2006
- 0) "Directive 2005/56/EC on cross-border mergers of limited liability companies", Higher Education School of the Council of the Order of Accountants of Milan, Commission for Community Legislation, Milan, Italy, January 31, 2007
- 1. 'State immunity from foreign jurisdiction and IP', International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, AIPPI Annual Conference, Milan, Italy, February 9, 2007
- La capacidad negocial en el DIPr: Influencia del Derecho comunitario sobre el criterio de conexión', International Seminar on El Derecho internacional privado en el espacio europeo de libertad, seguridad y justicia: balance de una década, University Complutense of Madrid, March 8-9 2007, Madrid, Spain.
- 3) "The history of community integration", 1957-2007 - Europe on the way, Feltre, Italy, March 24, 2007
- 4. 'Air transport, principle of non-discrimination and Community law', Seminar on the disadvantage of insularity, territorial continuity and Community law, Catholic University of Milan, Milan, Italy, June 28, 2007
- Representing Estate and Trust Beneficiaries and Fiduciaries', on 'Foreign Assets, Foreign Trusts' means , Boston (USA), July 19-20, 2007
- Encyclopedia and other instruments for the transmission of legal knowledge', Iulm University, Milan, Italy, October 17, 2007
- 7. 'Denominaciones geográficas de origen: relaciones entre el Derecho internacional y el Derecho comunitario', University of Valladolid, Seminar on Grandes temas del Derecho agrario del s. XXI, October 25-26, 2007
- 8) "Encyclopedia and other instruments for the transmission of legal knowledge", Iulm University, Feltre, Italy, November 26, 2007
- 9) "On the importance of intellectual property for business", Iulm University, Feltre (Italy), January 30, 2008
- La aplicación del Reglamento comunitario sobre prueba en el ámbito de la propiedad intelectual', International Complutense Seminar, University Complutense of Madrid, on, Madrid, Spain, February 22, 2008
- 1) "The Trust and Private International Law", High Training Course on Trust, Iulm University, Feltre, March 14-15, 2008
- 2) "New Developments in Copyright Law", on "Jurisdictional Issues in Copyright Cases: the ECJ Falco Case", Turin (Italy), October 29, 2009
- 3) "Intellectual Property and Procedural Protection Instruments", on "Civil Jurisdiction", Florence, Italy, November 23, 2009
- La competencia judicial internacional en los litigios relativos a contrat de licencia de propiedad intelectual', International seminar on Litigación civil internacional: nuevas perspectivas europeas y de terceros Estados, University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, March 11-12, 2010
- 5) "The ECJ Falco Case", International seminar on The Role of Patents in Investments and Transfer of Technologies, University of Rome Tre, Rome, April 28, 2010
- 6) Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in matters of Intellectual Property in Italy, International Comparative Congress of the American Society of International Law, Washington, USA, July 27, 2010
- Territoriality principle and universal protection of intangible cultural heritage', International conference on The intangible cultural heritage: a world stage for the venetian tradition, Venice, October 22-23, 2010
- 8) La experiencia italiana en la enseñanza del derecho internacional privado (translation: the Italian experience in the lecturing activities with regard to private international law), Congreso internacional sobre orientación de la docencia en derecho internacional privado (translation: International Congress on the lecturing activities in private international law), Complutense University of Madrid, January 21, 2011
- 9) Derechos de propiedad intelectual, competencia exclusiva (en razón de la materia) y derecho internacional público (translation: Intellectual property rights, exclusive subject-matter jurisdiction and public international law, V seminario internacional de derecho internacional privado: tendencias en la evolución del derecho internacional privado (translation Vth international congress of private international law: new tendencies in the evolution of private international law), Complutense University of Madrid, March 24, 2011
- 0) Intellectual Property Rights and Exclusive (Subject Matter) Jurisdiction: Between Private and Public International Law, 4th Journal of Private International Law Conference, University of Milan, 14th April 2011-Saturday 16th April.
- Territoriality principle and universal protection of intangible cultural heritage', 'The intangible cultural heritage UNESCO convention of 2003', Novedrate, Como, Italy, April 29, 2011
- (2) WIPO: official AIPPI Representative for the nineteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore.
- Scientific supervisor of the advanced course on "trust", Iulm University, Feltre (Italy), May 10-12-2007 and Brussels (Belgium), June 22-23, 2007
- Scientific co-supervisor (other supervisor: public notary Paolo Pasqualis, Portogruaro, Italy) of the advanced course on "trust", Iulm University, Feltre (Italy), March 14-15, 2008
- Scientific co-supervisor (other supervisor: Esther Muñiz Espada, associate professor of civil law, University Valladolid,, Spain) of the conference on "The quality claims of food in the EU" (IG in international and EU law, IULM university, Milan, November, 27-29 2008)
- Scientific co-supervisor (other supervisor: Tullio Scovazzi, full professor of international law, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy; Lauso Zagato, Associate professor of International law, University Ca' Foscari, Venice) of the conference on "The intangible cultural heritage: a world stage for the venetian tradition", Venice, 22-23 October 2010
- Scientific co-supervisor (other supervisor: Tullio Scovazzi, full professor of international law, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy) of the conference on "The intangible cultural heritage UNESCO convention of 2003", Novedrate, Como, Italy, April 29, 2011
Member of the Doctoral board for the award of Doctoral Degree at the University of Milano-Bicocca along with Tullio Scovazzi, full professor of international law, University of Milano-Bicocca, and Francesco Francioni, full professor of international law, European University Institute. Doctoral Degree in international law awarded with regard to a Phd Thesis on "the international responsibility of the individual for crimes committed against children", March 1, 2011
Permanent Member of the Doctoral boards for the award of Doctoral Degrees in International Law at the University of Macerata.