Valentini, C. (in preparation, exp. 2019). Volume 27: Handbook of Public Relations. Handbooks of Communication Science. Berlin, DE: De Gruyter Mouton
Valentini, C. (2018). The European Union and its public relations: Context, actions and challenges of a supranational union. In Sriramesh, K. & Vercic, D. (Eds.). The Global Public Relations Handbook, 3rd edition.
Valentini, C., & Kruckeberg, D. (2018). Walking the Environmental Responsibility Talk’ in the Automobile Industry - An Ethical Case Study of the Volkswagen Environmental Scandal. Corporate Communications: an International Journal, 23(4)
Valentini, C. (2018). A communication perspective in stakeholder relations. In A. Lindgreen, F. Maon, J. Vanhamme, B. Palacios Florencio, C. Strong, & C. Vallaster (Eds.) A relational approach to stakeholder engagement
Valentini, C. (2018). Social media. In R. Heath & W. Johansen (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication. New Jersey, NJ: Wiley
Romenti, S., Valentini, C., Murtarelli, G., & Meggiorin, K. (2016) Measuring online dialogic conversations: A scale development, Journal of Communication Management, 20(4), 328 – 346
Valentini, C., Romenti, S., & Kruckeberg, D (2016), Language and discourse in social media relational dynamics: A communicative constitution perspective, International Journal of Communication, 10, 4055–4073
Valentini, C., Kruckeberg, D. & Starck, K. (2016). The global society and its impact on public relations theorizing: Reflections on major macro trends. Central European Journal of Communication, 9(2), 229-246.
Valentini, C. (2016), Environment. In C. R. Scott & L. K. Lewis (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell
Valentini, C. (2015). Are social media good for public relations? A critical reflection. Public Relations Review, 40(1), 3-13.
Valentini, C. (2014). Do public relations and journalism’s converging roles affect how they perceive each other? An Italian outlook. Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas [International Journal of Public Relations], 4(8), 111-138.
Valentini, C. & Sriramesh, K. (2014). To be, or not to be: Paradoxes in strategic public relations in Italy. Public Relations Review, 40(1), 3-13.
Romenti, S., Murtarelli, G. & Valentini, C. (2014). Organizations’ conversations in social media. Applying dialogue strategies in times of crises. Corporate Communication: an International Journal, 19(1), 10-33.
Valentini, C. (2014), Public Affairs Council. In K. Harvey (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics (pp. 1040-1042). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Inc.
Valentini, C., Kruckeberg, D., & Starck, K. (2012), Public relations and community: A persistent covenant. Public Relations Review, 38(5), 873–879
Valentini, C. & Romenti, S. (2011), Blogging about crises – The role of online conversations in framing Alitalia’s performance during its crisis. Journal of Communication Management, 15(4), 298–313.
Valentini, C. & Romenti, S. (2011), The press and Alitalia’s 2008 crisis: Issues, tones, and frames. Public Relations Review, 37(4), 360–365.
Sedereviciute, K. & Valentini, C. (2011), Towards a more holistic stakeholder analysis approach. Mapping known and undiscovered stakeholders from social media. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 5(4), 221–239.
Valentini, C. (2010). Personalised networks of influence in public relations. Strategic resources for achieving successful professional outcomes. Journal of Communication Management 14(2), 153–166.
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